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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. The Person Below Me

    False, Hang em High!!! The Person Below me thinks afterburners are counter-measures.
  2. I would never want to install everything again, much less all the tweaking involved. I just did a backup about a week ago, but when i finish tweaking a few things i'll do it again,If you lose your data once and you will try to never let it happen again! (Not to mention Daves Shovel looks painful)
  3. Its really been great, so many aircraft have been checked off the wanted list. Thank You to everyone!
  4. History Channel Foibles

    Speaking of Ice Road Truckers,I have always wondered if they Couldn't use LCACs and do the same job year-round and much safer? I'm sure the mining companys could afford to buy them if they are still being built. Anyway,I Agree, Its a shame the History and Discovery are running programs like that instead of the good Military shows they used to run.
  5. I gotta come up with a new compliment, but until i do... Nice Work on an Amazing Mod!
  6. sneak peak behind the scenes: Combatace staff meeting

    All that methane around an open flame, i would have thought the CA Staff knew better!! Otherwise its just how i pictured it, except i thought they would all be wearing flightsuits, must have been cowboy day.
  7. History Channel Foibles

    yes its the one with the Tin, Overall its not too bad, they cover alot of aircraft. Its divided into 5 disks as follows. Disk 1 Ground Strike, Disk 2 Fighters, Disk 3 Air Support, Disk 4 Sea Wings and Disk 5 Choppers. Its just footage and Music, They don't talk about the aircraft at all. The Booklet that comes with it has some cool facts and pics. Also, I would check your local Bestbuy Store for it before buying it online, i only paid 20 bucks and online its $29.95.
  8. It sounds like you have windows set to hide known file extensions, Meaning that if the computer knows a type of file you won't see what comes after the dot. Campaign.INI just looks like Campaign This is for Vista, but i'm sure XP is pretty simular, You will need to go into Control Panel/Folder Options, click on the View tab and uncheck "Hide Extensions For Known File Types" and click apply and then click OK. Then Campaign.INI will show up as Campaign.INI when you view a folders contents.
  9. History Channel Foibles

    Its true that they make mistakes, but some DVDs are even worse. I bought this box set awhile back and didn't notice until i got home that the case has a picture of an Eagle flying off a Carrier!! Theres also a few scenes where they are Showing the eagle and then show the nose of the tomcat, I guess if it has twin tails it must be the same aircraft!! http://shopping.discovery.com/product-59755.html
  10. GAF SU-22M4 Take off Video

    Pretty cool
  11. I took your idea and ran with it, Still have some more work to do, but heres how she looks so far...
  12. What Block is the F-16A Netz from WOI? I'm thinking either block 10 or 15, but i'm not sure. I'm making it into a USAF version and i'd like to get the name right. Also, It has onboard ECM, is that a modification made by Israel? I noticed it does not have the "bird slicer" antennas that US Vipers with onboard ECM have, so i assume i should remove the ECM data from the INI right? Should i adjust the Chaff/Flare count also? Any Other Suggestions on what i need to do to Americanize WOI's F-16? Thanks!
  13. WOI's F-16A

    Thanks! I was just looking that up on F-16.net. Still no idea on the ECM though,It must have been something Israel did after they got them.
  14. Flew this bird ALOT today, I'm having a blast. It took some getting used to, but the F-101 is a rocketship, Light the burners and nothing can touch you. I loved leaving MiG-17s way behind in seconds, then a long turn and take another run at them. I love how its so easy to stall and spin, keeps you on your toes and pretty realistic from what i've read. "Oh S%$&" was a common phrase today flying the Voodoo. Everyone who worked on this Mod deserves a slap on the back and a cold one, You did an Amazing job, Thank You!
  15. Nice job I bagged a EF-2000 with one of your R-77s, but his wingman didn't like that and shot me down.
  16. Yeah Vista hates files in the Program Files directory being modified. I just install all my games to the C: drive instead. I went through the same headaches your having, I guess its a good defense measure, but its a pain in the rear!
  17. Is there anywhere to get the ThirdWire C-130A? The one in the Downloads section won't extract, its a bad Zip. Can someone else upload it or does TK not want it given out? I have the other C-130s but i would like to check out the TW one.
  18. C-130A

    I just used another C-130 Cockpit, But the C-130A i found in the Downloads section only had 1 file when i extracted it.
  19. C-130A

    Its the C-130A listed under addon aircraft, cold war aircraft, heavy bombers multi-engine aircraft. I understand the reasons it can't be hosted here, Maybe TK will release it like he did the F-104G. EDIT: Found all the files except the Skin and Cockpit in the ObjectData.cat, got her installed and its pretty cool, Thanks Wrench!
  20. Worst Modeling Experience

    I was about 16 and my uncle had given me a RC Cessna kit, All Balsa wood. I spent two weeks on the wing, cutting the spars out and glueing each one in just the right place. I had just started the Fuselage and didn't have room on the table so i set the wing on the couch next to the table. My Sister came in and plopped down and there was a quiet crunch followed by a loud string of profanity and my sister running for her life! At least i can laugh about it now...
  21. Planes i would like to have... F-117,Su-25,F-101,B-1,B-2,KC-135,747 (Air Force One or Civilian) Planes I will be happy for... Anything the Model Builders make, I can't build them but i respect the effort involved.
  22. Late last night i was flipping channels and PBS had a story on about the NC-4, The first plane to cross the Atlantic Ocean. It was pretty interesting as i had always thought Lindbergh was first, but in fact it was the US Navy who first made the crossing in a seaplane in 1919! I'm sure some of you already know this, but i thought i would share the info for those who don't. Heres the story... http://aerofiles.com/nc4.html
  23. Vista Saga.... or "Where do I get my refund?"

    Vista Home Premium Here, Last Night Windows Update decided to download a new driver for my Intel 945G Onboard Graphics, It said the update was a success, so i started WOE and had really bad flickering that i never had before so i checked the adaptor under Device Manager and the so called update rolled me back to a driver dated in 2006! Tried to update again, Update Failed saying i was already using the current driver. Ended up backing up everything i could, WOE,FE,My Music ect to my second HD, then I unplugged the 2nd HD and restored back to factory settings and ran windows update again to bring it up to SP1. Bingo, Same Issue again!!! Tried to download drivers from Intel, Installed failed saying i already had newer drivers on my system.So i disabled the Onboard Graphics and uninstalled the adaptor in Device Managed then rebooted and let Windows install the standard VGA driver then i ran the Intel Drivers and they installed and so far everything checks out but after installing WOE and Patching it then renaming it to WOE2 and copying my other install back onto Drive C: I get the DirectX error. I Came here to check the KB to see what version i need to get and i find this post. Man, Zurawski, I'm right there with you! Vista has some nice features,When it works, but its not nearly as good an OS as XP!!! Windows Update caused all this for me, you might want to check and see if your have a simular issue, there are alot of posts on the web about windows update messing things up and they advise to only let it download updates for the OS itself, if i get it fixed its not downloading any updates for anything again! I'll do it manually then i can at least blame myself when something goes wrong!!! Edit: I forgot to mention that before i went back to the restore disk i tried to go back to a Restore Point and it did not fix the problem. Anyway, I Got DirectX9c installed,Ran WOE and its working fine again. No loss of anything in that sim,FE install should be fine also. So total loss is about 8 hours of my life to fix Vista, and figure another 8-10 hours to reinstall all my games and data again. This is insane, I bet Bill Gates uses a MAC!!!

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