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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. O.J. Simpson found guilty

    I'm glad that he finally got convicted of something, I always believed that even if he didn't actually commit the murders then he had it done. The book was a slap in the face to the victims familys and i'm glad they ended up getting the profits from it. Now we just have to wait and see how long he gets, Life would be too short IMHO.
  2. Comfort Foods

    As a child of the 70s, to me its all those wonderful suger-filled sweets we use to be able to get but now only rarely find in stores. Anyone else remember back when swedish fish were almost a foot long instead of those bite sized versions we have today? I have to mention Count Chocula, I was thrilled when that started showing up in stores again, brings back saturday morning cartoon memories. Its no wonder i was a hyper-active child, but back then they didn't give ya pills, they just told ya to go outside and play! The bad side is my Dentist loves me, that sadistic SOB!
  3. Just downloaded and installed these last night, Very cool! Good Work and Thanks!
  4. I have a question, do ground units get different skill levels like pilots? Sometimes a SAM will track my flight forever and never launch and sometimes they fire within seconds of tracking us. Maybe the ones who don't shoot just don't have a clear shot, but i wonder if some ground units are better skilled then others?
  5. A Plane i had never heard of...

    Yes it was Curtiss, the plane was pretty cool and its a pretty amazing accomplishment considering this was just shortly after WWI. Its just kinda weird that we have all heard of Lindbergh's flight but i don't think the NC-4 was ever even mentioned when i was in school. Granted Lindbergh did it alone and non-stop, no doubt an amazing feat. But these guys were heros in there own right and the Spirit of St. Louis is like a F-22 compared to the NC-4. Its sad they get so little recognition. Also, I'm sorry to the mods that this got double posted, i'm not sure how that happened, but thanks to whoever fixed it!
  6. Happy Birthday to....

    Have a great day!!!
  7. Ok i've extracted the SQUADRONLIST.INI and added a squadron, then i put it in the PilotData folder and its working in game fine, but how do i add and assign a Tailcode to it? I checked the KB and ran a search of the forums but couldn't find any answers. Heres what i added to the Squadronlist.ini... [squadron262] Name=93TFS DisplayName=93rd TFS Florida Makos Nation=USAF It shows up on my Block 30 F-16Cs with the 93TFS Textures but I would like to give them the FM tailcode as a decal, any ideas? Thanks!
  8. Thanks, but i want to add the FM tailcode to the list of TW tailcodes so that i can use it on the F-4Cs and F-4Ds that the Squadron used in the late 70s - Mid 80s. basicly i'm trying to add a whole new squadron to the list of default ones in WOE. I need to know what file has the listings for the tailcodes/finflash entries so i can add the new tailcode to the list.
  9. Im not asking for much, I just want this...
  10. F-22 Over My House

    Nice Pic! The coolest thing i've seen over my house was the Thunderbirds leaving SW Florida international airport the day after the charlotte county airshow a few years ago. Second coolest was right after Hurricane Charlie, i got to see Marine One escorted by a pair of Cobras. Other than that, I have seen the occasional AF Reserve F-16 going to SWFI,Mosquito control's DC-3s based at Buckingham Field and around airshow time a B-17 and B-24 have been known to fly out of Page Field near downtown Fort Myers. The really sad part is we have a really rich avation history in SW Florida, but its hardly ever mentioned and our only memorial is a Prop on a small monument in a downtown park.Buckingham Field was a WWII Bomber Gunnery School,Page Field and Charlottle County Airport were WWII Fighter Training bases and A Little known fact is in the early stages of planning for the Doolittle raid on japan, a B-25 was stripped of weapons and a section of runway at Page Field was marked off to simulate a carrier deck to see if it could get airborne in such a short takeoff run. But if you ask most people who live here very few know of anything other than the Airshow we have in Charlotte County each year.
  11. Check the folders for files called TextureSet.ini and Decals.ini. If they are missing the textures wont work and you will need to extract them from WOV and put them into WOE.
  12. If you liked Flight of the Intruder, read a book called Final Flight by Stephen Coonts. It picks up the story of Jake Grafton in the 80s as a CAG and Tomcat Pilot. I Just finished it and its a great story!
  13. Official Backup Day

    I'm onboard also, Backed up my WOE and FE installs to my second HD. I would love to burn em to DVD but WOE is up to 29 Gigs so its just not practical, I Might burn FE though its only about 3 gigs so it would fit on one DVD. After losing WOI to a HD Failure i can't stress enough the need to back up these sims!
  14. I Like the hard flight model,Landing,Blackouts and Collision settings and i have Ammo and Fuel usage set to normal.But i get killed too much with the other settings on Hard Mode. Thats one thing i love about these sims, i can configure it to my skill level. I'm sure i could figure it out, I spent months learning how to use Falcon 4.0s realistic radar but things seem to happen alot faster in TW Sims and by the time i've got the badguy locked i have 3 AA Missiles and 2 SAMs streaking towards me LOL! In the future i'll make sure i post my options settings before offering advice on these sims,I didnt realize it would prevent it from working for others. The funny thing is the Easy radar looks alot like the new Radar used in the F-35 from what i have seen in the videos of the simulator on You tube. Anyway, Give it a try in Easy Mode,Its really nice to see the eggs go into the basket when flying the A-6!
  15. Took me an hour to figure out why its not working, Go to options and set Weapons,Radar,Visual and Hud to Easy and it works. I didn't realize that was the issue, Sorry, probably won't help most of you since alot of people use the Hard Setting, but you can use it to train and improve your accuracy.
  16. Weird, It works for me, I get a Flightpath Indicator,Drop Line and the Original Gunsite appears as the CCIP Pipper. Maybe i changed something i forgot about, I'll post my A-6A Avionics and Cockpit Inis below... A-6A_AVIONICS.INI [TextureData] RadarTexture=cockpit\A-6A_radar.bmp RWRTexture=cockpit\A-7A_rwr.bmp [AvionicsData] AvailableModes=GROUND_MAP,TERRAIN_AVOIDANCE RangeUnit=NM RangeSetting[1]=5 RangeSetting[2]=10 RangeSetting[3]=20 RangeSetting[4]=40 RangeSetting[5]=80 RadarPosition= MaxElevationAngle=15 MinElevationAngle=-45 MaxAzimuthAngle=57 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[1]=2.0 ScanPattern[1].BarElevation[2]=-2.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanRate=60 ScanPattern[1].ScanBeamAngle=6.0 ScanPattern[1].ScanArc=40 GroundMapRangeSetting=1,2,3,4,5 GroundSearchStrength=75 TerrainAvoidanceRangeSetting=1,2 ClearanceDistance=152.4 [RadarDisplay] FadeImageIntensity=0.3 ImageFadeTime=0.30 SweepIntensity=0.4 StrobeIntensity=0.6 ElevationScale=100 NoiseLevel=0.1 PPIArc=50 GroundReturnFadeTime=2.0 NoiseLevel=0.1 HorizonBarSize=1.00 HorizonBarTexture=RadarHorizon.tga MapBackgroundLevel=0.2 MapHighlightLevel=0.6 [RadarDisplayGround_Map] Symbol[01]=PPI_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE [RadarDisplayTerrain_Avoidance] Symbol[01]=PPI_SWEEP Symbol[02]=HORIZON_LINE [RWR] Type=3_RING AirSearchTexture=RWRair1.tga AirTrackTexture=RWRair2.tga AirLockTexture=RWRair2.tga GroundSearchTexture=RWRground1.tga GroundTrackTexture=RWRground2.tga GroundLockTexture=RWRground2.tga SearchPosition=0.90 TrackPosition=0.55 LockPosition=0.15 SearchSize=0.075 TrackSize=0.075 LockSize=0.075 SearchFlash=FALSE TrackFlash=TRUE TrackFlashRate=0.2 LockFlash=TRUE LockFlashRate=0.1 TrackSound=RWRTrackSound.wav LockSound=RWRLockSound.wav [RWRTrackSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [RWRLockSound] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=FALSE Looped=TRUE NumBuffers=1 [TVDisplayData] UseRadarTexture=TRUE DisplayLimitLeft=8 DisplayLimitRight=119 DisplayLimitTop=6 DisplayLimitBottom=121 ApplyFilter=TRUE FilterMaterial=DTVFilterMaterial OverlayTexture= [DTVFilterMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=MODULATE NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=GreenTVFilter.bmp TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=FALSE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=DIFFUSE [HUD] HUDColor=0.5421,0.0741,0.0741,0.75 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.125,-0.080 ViewportBottomRight=0.125,0.230 GunBoresightAngle=0 RocketBoresightAngle=-5 [HUDFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=11 TextBold=TRUE [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget [HUDModeAG] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[03]=HUD_CCIP Symbol[04]=HUD_Guncross Symbol[05]=HUD_MavSeeker [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_FlightPath Symbol[02]=HUD_SRMSeeker [HUD_FlightPath] SymbolType=FLIGHTPATH_MARKER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_flightpath.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_CCIP] SymbolType=CCIP LaserRanging=TRUE FallLineImage=cockpit\A-10A_FallLine.tga ImageSize=0.100 [HUD_LaserTarget] SymbolType=TD_LASER ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_laser_target.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_MavSeeker] SymbolType=TD_EO ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_mav_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 [HUD_SRMSeeker] SymbolType=TD_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\A-10A_srm_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 A-6A_COCKPIT.INI [CockpitData] Directory=cockpit HUDMode=CAGED,AG RippleQuantity=1,2,3,6,12,18,24 RippleInterval=60,100,140 [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=100 GunsightName=A-6A_sight.tga MaxDepression=250 DefaultDepression=50 [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=A-6A_pit.LOD Offset=-0.004,0.00,0.01 Position=-0.35,2.55,0.74 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxYaw=65 MinYaw=-152 MaxPitch=90 MinPitchFront=-36 MinPitchRear=-30 LightRange=1.5 LightInnerConeAngle=43 LightOuterConeAngle=60 LightAngles=0.0,-35.0,0.0 DiffuseLightFactor=0.5 NightLightOn=0.25 NightLightColor=0.5,0.2,0.3 Gunsight=GunsightFront Instrument[001]=HUD Instrument[002]=AoAIndicator Instrument[003]=RadarAltimeter Instrument[004]=VerticalVelocityIndicator Instrument[005]=ClockMinute Instrument[006]=ClockHour Instrument[007]=ClockSec Instrument[008]=Accelerometer Instrument[009]=FireLightL Instrument[010]=FireLightR Instrument[011]=CautionLight Instrument[012]=Altimeter Instrument[013]=HSIWheel Instrument[014]=AttitudeIndicator Instrument[015]=ADI_BankIndicator Instrument[016]=CourseArrow Instrument[017]=RWR Instrument[018]=Mirror1 Instrument[019]=Mirror2 Instrument[020]=Mirror3 Instrument[021]=RangeCounter Instrument[022]=CourseCounter Instrument[023]=RadarScope Instrument[024]=BearingMarker Instrument[025]=CourseDeviation Instrument[026]=StandbyCompass Instrument[027]=FuelIndicator Instrument[028]=AoAIndexerSlowL Instrument[029]=AoAIndexerOnSpeedL Instrument[030]=AoAIndexerFastL Instrument[031]=AoAIndexerSlowR Instrument[032]=AoAIndexerOnSpeedR Instrument[033]=AoAIndexerFastR Instrument[034]=SlipIndicator Instrument[035]=TurnIndicator Instrument[036]=MachScale Instrument[037]=AirspeedIndicator Instrument[038]=GMeter Instrument[039]=TachometerL Instrument[040]=TachometerR Instrument[041]=EngineTempL Instrument[042]=EngineTempR Instrument[043]=FuelFlowL Instrument[044]=FuelFlowR Instrument[045]=GearHandle [HUD] Type=HUD NodeName=optical_sight_glass_lg [AoAIndicator] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_angle_of_attack MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.00 Set[01].Value=-5.00 Set[02].Position=-36.00 Set[02].Value=0.00 Set[03].Position=-225.00 Set[03].Value=13.81 Set[04].Position=-270.00 Set[04].Value=23.53 [RadarAltimeter] Type=RADAR_ALTIMETER NodeName=needle_radar_altimeter MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=75.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 Set[03].Position=118.2 Set[03].Value=200.0 Set[04].Position=186.0 Set[04].Value=600.0 Set[05].Position=216.6 Set[05].Value=1000.0 Set[06].Position=258.0 Set[06].Value=2000.0 Set[07].Position=281.0 Set[07].Value=3000.0 Set[08].Position=312.0 Set[08].Value=5000.0 [VerticalVelocityIndicator] Type=VERTICAL_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_rate_of_climb MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=FPM Set[01].Position=-180.0 Set[01].Value=-6000.0 Set[02].Position=-90.0 Set[02].Value=-2000.0 Set[03].Position=0.0 Set[03].Value=0.0 Set[04].Position=90.0 Set[04].Value=2000.0 Set[05].Position=180.0 Set[05].Value=6000.0 [ClockHour] Type=CLOCK_HOUR NodeName=needle_clock01 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=12.0 [ClockMinute] Type=CLOCK_MINUTE NodeName=needle_clock02 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=60.0 [ClockSec] Type=CLOCK_SECOND NodeName=needle_clock03 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=60.0 [Accelerometer] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=needle_b-6_accelerometer MovementType=ROTATION_Z Set[01].Position=-132.0 Set[01].Value=-6.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Set[03].Position=202.0 Set[03].Value=10.0 [FireLightL] Type=ENGINE_FIRE_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=Warn_LFire MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=1 [FireLightR] Type=ENGINE_FIRE_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=Warn_RFire MovementType=LIGHT ItemNumber=2 [CautionLight] Type=MASTER_CAUTION_LIGHT NodeName=Warn_LMaster_Caution MovementType=LIGHT [Altimeter] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 NodeName=needle_altimeter CounterNodeFormat=altimeter_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 [HSIWheel] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS NodeName=HSIwheel MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseArrow] Type=COURSE_ARROW NodeName=HSI_center MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [AttitudeIndicator] Type=ATTITUDE_DIRECTOR_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI sphere MovementType=ATTITUDE [ADI_BankIndicator] Type=BANK_INDICATOR NodeName=ADI_BankIndicator MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [Mirror1] Type=MIRROR NodeName=mirror_left1 [Mirror2] Type=MIRROR NodeName=mirror_left2 [Mirror3] Type=MIRROR NodeName=mirror_right1 [RangeCounter] Type=RANGE_INDICATOR CounterNodeFormat=HSI_rangedig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=NM [CourseCounter] Type=COURSE_ARROW CounterNodeFormat=HSI_coursedig%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=DEG [RadarScope] Type=RADAR_SCOPE NodeName=vdi_component_lens [bearingMarker] Type=BEARING_MARKER NodeName=HSI_pointer MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=00.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [CourseDeviation] Type=COURSE_DEVIATION NodeName=HSI_CourseDeviation MovementType=POSITION_X ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-0.010 Set[01].Value=-5.0 Set[02].Position=0.010 Set[02].Value=5.0 [standbyCompass] Type=MAGNETIC_COMPASS NodeName=stby_comp MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 [FuelIndicator] Type=INETERNAL_FUEL_QUANTITY_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_fuel_quality MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=270.0 Set[02].Value=10000.0 [AoAIndexerSlowL] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_slowL MovementType=LIGHT //Slow (19.50 - 30.00) Set[01].Value=10.14 Set[02].Value=23.53 [AoAIndexerOnSpeedL] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_on_speedL MovementType=LIGHT //OnSpeed (18.00 - 20.00) Set[01].Value=9.16 Set[02].Value=10.47 [AoAIndexerFastL] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_fastL MovementType=LIGHT //Fast (0.0 - 18.50) Set[01].Value=-5.00 Set[02].Value=9.49 [AoAIndexerSlowR] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_slowR MovementType=LIGHT //Slow (19.50 - 30.00) Set[01].Value=10.14 Set[02].Value=23.53 [AoAIndexerOnSpeedR] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_on_speedR MovementType=LIGHT //OnSpeed (18.00 - 20.00) Set[01].Value=9.16 Set[02].Value=10.47 [AoAIndexerFastR] Type=ANGLE_OF_ATTACK_INDEXER NodeName=indexer_fastR MovementType=LIGHT //Fast (0.0 - 18.50) Set[01].Value=-5.00 Set[02].Value=9.49 [slipIndicator] Type=SIDESLIP_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=turnsphere MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=12.0 Set[01].Value=-3.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=-12.0 Set[03].Value=3.0 [TurnIndicator] Type=TURN_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_turn MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=-18.0 Set[01].Value=-10.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=18.0 Set[03].Value=10.0 [MachScale] Type=MACH_NUMBER_INDICATOR NodeName=machmeter_speedwheel MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-180.0 Set[02].Value=0.4 Set[03].Position=-295.5 Set[03].Value=1.0 Set[04].Position=-320.1 Set[04].Value=1.2 [AirspeedIndicator] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=machmeter_needle_speed MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=KNOTS Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=19.55 Set[02].Value=80 Set[03].Position=60.00 Set[03].Value=120 Set[04].Position=133.6 Set[04].Value=200 Set[05].Position=195.1 Set[05].Value=300 Set[06].Position=236.0 Set[06].Value=400 Set[07].Position=308.43 Set[07].Value=650 [GMeter] Type=ACCELEROMETER NodeName=needle_gmeter MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=-0.01147 Set[01].Value=-4.5 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=0.02482 Set[03].Value=10.0 [TachometerL] Type=TACHOMETER NodeName=needle_rpm1 ItemNumber=1 MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.01856 Set[02].Value=0.7 Set[03].Position=0.04591 Set[03].Value=1.0 [TachometerR] Type=TACHOMETER NodeName=needle_rpm2 ItemNumber=2 MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.01856 Set[02].Value=0.7 Set[03].Position=0.04591 Set[03].Value=1.0 [EngineTempL] Type=EXHAUST_GAS_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_egt1 ItemNumber=1 MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.01856 Set[02].Value=400 Set[03].Position=0.05063 Set[03].Value=750 [EngineTempR] Type=EXHAUST_GAS_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_egt2 ItemNumber=2 MovementType=POSITION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.01856 Set[02].Value=400 Set[03].Position=0.05063 Set[03].Value=750 [FuelFlowL] Type=FUEL_FLOW_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_ff1 ItemNumber=1 MovementType=POSITION_Y ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.00262 Set[02].Value=0.1388 Set[03].Position=0.04992 Set[03].Value=1.388 [FuelFlowR] Type=FUEL_FLOW_INDICATOR NodeName=needle_ff2 ItemNumber=2 MovementType=POSITION_Y ValueUnit=LB Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=0.00262 Set[02].Value=0.1388 Set[03].Position=0.04992 Set[03].Value=1.388 [GearHandle] Type=LANDING_GEAR_INDICATOR NodeName=lever_02 MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=-15.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=20.0 Set[02].Value=1 Hope this helps, Its made the A-6 alot more useful for me.
  17. Yeah i dont have SFP1 so i couldn't get the HM files. But since they are all being painted black anyway should i be able to extract them from Germany or Vietnam, paint it black and rename it to match the desert hm file name? And are aircraft carriers working on these terrains with the 2 setting?
  18. Thats odd, Thats all i added and it worked fine. Did you try it in WOE? Might be something different between WOV and WOE.
  19. Somethings fishy there, how can there be more downloads than views?
  20. Did anyone load a campaign and check the aircraft carriers? I tried playing with the numbers but i didnt have the hm files, so i just deleted the height map entries from the terrains data.ini, it was the only way i could get the planes to stop exploding on the carriers.
  21. WOW! Amazing Bird, You did a great job! i only flew a short hop over cuba but i got 3 kills! I have really been looking foward to this one, Thanks again!
  22. randome ships

    Its the Data ini in each ground objects folder. He meant to open the warships folder and edit the ships data.ini.

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