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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Happy Birthday Wpnssgt

    Somehow i missed this thread, Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Jeez, Here come the Safety Nazis to ruin another sport. Yes i do feel bad for the Pilots who died and there family and friends, but this is a dangerous sport, everyone knows this and they accept the risk. No one is going out there trying to get killed, but accidents can and do happen and sometimes people die, but i doubt any of them would want the sport drasticly changed because of an accident. I hate the way our world today rushes to put pads on all the sharp corners of life, it will only leave us with a planet full of people who need to be coddled and unable to handle real situations when they happen.
  3. Looks like she is coming together really well, nice job! Am i crazy or does the F-35E look like they used the YF-23 as the basis for the Wing and tail plane areas? Looks kinda cool!
  4. A really bad week...

    Last monday i decided it was time to re-install First Eagles because i had started running into CTDs that i couldn't trace to a cause, i did a clean install and then installed each terrain,aircraft and edited all loadouts and .inis to use the stock weapons. I've Got a great running install now, but i haven't touched it. That night my Girlfriend came home and said her arm was hurting and we figured it was just a pulled muscle or maybe carpal tunnel. well she made it through the night and tuesday we had Tropical Storm Fay come through and her arm was really hurting, We talked about going to the hospital but we didn't want to go out in the storm because her 05 mustang handles really bad on wet roads and my camaro isnt much better so she made a Drs appointment for wednesday and she went to work wednesday morning. At around 2pm she called me crying and asked me to go with her to a specialist the Dr had told her to go see. The Specialist took one look at her arm which was now a dark shade of purple and her hand was almost black and said to get her to the hospital asap. It turns out she had a blood clot just above the elbow and it had cut the blood flow off since sometime monday or tuesday. Shes been through several surgerys now and they have removed the clot and put her in a hyperbolic chamber a couple times but they think they might have to remove some fingers or the whole hand. Her Mom,Sister and I have been at the Hospital from morning to night everyday and I am kicking myself for not getting her to the hospital tuesday. Hindsight being 20/20 i have realized i could have just called the squad to take her, but i didnt think of it at the time and we still thought it was just a pulled muscle. I'm going insane, I'm useless at the hospital and when i'm at home i just want to go back there.Im trying to keep her sprits up but I'm pretty sure her thumb and index finger will have to be removed at the least, they can't seem to get any color back into them and they are cold as ice. I don't even know why i'm writing this, i just need to vent i guess. Please say a prayer for her or send some positive thoughts her way. Thanks Everyone!
  5. A really bad week...

    Last Update for awhile and at last a little good news... They released her tonight and i took her to her Mom and Dads house to recover because she will need 24hr attention and daily nurse visits. At this point they have not removed anything, they are waiting 10-14 days to see what is really dead before they cut into any of the bones. Looks like the thumb will be a loss from the socket down, gangreen has already set in and its slowly decaying, the index finger and the rest of the fingertips look pretty bad but its going to be a wait and see situation. I'm a little surprised they released her but i have faith that the Doctors would not have released her unless they were pretty sure she is stable now. She passed all her EKGs and Heart Tests with flying colors and we think the clot was caused by her Depo birth control shot and smoking. She has always gotten her shot in the hip, less than a week before this happened the doctor put the shot into the same arm about 3 inches above where the clot formed. Not proof, but enough to even make the Docs suspect it. She is already 1 week smokefree and well on the way to quiting and i am going to try to quit also. If any of your Wives or Girlfriends get the Depo shot, please be careful, Blood clots are a known side effect. The time for blame is over and now this is something we will live and deal with not matter how it turns out, it could have been so much worse and just being out of the hospital has made her feel alot better so i consider it a blessing. Oh yeah, I wanted to explain that when i mentioned calling the Squad, i meant an ambulance. I was raised by a retired police officer and he always called it the Emergency Squad or the Squad, it kinda rubbed off on me. Thank you all again! You guys have been great about letting me vent through this. Now that she is home i think i'll be able to sleep well for the first time in a week, I know shes home safe tonight and being watched over by people who love her as much as i do so i'm going to relax tonight and go see her sometime in the afternoon tommarrow and they have my cell # if anything changes. Now we just have to see how it goes and learn to live with it.
  6. A really bad week...

    I just got home again, They are continuing treatment with the hyperbolic chamber and they have her on morphine but its still wait and see. She can move her fingers but there still isnt much circulation to the thumb and index finger and it turns purple/black shortly after she returns from the chamber. She seems to be coping better than i would, Shes worried about us,her job and all that stuff but i think we convinced her that we will take care of all that and she just needs to rest and heal. Thanks Again Everyone!
  7. A really bad week...

    Thanks,Its really means alot! I'm trying to keep it together for her. This november we have been together for 11 years so she might as well be my wife. Its rough, but as long as they havent cut anything off there is still hope. I guess i should just be glad the clot didnt go into her heart or brain and killed her, but i never dreamed it was anything more than a pulled muscle.
  8. Maybe this just isn't the sim for you, we don't take things as seriously as alot of other communitys do and i for one am greatful for that. I left the F4 community because they take it too serious, its just a game. Unless you are jumping into a flightsuit and straping on a aircraft and being shot at, its just a game. Would i prefer every plane to have the correct cockpit? Sure, but all things considered its just not always possible. Do i want to wait months for a correct pit when i can have the aircraft today with a standin pit? No, I'll take it however they decide to release it and if i feel that the pit they choose is not the one i would have picked then i make a simple edit and use the one i like. If i was that picky about it almost half of my install would have to be removed. I praise those who release things for this community because i value there effort. They can do things i can't and i am glad they do. I don't take games that serious,i play them to have fun.Take the Raptor Teams F-22A, I wanted the YF-22 so i could have it available in 1991. Guess what i did? I made a skin and used the F-22A even though the model is quite a bit different and i am happy with it. I'm glad you are so happy with Targetware, but this is the Thirdwire community and we do things for fun first and accuracy takes a backseat sometimes. I don't care if they have only released a single skin,a ground unit,a plane with a standin pit or a ultra detailed aircraft, they are all worthy of praise IMO and i thank them for there work. If they only way to have fun is by everything being spot on perfect there are alot of other communitys to join, please don't try to bring that crap over here.
  9. Logitech joystick

    I've used alot of Logitech sticks over the years and it is really hit and miss when you buy one. I've had them last years and i have had them last less than a week. I'm using a Extreme 3D Pro USB and its about a year old, The rudder is the first thing that always seems to lose or spike around the center position and mine started acting up when the stick was only a few months old. I can highly recommend CH Products, I still have a Janes Combat Stick (Special Edition Fighter Stick) that has a perfect center and works great, but it uses gameport connection so its on my "Junk" Computer. I also have a Saitek X52, but i don't like it for WOV/WOE/FE because the spring feels too soft. Otherwise its a great stick and has held up to many hours in Falcon 4. I also figured out how to adjust deadzone and sensitivity in each axis in Thirdwire sims. Its a bit of a pain because TW Sims only have 1 deadzone and 1 sensitivity slider to cover all axis on the stick. 1st, Go to the game directory and open the Controls folder, then backup whichever .INI you will be modifying. 2nd, Open the .INI in notepad and look for the sections titled [RangedControl001],[RangedControl002],[RangedControl003] and edit the DeadZone= and Saturation= sections. For deadzone start low (around 5 or 10) and work up and for Saturation start at 100 and work down until you are happy with the results then save and close the file. 3rd, Right Click on the INI and select Properties and check the Read Only box. If you don't make the file read only and you open the Options Screen in game all settings will be reset to the in-game sliders setting. Also make sure all buttons and Keys have been defined before you do this or you will have to uncheck Read Only then define the keys and do this all over again. Anyway, If i were you i would try to get either Saitek or CH, I can't comment on TM because i've never owned one.
  10. Its looking Great! Just Like its RL counterpart, i'm looking forward to its first deployment and can't wait to see em in the skies! :yes: Nice work and Thank You to Everyone involved and an extra thank you to FC for the work on the FBW system and showing us how it all works.
  11. Great Job! I've only flown a CAP so far, but i'll use this bird alot! Thank You!
  12. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    Ozzy-He still sounds as good live as he does in the studio.
  13. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    You guys are pretty smart about aircraft and spaceflight, What do you make of this... http://www.mission51l.com/apreview.htm I know, Tin-foil hat time, right? But... I checked the Video of the Launch... This Video of the launch clearly shows that the LEFT booster is the only one with the black band and NASA identified the other booster as having the smoke plume at launch and i agree it probably caused the disaster due to the cold weather. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghNG-xkbV2M The closeup video shows the flames at the O-Ring Joint on the Right Booster burning towards the main tank... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msEfxY3eZsY...feature=related but whats in those photos coming from the Left Boosters O-Ring Joint??? I'm left scratching my head, Did both O-Rings Fail??? Was it post breakup damage? Why was this never mentioned before? I'm not claiming to have any answers and i am NOT supporting a coverup theory. I also don't think this author should be making a profit from the disaster, but those photos are interesting, NASA either didn't have or didn't make public any views from the Left side during the explosion,could both Boosters have failed and crossed paths as he claims? This is a interest of mine because i saw the smoke in the sky all the way down here in Fort Myers and I was at the KSC Visitors center and Museum the day after it happened. A very sad day and i will always remember it along with Columbia and 9/11 as the worst things to happen so far in my lifetime. I know it does not matter if one or both failed, the outcome was the Death of 7 Brave Astronauts, but I'd like to hear what you make of all this?
  14. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    I'm Sorry i ever mentioned it.
  15. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    Please don't think i'm trying to start trouble over this, I really don't think NASA tried to coverup anything. All i wanted to know is what is going on with the Left Booster in the first 2 photos on that page. The Black Band clearly shows its the left booster and something is coming out of it near the O-Ring joint, but no mention was ever given to an issue with the left booster, The site claims that NASA ID'ed that as the right booster,its just strange IMO.
  16. Amazing work as always! I'm outta action til this coming weekend when i can replace my failing HD, but the screenshots look great! The Cuba map is my favorite because i live in Florida, can't wait to see your Improvements! THANK YOU!!
  17. Pathetic...

    This is the first i have heard of this, those contractors should be shot! I've worked as both a roofer and a carpenter and had a few close calls because of bad wiring, but i never dreamed our Troops had to deal with this kind of crap. With all the money these idiots are being paid there is no excuse for these kind of mistakes. They say its not there job to fix the hazards, only fix the things when they break. WTF??? If the job was done right there wouldn't be these types of hazards in the first place! I'm mad as hell over this, Our Troops know they are in danger over there, but its supposed to be from the enemy, not our own contractors! What makes me even more upset is after the 1st time it happened something should have been done, but its just now becoming an issue because the press found out. I really feel for the Familys of these Troops, It NEVER should have happened. :angry2:
  18. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    I was 6 and my Aunt too me to see ANH when it came out. There was no way i could have understood it, but i am told that Star Wars was all i talked about for weeks. For Halloween i was C-3PO and have a picture somewhere of me in my costume. For Christmas that year i got the now famous Empty Early Bird kit and i still have those action figures thanks to the same Aunt who put them away after she caught me chewing on the inside part of lukes double telescoping lightsaber. When Empire came out, i rode my bike across town and used my lunch money to see it, I got in alot of trouble for that one but it was worth it. Return of the Jedi was really cool, because i was raised in Florida by my grandparents and when ROTJ came out we were back in ohio visiting Family and my Mom took me to see it. Those Movies started an addiction, I had most of the toys,books,bedding and anything else star wars related growing up, but i was too destructive and alot of it ended up worn-out,ruined by fireworks or traded for G.I. Joe Toys and other stupid things kids do. When they started making new toys in 95, i could finally buy whatever i wanted and i have a pretty good collection now. Ebay helped me find things that were not in the local stores and i was able to sell some stuff to buy other things. I collect Star Wars things like i did as a kid, Nothing really super rare or valuable but i have a ton of Toys,Video Games,Books ect. I play Star Wars Galaxies and this past year the game has made some great improvements, dispite what you will hear on the MMORPG websites. The game has a really bad reputation, but the old Dev team was fired after they revamped the game and drove tons of players away and the new Team is doing a pretty good job. Probably the coolest thing was turning my Girlfriend into a geek, I know how Sparkomatic feels! She watches the movies with me and keeps an eye open for stuff when she is out shopping and has found some really cool things for my collection, like a complete set of ESB Burger king glasses that she stumbled onto at a thrift store. If i had all the Money i have given George Lucas over the years i would be rich, but for some strange reason i'd rather have my collection!
  19. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    How dumb do they really think we are? We invented photoshopping pics just to see Britney Spears naked (before she flashed everyone!). Did they really think those doctored photos would fool anyone but the media? Granted the Media is pretty dumb, but i seriously doubt any real intel group was fooled even for a second. I hate to say it but we just need to kick Irans butt and be done with it. I would hate to see us have to use a Nuke, but if it came down to risking troops or making them glow in the dark, i have to say nuke em. They have gotten way to big for there britches and need taken out behind the woodshed. Nukes are a last resort, i would hope we would never have to use them but one or two and Iran would finally shut up and IMO it would be better than Risking even one Allied Service Members Life. There Air Force and there Government is a Joke, but i do feel sorry for the innocent civilians that would be caught in the middle if Iran provokes a war. They have very little control over what is done and there own Government is going to get alot of them killed if they keep provoking Israel. The US might not even have to get involved, I think Israel could defeat Iran without us. Hopefully, If we just ignore Iran long enough we won't have to destroy them, I don't understand what they hope to gain by suicide. Israel and the Allied Nations are not Iraq, if we come to party it will be like nothing they have ever faced before. It will be fast, brutal and over. Then we will have to spend billions to repair the damage, maybe thats what they are hoping for.
  20. I think there was a nice Virus attached to the Foxhound, anyone else notice all mention of it has vanished?
  21. Favorite song

    Right now im on a Papa Roach kick. I saw them at Cruefest in Tampa on the 3rd and they put on such a great show i had to find out more about them. As for an all time favorite, I can't do it. Too many great bands and songs, but the band would have to be either Kiss,Motley Crue or Ozzy, I'm an old school metalhead and those guys wrote the soundtrack to my life!
  22. Falcon 4.0 allied force

    Use the QWERTY keys to learn your COMM Options. Get to know AWACS real well, they can tell you if a radar contact is hostile or friendly.This is very important with realistic settings. They can also give you vectors to ground targets and the tanker as well as send you assistance and vectors to emergency landing fields. For pilot workload Falcon does a pretty good job, Viper Pilots are busy from startup to shutdown. Think of the big picture,AWACS,TANKER,Support Flights,Wingmen, friendly ground units in area,the whole picture.
  23. Drag Racer Dies After Car Bursts Into Flames

    Not much to say, im shocked.
  24. Black Projects

    Can't wait for some of these, but Education is far more important, take your time, we will be here when they are ready and Thanks for your efforts!
  25. I did some tweaking to my test raptor and as i hit Mach 3.4 at 36000 ft and my plane burst into flames. Anyone else run into this or is there something i need to adjust? I only changed this section... [FlightControl] StallSpeed=56.59 CruiseSpeed=1088.00 ClimbSpeed=1600.48 CornerSpeed=771.6 MaxG=46.0 MaxSpeedSL=2366.8 MachLimit=8.6 PitchDamper=0.4 RollDamper=0.4 YawDamper=0.3 GunBoresightAngle=-1 RocketBoresightAngle=-5 I'm gonna try this at a higher alt and see if that makes any difference, but does anyone have any suggestions/ideas?

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