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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Interesting, Looks like the outcome of a Su37 and a Raptor mating. What is it?
  2. Even though i don't know you personaly, Your work has brought me alot of enjoyment. Thank You and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
  3. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Correct! I was looking for Norway or Heligoland, didnt JG77 also operate the 109T?
  4. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    No, But i will add that there are 2 correct answers to this question.
  5. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    The 109 has always been one of my favorite WWII fighters, for its time it was very advanced. Ok Now, another easy one, The Bf 109T was originaly planned for use on a german aircraft carrier, but the carrier was never completed and instead it ended up serving where?
  6. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Would that be the Bf 109?
  7. Depends on if they Captured just the A-7E, or maybe they got a few Phantoms also. I didnt realize the Soviets captured any US aircraft intact during Vietnam, but i guess you learn something new everyday. Now i gotta try to google it and see what it says LOL!
  8. Nice job! That T-38 is sweet! The Iranian version looks pretty cool too, it should make an interesting target. Thanks for all your work, can't wait!
  9. Try going to each aircrafts folder and open its textures with a paint program, Then resize them to 512x512 (or even 256x256!). Usually the planes that cause stuttering on slower systems have textures sized 1024x1024 or 2048x2048. By making the texture sizes smaller you can take the load off your graphics processor and smooth the game out. The smaller you go the more blurry the textures become, so try to stay at 512x512. A Very few planes will have models that are too high detail and will continue to stutter even after resizing the textures, not much can be done for these, try to find a simular type aircraft with a lower poly model. Also you might want to upgrade to at least 1 gig of ram and at least a 256 meg graphics card.
  10. New York has their own Blue Thunder helicopter

    This issue for me is that everyone from the Elected Official on down are supposed to be public servants, Serving the will of the public, Not authorities who dictate how we should live and constantly watching our every move. They swore to defend the constitution, not change it. If they were serving the public wishes right now the price of gas would be more important then giving a civilian police force a super chopper to monitor its citizens while billions are spent on cameras that are installed coast to coast at stoplights,rooftops,resturants,airports and malls to watch our every move in case we might commit a crime,endanger ourselves or get drunk and run home from the bar naked. The department of homeland security is redundant and yet another authority forced upon the people. Its... The Military and CIAs job is to keep the damn terrorists out of the country in the first place. The FBIs Job is to track them once inside our borders with help from military,state and local police and prevent them from endangering the people. Usually all these groups operate within the law and things run smoothly,The system worked. However, All dropped the ball on 9/11. The terrorists got in, abused our stripclubs and trained right here under the authorities noses for months. For whatever reason, the system failed and over 3 thousand Americans are dead. There was NOT even a Emergency Broadcast on 9/11! As a civilian that tells me to watch out for myself and report abdul with the RPG down the steet if i see him. If it really hit the fan, I honestly believe Civilians would be left left to defend ourselves until government covered its butt and then we might even be considered expendable. Sad but true. I am also against warrantless wiretaps, if something is that important and they can show just cause then its worth waking a judge, who is also a public servant and able to authorize it on legal grounds. Judges get paid well to be ONCALL and Warrents can be had at any time day or night with a simple signature. Don't get me wrong, not all are evil and corrupt, many do faithful service to the Flag,Constitution,Nation and People and also support civil rights as American rights without infringement. The point is the system works, its was made by the Government and the People with safeguards in place to prevent abuse. Now the Government is changing the system whenever it suits them, even against the Peoples wishes, this is wrong. Government has gotten lazy and are failing at there jobs and is in the regular practice of rewriting Laws as it sees fit to make its easyier. Breaking a Law and changing a Law to not break a Law is the same thing without the support of the People. Theres always hope with free elections, but this rounds choices don't give much hope for the next 4-8 Years IMO.
  11. New York has their own Blue Thunder helicopter

    I also object to the way our civil rights are being tossed out the window in the name of national security. Our Government was able to protect us from the Soviets throughout the cold war without changing laws, and these terrorists are nowhere near as skilled as the Russians were. Do you really think that the Soviets never planned attacks on US soil during the cold war? Sure they did and our Government stopped them, but today if something is illegal and standing in the way they just re-write the laws. I'm not the type to jump on every conspiracy bandwagon that comes along, but to me it seems that the Government and US Military could do the same job without casting aside the rights given to us in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. They always have before and if laws needed to be broken to do it they kept it quiet instead of making it legal. As wrong as that may be, i'd rather have them do that then add laws that take away our rights.
  12. This left me Speechless...

    I found this on You Tube This Morning, Thought some of you guys might find it interesting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juC7FQUV6pY...feature=related Edit, Just a warning, contains strong language.
  13. choppers!

    Very cool! Right after Hurricane Charlie hit us, (it actually hit about 25 miles north of us, but we lost power for a week and had a tree knocked down), I got to see Marine 1 and a pair of Cobras surveying the damage. I didnt realize thats who it was until later that night it was mentioned on the radio. but it was cool and your right, you do feel it first! THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! Another time i saw the Thunderbirds leaving after the SW Florida Airshow, its great to live in the takeoff path of SW Florida International Airport!
  14. I had this problem also, You will need nato ships and Try opening the movement.ini for the terrain and make sure you have shipping routes that have start points on both sides of the frontline. For example, i added these routes to the bering straits terrain and it seems to work fine now... [Route007] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=Nunivak EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=684729,240259 RoutePosition[002]=648640,288961 RoutePosition[003]=620689,310064 RoutePosition[004]=594417,332792 RoutePosition[005]=543513,352272 RoutePosition[006]=505747,381493 RoutePosition[007]=492610,397727 RoutePosition[008]=471264,405844 [Route008] RouteType=SHIPPING StartArea=White Mountain Airfield EndArea=Savoonga Airfield RoutePosition[001]=796387,484552 RoutePosition[002]=758620,481300 RoutePosition[003]=732348,476422 RoutePosition[004]=676518,461788 RoutePosition[005]=640394,443902 RoutePosition[006]=615763,419512 RoutePosition[007]=500821,403252 RoutePosition[008]=471264,396747 I'm not 100% sure this will fix the problem, but it seems to work for me. Hope it helps!
  15. That bird is looking great, Keep up the good work!
  16. I'm a rocketman!

    Thats pretty cool, the chute deployment and landing looked pretty violent though. I just wish that he had a helmet cam, it would be great to see from the pilots POV!
  17. Mega Poll: Greatest Guitar Solos of All Time

    I agree with alot of the others that have been posted, Hendrix,Page,Halen,Rhodes are all legends but check out God bless the children of the beast and Bittersuite by Mick Mars of Motley Crue, one of the most under-rated guitarists out there!
  18. I have been pretty focused on playing SWG so i missed this, but that model looks great! I had never seen that type of MiG before, i really like it. Good Work!
  19. One More Shift

    Thank you for your service, I Wish you all the best in the Future!
  20. I Had to share this mission, It took place off the Florida coast in 2008. My flight of 4 Su-22s was tasked with a strike mission with Mig-29s flying cover. After hitting our target runway in Key West we were jumped by a flight of 4 Raptors. I ordered my my flight to engage air and sent my wingman after a Raptor that was on the six of one of the 29s. The Raptors had no problems engaging. This shows the AI is working, Just sometimes you get dump pilots. I noticed a Raptor bugging out with a 29 in pursuit, i lit the burners and launched both heat seekers, no surprise they miss. Time to go for guns... See ya! This ones mine! 1 Mile... Almost There! GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! Hit! Hes Burning! I Got Him!! Raptor parts!! WOOT!!!! Burn Baby!! I Rule!!! Somethings not right!?! Uh Oh... Debris must have clipped the tail! ARG!!! Burn you %^%**!! Have a Nice Swim! Its Time to get outta Here! Soon to be picked up by the coast guard and locked away as a POW. In Debrief i learned my entire flight was shot down. Moral of the Story? Don't Mess with a Raptor!
  21. F117, Nice Paint

    Thats pretty cool, is that real or photoshopped? I didnt know the RAM came in colors other then black, looks wicked!
  22. What is wrong with the USAF?

    As a civilian, I Want to Thank everyone who has enlisted in any branch of the US Military. I can live my life the way i choose because i know you guys are watching over us. Even i can see the way the Country is changing and IMO its not for the better. Far too many people in power the bottom line is all that matters anymore. Its everywhere and often human considerations take a backseat to "How much will it cost?". We are living in a time where the eggheads have the power and its sadly funny to see them fail miserably. This nation needs Leaders who are considered men of action, not bankers. We need people to look up to, but recoginition of real heros is few and far between in todays society. I can't and won't speak about todays Military conditions, because i don't know enough and have not served. I signed up for selective service like everyone else and if called i wouldnt have tried to get out of it, but its just not the life for me, i have issues with authority figures and a stubborn streak than would have gotten me locked up or beaten regularly. The sad fact i can see is we are selling our souls because its cheaper than taking risks, Any real American will tell you thats not what this Nation was built from. Its kinda scary to think of where we are headed in the future if this trend continues, Life is about alot more then the almighty dollar, but the Banks run the show now and if you can only break even at something then its a waste of time. Look at Hollywood for example, they keep turning out remakes instead of taking chances on new ideas because some accounting exec has convinced the studio that (Insert TV or Movie license Here) will make a profit based on its existing fanbase. What ever happened to "Who Dares Wins" ? Once again, Thank You All for your Service and Godbless, I Hope that one day our Nation can become what it once was.
  23. whats your favorite Star Trek ship?

    I liked the 1701 after the refit, The A was actually the USS Yorktown renamed after the Enterprise was destroyed. Both looked alot alike, but the giveaway was the inside of the 1701s nacelles was black and the As were blue.
  24. free fight mod?

    I think he is asking if there is a mod to allow him to pick a plane and just fly without hostiles in the game, kinda like MSFS. I dont think anyone has made a mod like that, your best bet would be to take a Single Recon Mission and try to stay on your side of the frontline, but even then you might encounter enemys.

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