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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. I was flying a clean install of WOE today (Getting ready for the new patch) and it made me realise just how much the Modders have given us. I Just wanted to drop a line to all you guys and thank you for the effort you put in! This goes out to all the modders of Thirdwire Sims, THANK YOU
  2. f-15 mid air breakup

    The big thing about this to me is that a Pilot was just flying a regular mission and his bird came apart around him, i dont care who you are thats gonna really screw you up. Those pictures don't really convey how violent the breakup was, imagine how much worse it would have been in an actual ATA engagement. I'm glad the Pilot survived, the bird can be replaced. I'm not going to point fingers, it really depends on if Boeing knew this could happen and didnt take action to prevent it. If these cracks were found before then some heads need to roll, but if this was really a out-of-the-blue accident then the best that can be done is to learn from it and increase inspections to keep this from happening to anyone else. IMO i really don't care what it costs, Pilot safety should always come first. These guys are willing to put there lives on the line, the least we can do is keep them in safe equipment. If that means more Raptors, complete overhauls or fresh build Eagles so be it. In the end it all comes down to keeping our aircrews safe and confident in there aircraft, anything less is a serious dis-service to our Air Force.
  3. Im assuming you are talking about WOE because you mention the Harrier. Try using the numberpad 9 and 3 Keys to rotate the nozzles and if you have a bombload forget it, the real harrier cant do a vertical takeoff with a bombload.
  4. how many of you were even born...

    I remember that issue, IIRC Stormshadow also had the same Tat.
  5. how many of you were even born...

    I had a original G.I. Joe when i was really little, but i really got into the 80s toy line. I had so much of this stuff, really makes me wonder what happened to it all. The names escape me right now but i had the A-10 VTOL,a Couple of the Jeeps,the motorcycle with the mini-gun side car,The jetpack,The cobra mini-copter,HISS tank and just about all of the action figures up until about the time of the duke mail away offer when i quit collecting. In Todays World, War toys are not PC, but i think that playing out battles makes a child think a little more than the foo foo jolly happy toys that kids today play with. Maybe it was just me, but i would plan out entire battles and play for hours. Now when my friends children have birthdays or holidays i always give em war toys. Its actually kinda cool to see that the plain old plastic army men will keep kids busy for hours.
  6. I couldnt find the answer to this in the KB. Would it be possible to create a custom view and attach it to the canopy, kinda like the weapon view, then replace the stock ejection view with this view so that when you eject you are actually falling instead of hanging in place? Just an idea i had and wondered if it was possible. Thanks!
  7. Pilot hurt in jet breakup sues Boeing

    Theres two sides of this, First, Why were the cracks not noticed, Should his ground crew be hung or are the problems in an area that would require a full teardown of each jet to locate. These jets are pushed hard, things weaken over time and many have alot of flight time on them. If these cracks generate in an area that is not exposed during regular maintence its a case of bad luck. Accidents happen. Second, Put Yourself in the Pilots shoes, You had your dream job and was making a decent living at it. Due to no error of your own its taken away and bills start adding up. His plane fell apart around him, just imagine that for a minute. By Luck or Grace he survived. This was probably the most tramatic thing this guy ever went through, He was injured and probably mentally messed up. Don't you think you would want and deserve to be paid? I'm sure alot will come out in the lawsuit, If Boeing knew this could happen then god help em, but if its just a accident that will come out in court.
  8. I had my buddy try WOE awhile back. He is into FPS and the 1st thing he says is "I can't fly", so i tell him to just try to let the jet get to 180 knots and gently pull the stick back. Ok we managed to take off now just keep the horizon level, again ok so far, now lets try a turn, he slams the stick full left and wonders why he is rolling instead of turning!!! He crashes and says "see i told you i couldnt fly" and had no desire to try again. Some people just dont get it and are too lazy to try to learn it. Oddly enough, about a week later i sat my Girlfriend down and had her try to fly the A-10, She was able to control the aircraft and circle the field several times until she got a little too low and flew into the ground. "That was fun, much better than those shooting games your always trying to get me to try!" She has been to several Airshows with me and watched me play flight sims for the past 10 years, i've managed to get her interested in aircraft and she loves the sound of a Jet in full afterburner. We both get a huge smile at airshows when the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels perform and she was able to pick up the basics of sim flying just by watching me do it. I guess it takes a certain type of person to work the stick and rudder and unless they are that type they should not be reviewing Flight Sims.
  9. Heh heh, Told You these games were cool! If you havent done alot of modding yet just do a quick uninstall and install WOV first then WOE and get the merged install, in a few days you will really want it, because it adds all of WOVs aircraft,campaigns and carriers. The downloads section has just about anything you could want, the community modders do some amazing work. My current WOE install is 22.9 gigs and i dont have all the mods installed! These sims are very addictive and soon you will be making you own adjustments to the game. The KB (Knowledge Base) section of the forums will help you alot and if you dont find the answer your looking for there feel free to ask, i am sure someone here can help you. Welcome to Combat Ace and the Thirdwire Sims!
  10. If i can answer a simple question i'll try to do so, but the KB is a goldmine of info if your willing to dig a little. Sometimes the KB is not specific enough and i have seen a few posts directing people to the KB, when the exact question is not answered there. It all comes down to helping each other, even if a question has been asked before i think we can give a general answer and then direct the person to the KB for more info. People have put alot of effort into the KB and its really the best place for answers, but it usually only takes a few minutes to tell someone what they want to know. So try to give them the basics and then point them to the KB.
  11. RF-111G

    Im sure whatever the reasons will be worked out between those involved. Its really none of our business, but i really hope we do not lose a great modder over something that was just a misunderstanding. Most people allow there mods to be used freely but in the end its still someones property and a little communication can probably sort everything out. Just give them some time and i'm pretty sure things will work out in the end.
  12. Hi There and Welcome, I'll try to answer what i can... 1) Not sure, but i am running WOV/WOE/FE on an Intel 950 GMA onboard graphics chip and the games run pretty smooth. 2) Yes and they are easily editable to suit your own version of reality. If you think something is a little off its as easy as editing a .txt file to make changes. 3) Yes, there are a couple in the downloads section but i usually let the single mission option generate random missions. 4) Yes, On CAS or Armed Recon missions you will encounter moving units. 5) Yes, IMHO The thirdwire sims have some of the most detailed stock and user created models this side of lockon. 6) I think what you are seeing is near stall performance, the cockpit view will shake considerably as you approach stall. If i am wrong on anything here i am sure someone will correct me, but i believe these are truthful answers. Im sure some of the other pilots here will also add some input. I think you will find this to be a great community and always willing to help point you in the right direction for any questions you have. Also we have tons of addons available in the downloads section, this is the real stong point of Thirdwire sims. The stock games are kinda limited but with everything the community has done you can really make a amazing simulator that will have anything from WWI kites to Raptors and fictional aircraft that are available in no other sim. WOI is the latest game, but IMO you really cant go wrong with any of the Thirdwire sims.
  13. I purchased LOMAC Gold, Disk 1 installed fine, but then when i installed Disk 2 (Flaming Cliffs) It installed Starforce on my machine without giving me any sign it was doing so until it was already installed. I lost any hope of enjoying LOMAC after that, sure it looks good but i dont like sneak installs on my computer. Then i got WOV and i enjoyed it alot, but Falcon 4 was still my primary sim. Then came F4AF and i flew and enjoyed it alot, but it had its share of bugs and LP could only fix so many with each patch. Several areas of F4 are outdated, Graphics and Damage Model come to mind, but its forbidden to make those fixes and give them to the public. F4AF is so restrictive about modding that i lost intrest. When WOE came out i fell in love and falcon did not get played much anymore. WOE was much more stable and looked a thousand times better IMO. I fly WOE or FE almost everyday. The mods really make Third Wire my favorite choice of sims. The timeline of TW spans the dawn of flight to the latest and greatest, the only other sim like that is MSFS and in that you cant shoot anything. A lesson can be learned here for future developers, the more freedom you give your customers the better your product will be. Even the best programmers miss/create errors, but a dedicated user base will put forth alot of effort to find the fixes and improve on your product. I'll stick with Third Wire, TK knows what his customers want and gives them the freedom to add things he does not have the time/funds to address. That earns TW a big from me!
  14. Very Nice! Thanks for the work its taking, it will be a great addon when its released!
  15. What airplane are you?

    This was interesting, I turned out to be... Quiz 1...An Extra You are a EXTRA. You are a bit crazy. You enjoy taking risks. More so than most, and you find that the risks you take pay off with the excitement you got from the adventure. You are a top-grade, bad *ss. My kind of person!! Quiz 2...EA-6B You are an EA-6B. You are sinister, preferring not to get into confrontations, but extract revenge through mind games and technological interference. You also love to make noise and couldn`t care less about pollution.
  16. Happy Birthday to USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday!
  17. I got WOV from the bargin bin for $4.99, I was really impressed with how well the sim ran and after i discoved mods WOV became my one of my favorite sims, then as soon as WOE came out i bought it at Best Buy and now its my primary sim along with First Eagles which i bought at Thirdwire. Only thing keeping me from buying WOI is i finally have my WOE install modded almost exactly the way i wanted it to run and i havent been in the mood to start all over again. WOI looks Amazing though and im sure i'll eventually upgrade. All the TW stuff has been well worth the money.
  18. Happy Birthday......

  19. Happy Birthday......

    Thanks Everyone! its been a pretty good day so far, Flew to Key West in FS9 this morning and i have been flying WOE all aftenoon. As for being old, Well i remember when a flight sim consisted of balsa wood and a rubber band!
  20. Required Reading...

    I just finished reading Final Flight by Stephen Coonts, If you liked Flight of the Intruder or are a fan of the Tomcat you gotta read this book! Its an old book,I stumbled onto it in a used book store.It was published in 1988 by Dell. It follows Jake Grafton's career after he became CAG and a F-14 pilot. I finished the book in 4 nights, which is rare for me but the story is very good and kinda scary. I wont ruin it for you, but I know we have many Tomcat fans here, So i thought i'd send you guys a quick heads up!
  21. After a Google Search, This seems to be what they are talking about...
  22. Wow, Hard to believe its time to put the Nighthawk out to pasture, I remember that first grainy picture they released. I've seen the F-117A at a couple airshows, very cool plane. I will miss the flybys at the show, it always amazed me how quiet it was, hardly heard anything until it was passed you. I really like the Raptor, but it kinda seems like robbing peter to pay paul.
  23. OOPs, Someones in alot of trouble. Accidents happen, At least it wasnt a bomb. Are they talking about an underwing countermeasures container or a single unit of chaff that didnt deploy when it was released?
  24. SHACK!

    Very cool picture! Judging by the trees i'd guess it was Taken in either Iraq,North Florida or California and it might be a JDAM, but it kinda looks like a MK84 to me, the bomb looks too long for an 82. But Im no expert, just a guess. All in All, Great Pic!

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