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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. You didnt mention what operating system your using. I would guess XP, but if your using Vista i might have a suggestion that will help. I have a eMachines 3.0 Ghz Pent 4 with 1 Gig of Ram and an Intel 950 GMA with Windows Vista Home Premium (32 bit) and i have found that the latest XP Drivers perform far better than the Vista ones. I found this out because i play Star Wars Galaxies and with the Vista drivers the graphics constantly rebooted over and over again. So I disabled the Display Adaptor and Uninstalled the drivers and downloaded the .Zip version of the latest intel XP drivers and installed them, problem solved and all my games had higher FPS than the Vista Drivers.
  2. I wish i was.......................... A Beetleborg!

    Heh, Dont feel too bad, I still remember this...
  3. Last night i started messing with the Terrain Editor. I followed the 3 Tutorials in the KB and created a semi-working Terrain and im really looking forward to the 4th part, but the area i want to build is divided between 2 different DEM files from the site listed in the Tutorial. Does anyone know of any other sites that might have the DEM data for Nevada? I want to build a Terrain of the 1950s/60s era Nevada Test Range, i want to add target areas at the detonation sites and nearby bases,I Think that it could be fun for site seeing and red flag missions. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
  4. I have them both working in WOE. DBS replaces rain with snow, so unless you replace the flake.tga it will snow on all maps.
  5. I wish i was.......................... A Beetleborg!

    Very Classic Anime, I used to rush home from gradeschool to watch Battle of the Planets. I would love to have the Phoenix or Marks Jet for WOE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZfujTF_C6o
  6. Any Auto Mechanics Here?

    I recently bought an 87 Camaro with a 305 4 Barrel and about 85000 miles.Its in pretty decent shape, but needs a little work. I got it cheap, but i have owned fords all my life so learning to work on a chevy is a whole new world. Its got a top end tick that matches engine speed, which means its either a stuck lifter,bad lifter or worse, a bad cam or exhaust leak. Its not a rod knock, i know that sound well. Tried new plugs and wires to make sure it wasnt a dead cylinder. Sounds like its coming from the number 8 cylinder on the passenger rear of the engine head. Changing that plug was a nightmare, managed it with a 3in extention and ratchet from the top of the car with my arm wedged between the block,smog system and inner wheelwell! That plug also didnt match the rest so at least the last tuneup skipped it. Chevy owners know what im talking about. Now the question is has anyone tried Seafoam engine/fuel/oil additive for a stuck lifter? I read there website, but its hard to go by what is said there. Will it remove typical build up that clogs lifters? This is the next cheapest step in making this car driveable. I've seen the smoke cloud it creates, but not alot of info on how well it worked. I'm being cheap because the goal is to put as much money as possible to have a 350 engine built and ready to install by next year and i want to get a few miles outta this engine without tearing it open. Any other gearheads out there?
  7. Any Auto Mechanics Here?

    I had a little time to play around with it today, tried the Transmission fluid and its still ticking. I'm gonna go out late tonight and start it, a friend told me if its an exhaust manifold leak i should look under the hood in total darkness and i should notice flames escaping where the gasket failed. Worth a try i guess. It doesnt really smoke very bad at all, i was talking about the smoke cloud that Seafoam makes when you run it through the engine.You feed the stuff in through the Brake Booster Vacume Line and then let it set for 5-10 mins, then when you start it it supposed to blow the deposits out the exhaust in a huge smoke cloud. The only smoke now is the minor blue-ish smoke right at startup, it quickly goes away and when its warm i havent noticed any smoke at all. I just want to cure the ticking so i can drive it without worrying about screwing something up and getting stranded.If worse comes to worse i'll pull the heads and replace the lifters, but if i do that then all that smog garbage is going in the junk pile, too much crap to try to work around, AC doesnt work so it will probably get yanked out too. 1987 was the first year Camaros came with roller rockers from the factory, so it has the tall valve covers and strange bolt pattern of the newer SBC blocks.The 305 is not a bad motor, i just want my 350 in there. And yes, The Plugs were a nightmare!, How did chevy intend for them to be replaced? My Uncle and I almost took the mount looseand jacked the engine sideways, but i just managed to wiggle my arm in there!
  8. Any Auto Mechanics Here?

    light rust color, metal almost burned through, plug was in there a long time,maybe original AC DELCO plug judging by type/condition. The SMOG equipment made changing the #8 plug in camaros alot of work. I didnt even think of the piston ring, i really hope i dont have to pull the head. I still need to send the 350 block out to have it tanked and checked for cracks,but its gonna give me a new project for the next few months. The Rust is minimal on the body for a 21yr old car,solid floorpans and frame rails,but its almost all stock,the hoses and lines are aged so bad that they are the next step. The 305 is running better with the new plugs,wires and rotor,it has always started right up but the ticking is driving me nuts LOL. Seafoam is a multi-system additive, you can put it in the fuel,oil and vacume system to remove buildup on all the engine parts. sounds like wishful thinking, but YouTube has a bunch of videos on it.
  9. Any Auto Mechanics Here?

    no it was dry, but burned up pretty good.
  10. Sounds like corrupted tgas to me, not sure though. BTW I love the mod,it looks incredible! But sadly it kills my fps when dogfighting. Any chance of a lite version with 50% of the trees?
  11. The Genie was let out of the bottle

    I cant contribute alot as far as mods, but when i find something cool i try to share. I have been reading alot about the Nuclear Tests of Operation Plumbob in 1957. Here is a cool picture of the only time a AIR-2A Genie was ever fired with a live warhead. It was launched as the "John" Shot,Almost looks like the sun huh?
  12. Nothing wrong with low-res, i reduce all skins to 512 before installing.Better frame rates and if your close enough to see the difference pull the trigger.
  13. I'm hating this update, im no longer master of the sky. Im back to being a scarred nugget that does his job and runs for home. The more i fly this the more i see the AI do things that make it much more deadly to myself and wingmen. They like to skid alot now and if you miss your first shot they will not be there for the second. A good question was brought up about this not being able to use new features because of the older .dll, but i'm starting to think at least some of them are already in our .dll, but not used. The old AI did not use the ChanceUseVertical= callout, but it works with our .dll Also MaxCannonRange=,OptimalCannonRange=,MinCannonRange= work, i have played with them and can confirm the results. We can now control the range the AI opens fire at.Can anyone else confirm any of the other working features of this new AI code?
  14. Its cheaper than a single Raptor and if its needed than its needed period. Even at 10 times that cost its worth it, you cant put a price on a human life. Actually i was expecting a much higher price tag, so even if that is accurate its a bargin IMO.
  15. One thing i've always loved about the TW Community, Fiction is welcomed and We dont have to cater to the rivet counters. We have the stuff of dreamers, and a world without dreamers would be a sad place to live!
  16. Why not make this a requirement for hosting here? They get free hosting if they agree to allow mods based on there work, seems fair to me. I'm not saying we should do it to twist peoples arms, more like if you got it here you would know you could mod it. Granted we would have to give people time to remove there files if they didnt want to do this, but it would solve alot of problems and nobody is forced to do anything, there are other sites where there mod could be hosted.
  17. I have a second 200GB HD in my Machine and with the rate of the mod releases i usually backup my installs about twice a month.So unless both HDs fail at the same time i'm covered. My WOE install stands at 21.5 Gigs, I have 3 Aircraft folders, Jets,WWII Euro and WWII Pac, i installed all the Weapons and Terrains into a single install so all i have to do is rename my aircraft folder to switch eras but i also keep a stock install just incase i mess up a file and need to replace it.
  18. I am blown away by this, there are so many modders who want to control everything and this is unheard of. We have some of the most talented modders of any flight sim and this opens the door for many more to join the ranks. Those who have put ego aside for the good of the community get a big from me! I am not that talented, i cant make 3D Models and my Skinning skills are limited but like many of us i would like to contribute. I almost always start with someone elses work because of my skill level and many of the custom stuff i have made might soon be available to everyone because of this. The quality is not so great in my pics because i use an onboard Intel graphics chip, but heres a few things i've done. These are my Local Heros, The Florida Makos... This is the wrong model, but I wanted the YF-22 so it would be available as early as 1991... If things go well with this idea and i can release these skins proper credit in the read me would be given, Thats the right way to do things IMO. But aside from all that, the fact that this idea was even suggested has taken my respect for our community even higher than it already was! THANK YOU ALL!
  19. I'm glad i could help. I was messing around today and added that to my non-expansion pack install of First Eagles and it works there too! This really is a major improvement to the older AI, The enemy now will put up a much better fight and if you are not on the ball they will kill you.I understand why it shouldnt work, but i wouldnt have kept posting in this thread if it didnt. Its well worth trying, just backup your INI, that way if you dont like it you can easily switch it back. christian59, Thank you again for Posting this and of course a big thanks to TK for these Sims!
  20. Remember to think in Russian!

    I guess TrackIR better lower there prices once this hits the market. Seriously though, this could be a huge step forward.
  21. M*A*S*H Bloopers

    They dont make shows like that anymore! Thanks, That was great!
  22. The Genie was let out of the bottle

    This was the only other picture i saved. But Google Operation Plumbbob and you will find tons of information and pics. YouTube has a couple cool videos too. It was kinda funny to see what happened to a Blimp (Airship) that they used as part of another test. It was a strange time when we didnt know a whole lot about Nuclear Weapons and we detonated close to 2000 Nuclear Weapons in all the tests combined, Many of them right here in the USA!

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