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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Captain Wild Bill Kelso

    And Don't You Forget it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdUCu-A7tgg http://crackle.com/c/1941
  2. vanessa..member

    Thats horrible! I hope she gets well soon!
  3. Armed Balloons two thumbs up

    Glad your enjoying it! I wanted to add more AAA units around the balloons but i didn't know how. Could you post how you did that? I have only been hit a couple times but it keeps you on your toes when you see that shot coming at you!
  4. I would like to see a Bf 109G-6 with the "bumps" in front of the canopy for the guns. That and the Bf 109H,Bf109 T-1 and Bf 109Z are about the only ones we still need. I'm sure whatever you make will be great, Thanks for all your work!
  5. Sports Bra Sale at Walmart

  6. I finally broke down and did a WWII install. I almost have everything worked out except the sound of the jet engine that you hear when you are on the loadout screen. I want to replace it with a prop sound, can anyone tell my what the file is named and where it is? I thought it might be the same as the Loading.wav, but thats not it. I checked the KB and couldn't find this answer, anyone know? Thanks! EDIT: I found it, If anyone wants to know its the hangarnoise1.wav,hangarnoise2.wav and hangarnoise3.wav files in the sounds folder. I was looking in the menu folder so i didn't find them right away.
  7. Site down for some People

    I had the same problem. i thought the site was down until a websearch on bf109s brought me to the forums. The strange thing is some of you say you had to add www to get here again, well i had to remove it and then my bookmark worked fine again. weird, LOL!
  8. Memorial Day

  9. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    I gotta agree with that, i buy single player games to give me something to do if the internet goes down. Its a shame because it looks like a good game but being forced to connect just to play SP is stupid IMO. I'll stick with First Eagles, although OFF looks really interesting too, I might give phase 2 a shot to see if my system can handle it.
  10. German Bomber FMs

    Great Job! These FMs work 1000 times better than the old ones! All your FMs have really improved First Eagles! Thank You for all your hard work! No Offense intended, but I also wanted to mention that if anyone is using my Armed Balloons Mod you will need to add the Gundata info again or the Balloons won't fire anymore. Just add this info to the Gundata.ini and run the gun editor. Remember to Change [GunDataXXX] to next available number before running the editor! [GunDataXXX] TypeName=7.92MM_Mauser98 FullName=7.92mm Mauser 1898 Rifle Caliber=7.920000 ROF=15.000000 MuzzleVel=880.000000 AmmoWt=0.010000 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=70.000000 Accuracy=70.000000 AddLight=FALSE MaxLightRange=1000.000000 FireColor=0.150000,0.150000,0.150000 GunFireEffect=LmgFireEffect GunFireSound=Parabellum EffectClassName=LmgEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.120000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.025000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE [GunDataXXX] TypeName=303CAL_Lee_Enfield FullName=.303 Lee Enfield Rifle Caliber=7.700000 ROF=10.000000 MuzzleVel=744.000000 AmmoWt=0.011300 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=85.000000 Accuracy=70.000000 AddLight=FALSE MaxLightRange=1000.000000 FireColor=0.150000,0.150000,0.150000 GunFireEffect=LmgFireEffect GunFireSound=Lewis EffectClassName=LmgEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.120000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.025000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE
  11. I found this today and thought it might interest some of our members. There are 4 parts, Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VVugwb7YIY...feature=related
  12. Ah, you've got to love the internet....NOT

    You guys should see the Star Wars Galaxies Forums, They are the most unhappy and confused people i have ever seen. The community is so divided that half the forums are always at war with the other half.If you don't agree with them they will flame a thread or post gibberish until a mod deletes it. The big problem is the mods let it continue, you really have to screw up bad to get banned over there. Alot of them still have not gotten over game changes that were made in 2003, yet they still pay to play a game that they hate and 733T speak is very common to the point that i don't know what they are talking about most of the time. A newbies questions are usually answered with L2Play or other rude comments and they wonder why they can't keep people playing.
  13. I have tried running FE with widesky and without and with onboard graphics and with my GeForce 8400GS 512mb with the latest drivers and in inclement weather i always get this dark layer over the clouds and the tearing shown in the picture. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I'm Running FE+EP+Latest Patch, Any suggestions? Thanks! EDIT: I dont have this problem with WOE or WOV.
  14. Anyone else have this problem with FE?

    Thanks! I was starting to wonder if i was the only one with this problem. Its really weird because like i said earlier i don't have this problem in WOE,WOV or WOI. I have checked the KB here and Thirdwires forums but have not found a fix yet, I'm thinking maybe a .dll or .ini could be swaped between sims, but thats only a guess and i really have no idea where to start looking.
  15. I feel for ya man, I had that happen awhile back, now i backup everything to my second HD at least twice a month.
  16. Anyone else have this problem with FE?

    Yeah i saw that, I just tried it to see if it would fix the tearing but i still get that even without widesky. I have had that problem in bad weather ever since i installed FE.
  17. A Thank You To Erik

    THANK YOU!!!
  18. Hannover CL.III

    Having alot of fun with this one, Nice Work as always! Thank You!
  19. AI landing on airfields

    Thank You! This has bugged me for quite awhile also. I think that TouchDown=0,200 may have been a typo on TKs part, i'd bet he meant TouchDown=0,-200. I ended up going with TouchDown=0,-100 and i like it alot better. Thanks Again!
  20. Can you post a sceenshot? It might help if we can see exactly what problems your having. There are alot of people here that know a whole lot about this sim and can probably tell you what to edit to fix your problems.

    As a teenager in the early 80s I love Metal, Bands like... Motley Crue (Saw them last year at Cruefest and they still put on an Awesome Show!) Ratt Dio Judas Priest Iron Maiden AC-DC Ozzy Twisted Sister Tesla Dokken Skid Row Aerosmith Guns n Roses Lynyrd Skynyrd Kiss Scorpions WASP Van Halen Metallica (Before the Black Album!) Pantera Megadeth Motorhead Slayer Suicidal And on and on! I also like the so called "Classics" like... Black Sabbath The Doors Led Zeppelin Jimi Hendrix The Beatles Blue Oyster Cult Lately i have been listening to alot of SIXX:AM and Theory of a Deadman.
  22. Triplane schemes.

    Another great job! I have most of your skins and they are all amazing, Thank You!
  23. F-35 Demon Helmet

    I hope no pilot ever has to bailout, I can just see some farmer putting a load of buckshot into the pilot thinking the aliens had come to probe him!
  24. Nieuport Tactics

    This is driving me crazy, Its seems like the Nieuports (Mainly the N 17) are the most fragile aircraft in the game. one or two hits and the wing is gone and i'm tumbling outta the sky. I keep getting suicide missions to attack Gothas and my flight can't get anywhere near them. I've tried everything i can think of, getting high and making a fast diving pass is the only tactic that has kept me alive so far, but i can't seem to put enough rounds into the bomber to even slow them down. How do you guys handle this situation and does the Nieuport seem a little too fragile to anyone else?
  25. I was very pleased to see a new skin for the 109, Its my favorite WWII aircraft. Very nice job! I love the 109F4 because IIRC it has the most ammo. I'd really like to see a nice G6 model with the humps in front of the cockpit, The current late model G variant is very nice don't get me wrong, but it also has the bumps on the wings for the enlarged wheelwells.

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