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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Thought you guys might get a laugh outta this... http://forums.frugalsworld.com/vbb/showthr...277#post1631277
  2. This is a great community. People have been very helpful and the modders have made alot of great things for all of us to enjoy. Cheers!!!
  3. My main concern is that Frugals is a popular site and people who might consider buying a TW product would believe what Stiglr was saying. In so many areas he is just flat out wrong, like when he describes our flight models. I figured i could just make a counter post and maybe set things straight, but he just kept coming back spouting more crap. I'm proud to be a member of the TW community (Sycophants!) and I love these sims. I would not own WOV,WOE,WOI and FE if i didnt. I just didn't want to see someone driven away by someone who has no clue what he is talking about. This community has been good to me and i don't like it when someone talks smack and has no clue how good this series actually is. Anyway, Now i'm off to see what was posted at Frugals, i haven't made it there yet tonight.
  4. Thats a strange one, Only thing i can think of is... Did the Hornet or F-111A add new weapons? If so, It might be a problem with the WeaponsData.INI. Other than that i have no idea, but hopefully someone else has had this problem before.
  5. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    I thought the original publisher was BAO/Sublogic, Thats what the manual said for FS on the old Atari XT. Anyway, I don't think this will kill MSFS, I think it will just be moved to a new studio once all the dust settles. I know Microsoft have made some dumb moves before, But i doubt they will kill the golden goose which has always made a profit in the past. I could be wrong though, They thought Vista was better than XP.
  6. Some great Russian Footage...

    I found this on YouTube this morning and even though i could not understand a word of it i still watched all 6 parts. Enjoy! http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaS8FHh4CdI&...feature=related
  7. I'm really looking forward to this one since i have been using the A version with modified Harrier engines as a stand-in for the B. It looks great so far, Thanks to everyone who is working on this beast!
  8. Airliner makes emergency landing in Hudson River

    This was a great job by the pilots and the entire crew as well as the boaters in the area. As for the passengers, well i'm sure it was pretty scary for them and i could understand if they didn't want to fly again, but the fact of the matter is they are still alive due to the skill of the pilots and the design of the aircraft.
  9. That looks Amazing! It will be great to have this bird in the game.
  10. hi

  11. Poor FPS

    I run WOV,WOE,WOI and FE-EP with an Intel 950 GMA onboard gfx chip with Vista and i get 15-25 fps most of the time, with alot going on it can drop to 5-10 fps. But i resize all textures to 512x512 before i install any mod and i don't use explosion mods or trees (Still running the Oct "A" patch). If your performance is worse, it has to be something with your system.
  12. Gun jam

    For realism the new guns jam feature is kinda cool, but it can also get annoying. Real pilots are forced to deal with it, however us simmers have another option. There are two steps you need to do to cheat and unjam your guns inflight... As mentioned above you will need to change the aircraftobject.ini section from AllowUnjamAttempt=FALSE to AllowUnjamAttempt=TRUE. Now in WOE at least, TK did not add a keybinding to unjam the guns, so you will need to open the woe/controls/Default.ini (Or whatever control INI you are using) and add UNJAM_GUN=* (* can be any unused key you want to assign) Finally, if you go to the key commands option screen you will lose the "UNJAM_GUN=" statement so you are better off if you right click on Default.ini and click the READ ONLY checkbox. You will need to make the file writeable again if you need to change a keybinding so make sure its correct before you add "UNJAM_GUN=" and make the file read only. I started using the read only method when i needed different settings for my Joystick Axis. We only have 1 slider in game to adjust sensitivty and deadzone, but in the INI there is a section for each axis. My Pitch and Roll worked fine but my rudder control had developed alot of play in it so i needed the Yaw input settings set much lower than Pitch and Roll. Hope this helps.
  13. How are you celebrating tonight?

    My Girl,a movie or two, some shots of jack and Happy New Year To All!

    Happy New Year!!!! Everyone be careful getting back home tonight, there will be alot of drunks on the road.
  15. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Very Sorry to hear of your loss, bad time of year and its always a bad time to lose a loved one. <S> to him and best wishes to you and your family!
  16. There is a texture missing. Its been awhile since i did this so i'm not sure which file comes in the zip or 7z file. Its either droite.bmp or gauche.bmp. Just make a copy whichever one you have and give it the other name and it will fix the problem. EDIT: LOL Beat me to it
  17. Santas new Sleigh

    That was great!
  18. 7000 hrs! <SALUTE> http://www.f-16.net/news_article3122.html Also the Thunderbirds got Block 52s! I gotta go to the airshow this march, The 32s were cool, but these should be amazing! http://www.f-16.net/news_article3127.html
  19. I'm using the Topgun Theme from the SFTrainingmusic download here at CA as my loading music but its starting to get kinda old, anyone have any suggestions or know where to find more wavs in the correct format for WOE? I'm using the main theme music from Red Baron 3D for loading in FE and i'll probably keep that forever since it just kinda feels right, but i have not found one i like as well for WOE yet. What are you guys using? Thanks!
  20. Happy holidays everyone!

    I hope everyone has a great holiday season this year!
  21. Nurse Chapel is no longer on the Enterprise

    . :cray:

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