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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. What was the Worse console game you ever played?

    The Swordquest Series on Atari 2600, They made 3 cartridges Earthworld,Fireworld and Waterworld. These games were so bad that they made ET and Raiders look good (I beat ET and Raiders). http://www.atariage.com/software_page.html...wareLabelID=541 As for more recent disappointments i'd have to say Batman:Dark Tomorrow for X-box, What should have been a great game was ruined because the camera view and controls made it almost impossible to play. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/batman...row/review.html
  2. Christmas Day, 1776

    I'd read bits of that story, but this was much more detailed. Good Read and Thanks for posting it!
  3. Indian Air Force on high alert

    I honestly hope that Pakistan will finally do something about the Terrorists who are using that country as a haven. What happened was horrible and for it to lead both countrys into war would just accomplish what the Terrorists want. I don't blame the government of Pakistan for the attacks, but by doing so little to stop the Terrorists they are inviting more attacks like this. I know they don't have the resources to track them all down, but how long has it been since we have seen them do anything at all to stop these groups? I have been lucky enough to know people from both nations and they were good and honorable people. I know you can't judge them all by the few i have met, but i don't consider either nation as evil. It just amazes me that Pakistan allows these monsters to operate within there country. I know these people don't get along well with each other and there are many issues that threaten the peace between them, but i hope they find a way to place the blame on the Terrorists and actually do something about it. Maybe a common enemy might help them realize that the true threat is coming from these terrorists who will stop at nothing to create chaos in the world and the two nations can work together in some way to stop these killers. I know alot of this is wishful thinking, but hopefully Pakistan will become angry enough about being used like this to at least push these groups out into the open where they can be dealt with.
  4. I don't think the Models are improved, but the textures are much better IMO. Nice Find!
  5. Make sure the sniper pods .lod and .bmp files are in the Objects/Aircraft folder with all the pilot files, not in the F-15s folder. I had this problem, i had put the files into the weapons folder by mistake. Hope This Helps!
  6. F-18 down

    A very sad situation all around, I feel for the man who lost his family, but i also feel for the Pilot who has to live with knowing that people were killed by his accident. I am sure he did everything he could to ditch in an uninhabited area but without engines todays jet fighters become bricks with wings and there is not much he could have done. Like i said, a sad day for both familys, my prayers are with them.
  7. A Different Christmas Poem

    To all those who sacrifice to make our lives safe, Nothing more i can say.
  8. Great Beta of a badly needed Aircraft! I even made a copy and tweaked it a little into a stand-in for the Su-25 until one is released. Thank You, I'm sure that model took some effort and she looks great!
  9. Water Walking

    LOL! The Hamburger Strikes Back!
  10. Do you fly for your own nation?

    Agreed, I Love My Country but i prefer the German Aircraft due to there performance not nationality. The Albatros when flown correctly can match or outclass any allied fighter, Same with the 109 depending on variant. I can take the 109K and own Mustangs all day long, Spits are more of a challenge but they can be outperformed also. Personally, I wouldn't care if these aircraft were neon pink with cute lil bluebirds for markings, its performace that matters and it seems that the German aircraft of the 1st and 2nd World Wars fit my flying style. Not to single anyone out, but some people seem to think that their way is the only way to fly a sim and thats what i grew tired of and a big part of why i dropped out of the Falcon 4 community. These Sims are for fun, period. If you want full realism you won't find it in public software, you would be better off taking flight lessons. One of the great things about the Thirdwire Community is that we are less judgemental and not rivet counters, If thats what you want there are already tons of sim communitys that thrive on that. We are here to have fun, whats wrong with that?
  11. InstantAction: Ace of Aces

    is there a way to enter the code after being registered and confirmed?
  12. With all the releases recently, I'm kinda surprised your already working on another. THANK YOU!
  13. InstantAction: Ace of Aces

    Well, I registered, but i can't figure out where to DL the game software. I Must have done something wrong in the process, I can reach the site and sign in, but there is nothing telling me how to DL the AOA beta software.
  14. a weird thank you.!

    Welcome to the site! Theres alot of really cool people in this community and you can find almost anything you will ever need for Thirdwire sims here. If you need any help just ask, theres always someone around who will try to help!
  15. F-18 down

    I was afraid of that.
  16. F-18 down

    Its a lucky day for both the pilot and the people on the ground. Sadly if something is man-made it will fail at some point. The jet,houses and material items can be replaced, i do feel for the familys whos houses were destroyed, but at least everyone is alive. It will be interesting to see what the cause was.
  17. I've flown WWII planes since the patch came out and i like it. Performance is pretty close and the aircraft are flyable but i think the area that needs work is the stall data. If we could update the Stall Data in the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI i think we could fix WWII aircraft without having to add stall data to each aircraft. [stallModel] //default post-stall data for modern airfoil, for old aircraft data.ini files without stall data StallLiftTableNumData=37 StallLiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallLiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallLiftTableData=0.000,-0.014,-0.029,-0.047,-0.064,-0.060,-0.052,-0.035,-0.015,0.000,0.019,0.055,0.104,0.155,0.224,0.236,0.234,0.230,1.000,0.254,0.249,0.255,0.233,0.185,0.131,0.082,0.042,0.010,-0.015,-0.035,-0.052,-0.060,-0.064,-0.047,-0.029,-0.014,0.000 StallDragTableNumData=37 StallDragTableDeltaX=10.00 StallDragTableStartX=-180.00 StallDragTableData=0.001,0.008,0.021,0.043,0.082,0.124,0.171,0.227,0.293,0.368,0.451,0.562,0.689,0.826,0.937,1.019,1.143,1.783,1.000,1.783,1.143,1.019,0.937,0.826,0.689,0.562,0.451,0.368,0.293,0.227,0 .171,0.124,0.082,0.043,0.021,0.008,0.001 StallXacShiftTableNumData=37 StallXacShiftTableDeltaX=10.00 StallXacShiftTableStartX=-180.00 StallXacShiftTableData=-0.234,-0.220,-0.209,-0.191,-0.175,-0.164,-0.150,-0.137,-0.126,-0.119,-0.112,-0.110,-0.108,-0.103,-0.068,-0.014,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,-0.014,-0.068,-0.103,-0.108,-0.110,-0.112,-0.119,-0.126,-0.137,-0.150,-0.164,-0.175,-0.191,-0.209,-0.220,-0.234 If anyone understands how this data works, do you think it could be changed for WWII prop fighters? It wouldn't have to be perfect, we can always re-write it when TK Releases the WOI Expansion with the Mustang.
  18. Triplane schemes.

    Another great skin! Thanks for all your work on the Dr.1. Are you going to release all the skins in a single download? I'm pretty sure i have most of them but i might have missed a couple. Once Again, Nice Job!
  19. CFS1 aircraft

    WWW.FLIGHTSIM.COM <---Should have an entire section for CFS1
  20. Happy Turkey Day

    happy thanksgiving everyone!
  21. This is kinda strange to me or maybe i'm just under-informed. The Default Albatros D.III's Jasta 11 paintjob has the entire fuselage of the aircraft painted red, Is this correct? I thought they had Red noses and tails, but i though MvR was the only one with the entire fuselage painted red. Maybe i'm wrong, but i haven't been able to find the profile for a Jasta 11 D.III on the net yet. Anyone know?
  22. New update to the skinpack submitted, i made a fictional factory paintjob kinda simular to the one above without the red fuselage line and there are 2 versions of Wolffs available so it can be all purple,rear only purple and 2 sets of wing textures. Just rename the bmps for each version.
  23. I had intended to do a full pack of all the Jasta 11 D.IIIs, but finding solid info is pretty rough. Sometimes even the real experts can't agree on what color something is in those old photos. Anything i release is just based on speculation,It shouldn't be taken too seriously, I just wanted a fast way to have the Flying Circus effect when i encountered Jasta 11 in a campaign. All the colors swirling around in a furball in the distance is pretty cool to watch. Those D.III skins by Stephen look amazing! I'll use those as soon as they are released, Wolff's Purple Machine looks really good!
  24. Yeah thats a great painting! Its the only picture i've seen of Wolff's D.III, I assume the Yellow/Blue belongs to Eduard Lubbert right? Still have not decided if i should paint the nose of Wolff's red or not, but i made a little more progress today.
  25. I have started on Wolff's D.III, but i can't find any information to figure out how it was marked. Does anyone have a link to a profile? A google search didn't turn up anything. Did it have the Red Spinner? Here's what i have so far...

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