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Everything posted by hurc

  1. Good Ol Days , '72-'73 season. Home of the Fighter Pilot.
  2. Why yes, you guessed it! it turns all A/C into F-16s! LOL
  3. Nellis Range, Before and After the new Hi-Res Desert Tileset and I'm loveing the IL2 Clouds mod. Early (T)Birds.
  4. File Name: SF2V Airbase Rebuild Mod 1.1.zip File Submitter: hurc File Submitted: 01 October 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects HURC'S SF2V AIRFIELD REBUILD MOD 1.1 This mod is was inspired by "Piecemeals Airfield mod to complement Stary's Green Hell3 mod for SF2V". Thanks Piecemeal, Stary and all you other crazy modders! Thanks TK! I basically rebuilt the airfields on both sides with new objects and layouts. I wanted to make them so that you will not find allied equipment on an enemy airfield, or at least not enough to notice. I didn't think you should see USAF type revetments on a Russian designed and Chinese built airfield such as those in North Vietnam. Many of the same terrain objects that Piecemeal used are still included and along with new ones that were not yet created at the time of his mods release. Good Hunting! Steve "Hurc" Crane Click here to download this file
  5. I downloaded the old terrain editor, but dont really know how to use it, If somebody wants to add "Sunrise Mountian" just SE of Nellis that would be great! Right now there are just alot of large rolling sand dunes/small foothills. Maybe even flatten up the area West for a Las Vegas Strip! Right now I have drones taking off from the Mockup Airfield at the target area, and they do launch as nice targets when you do a Fighter Sweep or CAP type. I have 2 enemys in the limited nations.ini, "Range", which are what most drones are set as and "AGRS" for aggressor A/C. For some reason the A/I never sends up an Agressor, only a drone. Have to figure that one out still. The second runway is just for show as it stands now. The problem is with A/I aggressors using it, they will takeoff and be shooting down friendlies right over Nellis, LOL.
  6. Thanks Soulman , Yes, I am doing the target areas too. I'm leaning towards renaming it to make it a whole new range terrain from the original not just a overwrite of the current range. Are 2 range terrains too many ? What about "Nellis Range" or "Desert Range" ?
  7. Hi-Res Desert is looking good IMHO. Better than the original Range Textures you think ?
  8. I do have STT access, which you would have to get from Swambast, but I can't get the hang of it so Nellis was built the old fashioned way, piece by piece. I'm going to incorporate the new Hi-Res Desert tiles into it as best I can too. Needs alot of cut n paste. I spend WAY too much time on modding this blinking game, LOL, just ask my girlfriend
  9. WIP - got the runways and taxiways lit up at night. I added light for the floodlights, but they dont really flood anything. Anyone got floodlights with a flood light tga added per the trucks with headlights ?
  10. These are older skins for the MF F-16A Blk 10 I believe, but I was able to get them to work in SF2 with the normal steps. I don't know if they will even work on the new F-16Cs models, probably not. One issue I did have was that I can't get the ACMI pod to show as a loadout option on my F-16 Aggressor, it seems to have the correct attachment type. What role does the "Nation=" for an A/Cs data file have in regards to attachent type ? Can an enemy A/C attach a friendly weapon if the attachment type allows ? http://combatace.com/files/file/1999-f-16-aggressor-pack/ Thanks, Hurc
  11. Thanks Storm, LOL, didn't know it had that nickname. Has anyone figured out "Ramp Starts" ? I can make the takeoff points just about anywhere, but AI will pivot and head for the center point of the runway, regardless of its T/O heading or location. If no buildings are in its path it turns out ok, but is not pretty if they clip a structure or head into a hillside, LOL.
  12. The Red Flag Buildings and Threat Display Vehicles are done. Should be done soon. Hurc
  13. This is what you can get after several mission attempts with the games built in random parked A/C generator. But I still need a Static F-16 to really do justice. Hurc
  14. LOL! I would need to see your "VIP Pass" before I add bleachers, haha! Now "static F-16(s) with the T-Bird Skin" is surely possible if there is/was one made ? {hint to any A/C modders watching this thread}. Thanks, Hurc Scratch this - didnt work as I hoped, still need a Static T-Bird. - // Never mind my hint, LOL {think I have a way of makeing a parked T-Bird F-16 using a trick from Boostjunky and his parked FAC A/C}
  15. Thanks Wrench! By the time I'm done The Thunder Chickens hangar will be there. Right now a place holder hangar is there till I mod it and do a red, white and blue paint job. I was stationed at Nellis '83-'84 and worked in the Area 2 WSA. Was allways fun to see them practice overhead. Hurc Ok, put it together tonight, Hows this ?
  16. Thanks Soulman, right now I have it replacing the existing base, not sure if there is a space on the map flat enough for a second base except up where the targets are. I was thinking of adding an enemy base for drones or aggressor a/c somewhere, most likely near the target area. The problem is the target area is so close that aggressor F-15s will be locking you up right after takeoff, LOL. Hurc
  17. SO I'm doing a detailed Nellis AFB for the Range Terrain airfield and decided to try it in the So Cal Terrain where there is an actual Nellis AFB already. But, in SoCal there is an odd thing with the sky changing from nice and blue from one angle to gray and hazy at another ? Using SoCal 2.0 with the Hotfix added. Yes I did a search for this and saw some other threads on tiles problems, but none for the sky issue. I'm in SF2 with Win 7 OS so I suspect this is a DX9/DX10 issue ? Is there a fix ? Not at home or I would have attached a screenshot. Thanks, Steve "Hurc" Crane
  18. Thanks Wrench, That did the trick, Blue Skys ! WIP Nellis AFB Hurc
  19. Flyable A-1H/J Skyraider for SF2V Ver 1.0

    Great Job! I'm sure you are "Sworn to Secrecy", LOL, but is this the new cockpit we will see for the SF2 KAW thats been in the works forever ? Thanks, Hurc
  20. File Name: SF2V Airbase Rebuild Mod 1.1 Patch File Submitter: hurc File Submitted: 09 October 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects HURC'S SF2V AIRFIELD REBUILD MOD 1.1 Patch 1 (Freeware - Not to be used in any Payware mods) 10-9-11 This patch adds a few missing items from the original mod. Additionally, there are new targets and types files with slight changes. Backup your current ones if you have modified them just in case. Plus: If you have an install of the "Vietnam Air and Ground Expansion Pack 2.x Mod", I've included a set of targets and types files specifically for use in that mod. Make sure you BACKUP first just in case. Install the original SF2V AB Rebuild Mod 1.1 into your AG-XP mod folder and then copy the included objects, types and targets ini files into the mod folder as well - say yes to overwrite prompts. Click here to download this file
  21. Version Patch 1


    HURC'S SF2V AIRFIELD REBUILD MOD 1.1 Patch 1 (Freeware - Not to be used in any Payware mods) 10-9-11 This patch adds a few missing items from the original mod. Additionally, there are new targets and types files with slight changes. Backup your current ones if you have modified them just in case. Plus: If you have an install of the "Vietnam Air and Ground Expansion Pack 2.x Mod", I've included a set of targets and types files specifically for use in that mod. Make sure you BACKUP first just in case. Install the original SF2V AB Rebuild Mod 1.1 into your AG-XP mod folder and then copy the included objects, types and targets ini files into the mod folder as well - say yes to overwrite prompts.
  22. I included the 747 (wont show up till 1970 though), Huey and Sea King static A/C in the package. I named them slightly different in the types.ini than they were originally. I realized after the fact that Piecemeals' mod had also included a few other things such as new clouds, etc. and those are not in my mod. Most of his ground objects are. I will edit the readme for the future to be more clear. So you can install "over" a existing Piecemeal Mod ok, as long as you say "Yes" to overwriting an existing file. Note however our main targets.ini and types.ini are different and some things from his mod may not show up in game due to those differences. Make a BACKUP just in case before you try. hurc p.s. I have managed to merge the new bases into my install of SF2V Air and Ground War Expansion and will make those ini files available once they pass further testing.
  23. I just gave it a try in WOV and couldn't get it to work, so as is its not compatable. Sorry.
  24. Sweet! What about their F-15 agressor squadron ? That would sure be nice of you to do too! Hurc
  25. Speaking of loadouts, after the Sept Update the F-105s have split loadout of 1 AIM9 and 1 ECM pod on their outer wing stations. Pre Update it was both with ECM pods. I haven't extracted the 105s data.ini to see what was done. Hurc

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