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Bill Posters

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  1. Dassault Mirage IIIO, RAAF

  2. Modern Darwin/Timor

  3. I had the same problem and nearly gave up in desperation. However I discovered that when saving the tga my image editor (the Gimp) was applying "RLE compression". After I unchecked that particular option it worked just fine. In fact in the end I only had to resize the tga by about 25% without changing the shape of it at all. Hope this helps.
  4. Don't be too sure about that. Take a look at points 3 & 4 here. I won't try to argue that the market hasn't changed over the years. Flashy graphics and instant gratification are certainly in favour these days. I just don't think age has as much to do with it as you might think. It seems to me that it's more due to the fact that while the population of gamers is growing exponentially, the population of flight simming gamers is not growing nearly as much, if at all. It's a damned shame really but at least we have people like TK and Oleg Maddox keeping the genre alive.

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