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Everything posted by gerald14


  2. M2/M3 Bradly

  3. Mi-35



    Mi-35 with modern weapons and ground radar!!!! Soon will add HUD!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Read Me^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a Mi-35 with modern updates and weapons The Mi-35 uses a A-4 cockpit and has ground radar to track down targets like the M1A1 and M2 Also has a new gun to kill those ground targets TV guided missiles can be loaded For Max crazyness use gun pods!!!! By: FM's:Gerald14 Loadouts:Gerald14 Pit:Gerald14 and Thirdwire Model:A-Team (capun and others) Hanger Screens:Wrench Radar:Gerald14 New Gun:Gerald14 Skins:allenjb42 You may use my mod but you must give me permission to me and capun if you want to post it. Thank you to the A-Team for letting me use the Mi-24!!!! Please Don't Piss People Off Thank you Any Bugs please PM me at Combatace or E-mail me at: gerald14juarez@yahoo.com
  4. File Name: Mi-35 File Submitter: gerald14 File Submitted: 11 May 2007 File Category: Helicopters Mi-35 with modern weapons and ground radar!!!! Soon will add HUD!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Read Me^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a Mi-35 with modern updates and weapons The Mi-35 uses a A-4 cockpit and has ground radar to track down targets like the M1A1 and M2 Also has a new gun to kill those ground targets TV guided missiles can be loaded For Max crazyness use gun pods!!!! By: FM's:Gerald14 Loadouts:Gerald14 Pit:Gerald14 and Thirdwire Model:A-Team (capun and others) Hanger Screens:Wrench Radar:Gerald14 New Gun:Gerald14 Skins:allenjb42 You may use my mod but you must give me permission to me and capun if you want to post it. Thank you to the A-Team for letting me use the Mi-24!!!! Please Don't Piss People Off Thank you Any Bugs please PM me at Combatace or E-mail me at: gerald14juarez@yahoo.com Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    Just in time for 06-06-06 .Finally i have finish my model the Su-47. THIS IS NOT A FINISH MODEL!!! PLEASE SOME ONE FINISH IT AND MADE IT FLYABLE!!!! This should use the Mig-25 cockpit because this was worked on during the 70's
  6. Russian Defence Pack



    ZSU-23-4 Pack ********************************** This is just a pack with 4 different types of ZSU-23-4 that will give you a hard time. Bad News for Helos and A-10's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Harriers............... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Types: # ZSU-23-4 (1964): pre-production and then initial production models. # ZSU-23-4V (1968): minor modifications. # ZSU-23-4V1 (1972): more minor modifications. # ZSU-23-4M (1977): one extra ammunition panier on turret exterior (now three), added an armoured cover for the guns, upgraded fire-control computer to digital, "Gun Dish" radar can operate independently in search mode rather than only slaved to the guns. These have radar!!! So your aircraft (with RWR) will have a radar warning because the ZSU-23-4 is tracking you down. If you are in 4 miles or less.... You are screwed... Man aren't you screwed. Just because you have ECM does mean you are safe. It will still shoot you!!!!! So just take it out or you are dead. Plus the tracers are set at 1 so you can have bullets in the sky. In night time the sky fills up with light. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by : Gerald14 for skins and info And Combatace and Thirdwire. Combatace for the hosting and great site Thirdwire for the model
  7. MiG-21MA

    Ok I am most finished with the MiG-21MA. I just need to fix some bugs and maybe add some skins. If you have any or find photos of MiG-21MA please post them we can make a skin off of them. Here are some pics: The first one is the pic of the cockpit with a new gun sight and I added a F on the gun sight. Here are skins: Thanks kukulino for the decal :) Please tell me what you think. I am also working on a MiG-21MA without the gun pod
  8. Hello everyone ,I am back! Sorry if I didn't answer any questions lately ( my life is really busy plus modding bf2 ). So can anyone tell me what did I miss. Plus the MIG-21MA or other projects is not canceled it was on hold due to my life. So now I can resume my work and play WOE!
  9. Georgia moves against separatists

    http://br.youtube.com/watch?v=BypnhFI7HGY Another way to start things off.
  10. maybe you can send the file to me and I can make that HUD for you.
  11. MiG-21MA

    The MiG-21-93 is something that you don't want to miss with!
  12. Sweet, just what we needed! Good work man!
  13. Mr T.

    T-55 FTW!
  14. You forgot the J-7III A and D
  15. Looks good! looking forward to it.
  16. Phantom Iranian Missiles...

    Or copy our first nuclear test video and say that the nuke was so powerful that the nuke messed up their video and camera systems.
  17. Are you sure? Because In 1998 a decision was made by the Defense Ministry to launch a quantity-modernization program of the MiG-29 fighters. A total of 150 to 180 modernized MiG-29SMTs will be introduced in service with the Russian Air Force. Extensive modernization is planned only of the aircraft produced through the previous decade. This will provide a dramatic increase in combat capabilities of the Russian Air Force. The modernization program started in September 1998 by the Kubinka military aircraft-repair plant and the MAPO MIG. The first batch of 10 to 15 MiG-29SMTs was delivered before the end of the year. In 1999, a total of 20 to 30 MiG-29 fighters were modernized into the MiG-29SMT version, approaching fifth-generation fighters in terms of characteristics. Starting from the year 2000, the program's annual modernization rate was expected to reach 40 MiG-29SMTs. The overall plan provides for modernization of 150 recently manufactured MiG-29s, with the remainder of the older aircraft being withdrawn from service.
  18. This missile was used on the MiG-21bis along with the AA-8
  19. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    What was the last Russian MiG-21 used? and what is the date?
  20. One word.... WOOT! Man I was waiting for this! Thanks
  21. Question about Vista

    If you want your full system power in games and programs. Go for XP Pro but if you want all the eye candy and features from Vista then go for it. I have XP Pro and saving a copy of Vista for the future once all of the games and etc. goes for Vista. Your choice mate!

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