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Everything posted by ArturR

  1. Świetny pomysł aczkolwiek jest kilka podstawowych problemów. Po pierwsze teren przedstawiony w WoE (to chyba logiczne że kampania musi dotyczyć tej wersji gry) jest słabo przedstawiony jeżeli chodzi o nasz kraj, w WoE jest tylko fragment terenu Polski, o kiepsko zrobionych miastach i lotniskach czy ich braku nawet nie wspomnę. Kolejna kwestia to lata w jakich ma się toczyć krótko mówiąc jakiej ery będą to maszyny, nowoczesne F-16, MiG-29, Su-22, czy coś starszego Mig-21/23 , Su-7 ? O ile mamy dobrze przedstawiony park maszyn starszych o tyle jest problem z nowszymi, nigdzie chyba nie ma naszej wersji F-16c/d bl52+, a model Miga jest dość kiepski, podobnie z Su-22, do tego dochodzą odpowiednie skiny.
  2. Libyan SU-22 with AIM-9 Sidewinder ?

    Definitely it is R-13m missile. here on MiG-21
  3. Looks like Su-27 flanker for me, not Mig-29. Fighter on this video has big wings and missile was firing from wingtip.
  4. Polish language mode on: He he powinniśmy poprosić Adminów o dodanie polsko-języcznego forum skoro są rosyjskie, czeskie itd... Polish language mode off.
  5. Mhmmm '21f-13 with open canopy cool, and what about BIS version, it is real new BIS lod model or tweaked MF ? By the way write something about new avionics... please
  6. OMG... Love the Tomcats just like Mig's. Hud looks like in the real f-14
  7. Perhaps you have right. but MiG-23ML had helmet-mounted sighting system?
  8. Well I think that was same missiles. Polish migs using R-60m missiles and I think that Czechoslovak also using "M" version in MiG-23mf/ml.
  9. Thanks Kukulino! I know that were: R-60 (sometimes with T letter) -first production model, was developed during the late 1960s and had entered production in 1973. The R-60T had a maximum range of ~7 km. It is reported that the R-60 was a tail-chase weapon, and that all-aspect performance was achieved by later models. R-60m - this version has upgraded guidence section with a gas cooled all aspect seeker, a 20 degree off boresight capability, and radio-frequency proximity fuse replacing the original optical fuse. (1978?) R-60mk - developed for the MiG-29. The MK variant has a head-on range of 12 km and a tail-on of 8 km, with a maximum speed of Mach 2.5 and uses proportional navigation for guidance. It became the first missile to be incorporated with the new helmet-mounted sighting system in the MiG-29.
  10. I think that only when target have big heat source like aircraft with working engines, tanks are too cold :-)
  11. Its just me or file is broken?
  12. I was trying many times in Wov but catapult does'nt work. One time when I land on the deck, I've hit "A" key and Autopilot take off from carrier without catapult!
  13. Was Arnie flying over Miami in AV-8 ? I don't remember which movie is it, but there are very coool sequences.
  14. because MiG-1.44 doesn't has radar, hud etc... Its only demonstrator like X-35 !
  15. Yeah, old workhorse. They will be flying in our air forces to 2010-2012! To Kukulino - Are you using Ca_Stary mod? How you get white smoke in flares?
  16. Whoaa cool. p.s. Could we add aso-2 chaff/flares dispenser on the fuselage?
  17. I think that we can't add this pylon to other Mig's. They are in lod file format fitted in concrete mode Yeah, stock MiG-23m from WoE is very awful. This model doesn't have few most important things that the real MiG does have! Like -interceptors(spoilers) on wings -slats -pilot seat! -engine nozzle animation -nose gear animation (steering on ground) -definitely flight model must be better! -lights And one think - real Mig-23 doesn't use ailerons in flight. To manouvres migs use interceptors(spoilers) on low wing angles (low speed). On high wing angles (high speed, mach 1+) mig only use stabilizers. Therefore I prefer mirage factory mig's. Ho knows maybe in WoI TK improve migs. p.s. I have little fix fuselage stations, add these numbers to get realistic weapon attachment [LeftFuselageStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=3 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-0.40,0.55,-1.16 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,19.0 <----------------------------- LoadLimit=760.0 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,2IR,RP,BOMB,2BR AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=AAM_Pylon_Left PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.03 LaunchRailNodeName=LeftRail01 [RightFuselageStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.40,0.55,-1.16 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,-19.0 <---------------------------- LoadLimit=760.0 AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,BOMB,RP,2BR,2IR AttachmentType=Soviet ModelNodeName=AAM_Pylon_Right PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.03 LaunchRailNodeName=RightRail01
  18. Unfortunately I don't remember whose made these pits. Its called "RussianAggressorPack" there is also Mig-29 pit. Maybe Mago worked on it?
  19. Someone posted 1-2 years ago at simhq.com few pits for russian fighters. One of these is quiet good for MiG-23. Well it has radar display but there is no gun camera and pitot tube on right side of nose which is in MiG-21.
  20. Can we add Horizonline or some other elements from radar (in avioncs70.dll) to hud?
  21. COOOL Gepard I have found some drawings of sight Gun mode This when radar is jammed, on left pasive jaming, on right active jam This is radar homing missile mode I know that on left line is displayed "range" to target. Right bar is altitude information, but don't know whose -Our? Target? There is aim dot, and circle which determine where is target.
  22. Look this This is cockpit of Polish MiG-23 MF version, there is no crt tube all infos are displayed on ASP-23DE gunsight. I have some drawings of this sight, but I must find them in my archive ;-)) p.s. I don't known about ME version, what is this type?!

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