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Everything posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. one other issue is solved , the decals dont have any borders any more , thanks TK
  2. it is only the B.2 the other two behave normal but the temp and pressure settings are still missing on the other two
  3. carlo , i dont have any problems the cockpit just works fine maybe check for a typo error for the Canberra2 the engine ThrustAngles and ThrustPosition are wrong so the aircaft spins like gyro on the runway and oil/gas presserure,temp are missing [Engine1] SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=FALSE SLThrustDry=28913.4 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=-3.10,0.0,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.3 NozzleAnimationID=-1 IdleThrottle=0.100 IdleRPM=0.353 IdleNozzle=0.000 CruiseThrottle=0.600 CruiseRPM=0.712 CruiseNozzle=0.000 MilThrottle=0.900 MilRPM=0.928 MilNozzle=0.000 MaxThrottle=1.000 MaxRPM=1.000 MaxNozzle=0.000 AltitudeTableNumData=26 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.509,0.477,0.446,0.416,0.388,0.361,0.335,0.303,0.275,0.249,0.227,0.206,0.187,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=11 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.1 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.968,0.952,0.948,0.955,0.975,1.006,1.046,1.098,1.160,0.000 MaxInletTemperature=120.0 TSFCM0=0.850 TSFCM1=1.299 MinFuelFlow=0.02 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=-3.10,-4.65,-0.01 FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-2.62,-0.22,-0.27 MaxExtentPosition=-3.59, 1.57, 0.70 GasTempMaxRPM=650.0 GasTempIdleRPM=450.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=800.0 DamageTempDelta=300.0 OilPressMaxRPM=38.0 OilPressIdleRPM=28.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.4 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 [Engine2] SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=2 HasAfterburner=FALSE SLThrustDry=28913.4 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=3.10,0.0,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.3 NozzleAnimationID=-1 IdleThrottle=0.100 IdleRPM=0.353 IdleNozzle=0.000 CruiseThrottle=0.600 CruiseRPM=0.712 CruiseNozzle=0.000 MilThrottle=0.900 MilRPM=0.928 MilNozzle=0.000 MaxThrottle=1.000 MaxRPM=1.000 MaxNozzle=0.000 AltitudeTableNumData=26 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.509,0.477,0.446,0.416,0.388,0.361,0.335,0.303,0.275,0.249,0.227,0.206,0.187,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=11 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.1 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.968,0.952,0.948,0.955,0.975,1.006,1.046,1.098,1.160,0.000 MaxInletTemperature=120.0 TSFCM0=0.850 TSFCM1=1.299 MinFuelFlow=0.02 ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=3.10,-4.65,-0.01 FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition= 2.62,-0.22,-0.27 MaxExtentPosition= 3.59, 1.57, 0.70 GasTempMaxRPM=650.0 GasTempIdleRPM=450.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=800.0 DamageTempDelta=300.0 OilPressMaxRPM=38.0 OilPressIdleRPM=28.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.4 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0
  4. i hope that this is a bug that will be fixed , vietnam,germany and all other terraine´s with out no tree´s makes no fun to fly
  5. and thanks to the Lightning we have a new cockpit funktion the waypoint director that i need for my RF-4E cockpit
  6. Verluste in Afghanistan

    wohl war
  7. Verluste in Afghanistan

    ich glaube den vorschlag habe ich auch schon mal gemacht das sollte für jeden volksvertreter der einen soldaten an die front schickt eingefürt werden , mal ne woche fronterfahrung ich glaube dann würde sich so manches ändern und ich meine nicht nur um model zu stehen für schöne bildchen und ein paar dumme antworten zu geben sondern mal richtig ran mit den herren
  8. you are so right and to find this it takes day´s
  9. I found the problem in the setup window of the joystick you have the option to aktivate the centering spring force if you deaktivate this option the G940 joystick works just fine in SF2 , small button with big impact
  10. i have now a complete new and clean installation (even of the complete Computer with win7) and yes there is a sort of force feedback in all SF2 games now the only thing is the effect is "revers" compare to SF1 - in SF1 , if i come in to a stall and try to pull the stick i have the stick shaker antil i´m out off the stall and i have some very good effect - in SF2 , if i come in to a stall and try to pull the stick there is nothing , the stick shacker begin´s if i bring the stick back in the neutral position ???? and the effect´s are not that good SF1 options.ini [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Default.INI Sensitivity=75 DeadZone=20 ForceFeedback=1 TrackIR=1 SF2 options.ini [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Default.ini Sensitivity=90 DeadZone=10 ForceFeedback=1 ForceFeedbackGain=100 TrackIR=1
  11. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    du redest von den flügeln und so , ich glaube nicht da du erstens keine data.ini in dem sinn hast das du diesen remove block einsetzten kanst und die andere möglichkeit endet in den allermeisten fällen mit ctd das du nämlich mit dem hexeditor an die arbeit gehst allerdings musst du dir da erst mal eine kopie der waffe machen aber mit so nem ctd kennst de dich doch jetzt aus also frisch ans werk und ersetze die symbole des flügels oder was auch immer mit ein paar nichts sagenden wie zb. -------- ich habe damit mal kleine erfolge gehabt
  12. here is what i did , i removed the software and driver for the Logitech G940 than i try in SF1 and it worked as well as in SF2E or SF2V or SF2I but if i try to use it in the merged install of SF2 it will not work the same result after installing the software and driver again the force feedback work´s in all games exept in the merged SF2 i removed the moddet Flightengine.ini and checkt the option.ini
  13. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    ah eines habe ich noch vergessen zu erwähnen "alle angaben ohne gewähr" ist halt wie im lotto
  14. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    ich versuche es so deutlich und verständlich zu machen wie ich es hinbekomme weapondata type = ist ein numerischer code 0 - Bomben 1 - Missile´s , Rocket´s 2 - Rocketpod´s 3 - Gunpod´s 4 - ECM pod , Laser pod , Recon Camera , usw. 5 - Drop tank´s 6 - weaponracks , TER , MER , usw. Store Type = ist auch ein numerischer code 0 - Noise Jammer , Deceptive Jammer 1 - Dual-Mode Jammer 2 - Decoy Dispenser 3 - Laserdesignator 4 - Data Link 5 - Navigation 6 - Recon Camera das ganze kann man auch im weaponseditor sehen nur nicht als nummern code
  15. it is up to amokfloo but i´m sure one way or the other they will be available he even includet a ARRESTER_CABLE on each end of the runway
  16. i still need a testpilot for SF1 so i can release the GAF version , the only one testing it so far is Derk and my self if i have time
  17. thank you but so far nothing works i think i may have to install my sf2 new
  18. it is the Range with some goody´s from Amokfloo and yes this is a Hansajet
  19. Happy Birthday hgbn!

    Happy Birthday Henrik
  20. fill it up and check the oil please excellent work on this truck´s Florian
  21. new photoflash effect for SF2 , M112 cartridge with small effect and M123 cartridge with a large effect
  22. final skin for the RF-4E GAF the greek skins and cockpit´s are next

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