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Everything posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. about the GRU-7A i did not make them , i only made the Mk4 , Mk5 , Mk6 , Mk7 and the ACES ejection seats
  2. to be honest if the game engine would allow a more accurate setting for a ejection seat than Stary would have done it the ejection seat is more like a gimmick since the game did not include such a feature from the beginning , i'm actually very grateful that Stary took the time to make that gimmick it is people like Stary who made the game what it is today and believe me there are much more urgent game engine settings that would need changing so you have to live with that feature like it is until a guru comes along and changes the game engine
  3. here is a small update IRIAF F-4E Update.rar REPLACE the F-4E_01IRIAF Data.ini with the new one DELETE all your SATTAR missiles and replace them with this new one ( fix some problems and add new missiles ) i added the TLS and TLS-99 laser pods , this laser pods are early BETA versions with some basic white skin , i still have to add more details and work on the skin ( if i ever find the time to do it )
  4. here are the IRIAF F-4E´s that i have , they are BETA and not yet finish IRIAF F-4E.rar start year for the F-4E_72IRIAF is 1979 my plan is to make a F-4E_72IIAF version as well (1972 - 1979) but in the moment i have no time to work on them there are a lot of new weapons included and all of them are nation specific , i still have to make some more of them but for now that is what i can offer TO INSTALL please delet any weapon with the same or similar name as the new one from your weapons folder BEFOR you install the new one if you find anything wrong with the aircraft or the weapons please let me know , test it and have fun
  5. change this entrys in your Data.ini LeftGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=2 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=FALSE HideWheelNodeOnly=TRUE ModelNodeName=Strut_L InsideNodeName=Bay_Left ShockAnimationID=4 ShockStroke=0.12 SpringFactor=2.0 DampingFactor=2.0 WheelNodeName=Main_Wheel_L RotationAxis=X-Axis RollingRadius=0.38 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=154.42 MaxLoadFactor=9.0 DetachNode[001]=Door_Left_2 DetachNode[002]=Door_Left_3 DetachNode[003]=Door_Left_4 [RightGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=2 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=FALSE HideWheelNodeOnly=TRUE ModelNodeName=Strut_R InsideNodeName=Bay_Right ShockAnimationID=5 ShockStroke=0.12 SpringFactor=2.0 DampingFactor=2.0 WheelNodeName=Main_Wheel_R RotationAxis=X-Axis ReverseWheelRotation=TRUE RollingRadius=0.38 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=154.42 MaxLoadFactor=9.0 DetachNode[001]=Door_Right_2 DetachNode[002]=Door_Right_3 DetachNode[003]=Door_Right_4
  6. Weaponspack 3

    here is the Remora-pod for the Mirage 5 and Mirage 2000 , i did not have time to make the WeaponsStation for this aircraft if anybody could do the job for me that would be great you have to add to the WeaponsStation = SpecificStationCode=Remora_M Remora_M.rar
  7. Weaponspack 3

    ok here you go , you have to make some changes to the data.ini from the aircraft you like to use this pods SYREL on the Mirage F1 Syrel.rar [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage . . . SystemName[028]=CenterlineStationSyrel [CenterlineStationSyrel] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=16 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,-0.20,-1.010 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2100.0 AllowedWeaponClass=NP AttachmentType=France //ModelNodeName= PylonMass=0.0 PylonDragArea=0.0 //SpecificStationCode= Remora for Mirage F1 Remora.rar [LeftOuterWing] ParentComponentName=LeftWing . . . SystemName[009]=LeftWingStation1_Remora [RightOuterWing] ParentComponentName=RightWing . . . SystemName[009]=RightWingStation1_Remora [LeftWingStation1_Remora] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=16 StationGroupID=2 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.758,-0.699,-0.25 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=550.00 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=FRANCE SpecificStationCode=Remora_F1 ModelNodeName= PylonMass=18.0 PylonDragArea=0.01 [RightWingStation1_Remora] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=17 StationGroupID=3 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.758,-0.699,-0.25 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=550.00 AllowedWeaponClass=EP AttachmentType=FRANCE SpecificStationCode=Remora_F1 ModelNodeName= PylonMass=18.0 PylonDragArea=0.01 ASTAC Astac.rar for use on the Mirage F1 please add to the [CenterlineStationBis] in your aircrafts data.ini ,NP the File ASTAC is a new version for the RF-4EJ , so please delete any existing version of it befor you install this new one
  8. Weaponspack 3

    the updated version Matra530 = 1962 - 1992 (export) Matra550 = 1975 - 1995 (export) Matra550_SAAF =1975 - 1988 SAAF Missiles.rar i hope everything is ok now
  9. Weaponspack 3

    ok i change it to 1975 for the french R550 , for the SAAF i try to find more info
  10. Weaponspack 3

    this is from the official SAAF site , the V3A replaced the Magic in the SAAF and the only reason the bought the R550 was that the V3A was not ready yet and the needed a missile that was better than the AIM-9B so if the V3A was available for the SAAF by 1975 why buy the R550 1976 or later ??? it may be that the french did get the R550 by 1976 but the info that i have is that the SAAF resived the first R550 in 1973 R550 Description: Purchased from France, the Matra R.550 infra-red guided air-to-air missile was replaced by the V3A Kukri. V3A Description: In 1969, the SAAF indicated that they had a requirement for a more manoeverable missile than the AIM-9B (V2) Sidewinder. The V3A was South Africa's first locally developed short-range infra-red dogfight air-to-air missile to enter service and was proberly based on the R.550 Magic. Development commenced from1971. The first successful interceptions by the Kentron V3A were reported in 1972 and it entered production in 1973 and a total of 20 missile were built by 1975. The V3A was also one of the first missiles to feature a helmet-mounted acquisition system which allowed the pilot to lock the missile's seeker head onto a target well outside his aircraft's axis. However, the seeker head was limited to 30 degrees angle off firing under low g conditions. The missile was integrated on the Mirage F1CZ before the aircraft left France. The missile was used by the SAAF until 1978 if you have other info please let me know , i like to get the data right but there are so many conflicting infos i don't know what is what
  11. Weaponspack 3

    how could the SAAF have them in 1973 ???
  12. Weaponspack 3

    could be , i have some data showing that the SAAF ordered the Magic 1973 ??? and used it in the same year for pilot training , so i´m not realy sure what is right if anybody has the correct years i will change it right away
  13. Weaponspack 3

    small update , we are renovating our new home so no time for modding here are the new SAAF missiles and a update for the Matra R530 and 550 , please change all IRM , SAHM Weaponstation on your SAAF aircraft to S_AFRICA only !!! Please delete any existing weapons with the same name befor installing the new weapons SAAF Missiles.rar ASTAC Elint-Pod for use on F-4 and F-1 Syrel Elint-pod Remor ECM-pod for use on F-1 and Mirage 5 / 2000 Kentron V3A Kentron V3B Kentron V3C and U-Darter V3S V4 R-Darter S-24 unguided 240 mm rocket B61 nuclear bomb
  14. i always assumed that it is the Slant-Range , about the GBU-10 it should have a SeekerRange from above 8 NM i made all my GBU-10 with a SeekerRange=15000.000000 what is about 8,099 NM try this GBU-10.rar they are the ones i released with the Weaponspack 2 and my F-4E´s please delete any weapon with the same or similar name befor instaling this one
  15. I would like to finish this soviet / russian S-24 rocket and all i need to do ist the lettering of the skin i have o make a skin for the S-24................with blast-fragmentation warhead S-24N.............with blast-fragmentation warhead with proximity fuse S-24B.............penetrating warhead S-24BNK........with shaped charge warhead anybody who could translate this lettering to me and what exact rocket is this and how the lettering for the rockets listed above look like , any hint is welcome - i´m almost finish with the 3d work for the S-24 only some minor items are missing -
  16. anybody with a good picture of the russian RV-24 proximity fuze ??? all i have is this picture - for the V-24A fuze i found some good pictures but none for the RV-24 V-24A fuze - the S-24 looks like this now -
  17. Thanks the other letters can be used for all other versions or are there any that needs changing ???
  18. African Pilots

    i have some more pilots all with the HGU-26 helmet and the visor up , including 2 female pilots , the HGU26A_W is for pilots with white helmets and the HGA26A_G for Pilots with green helmets each pilot is available with 2 different flight suits (NAVY /USAF) and a white or green helmet HGU26A_W and G.7z -
  19. African Pilots

    here are 4 black pilots with soviet / russian gear RedPilot_B0x.rar -
  20. Dassault Etendard , cant wait mandatory screenshot -
  21. maybe this will help , a short list with most of the cockpit funktions and the application possibility of it maybe someone could complete the list and post it in the KB Functions Cockpit SFP1_SP4.3.7z
  22. Weaponspack 3

    yes , they are in work but it will take some time to do them , real life comes first this is what i found about them so far -
  23. Weaponspack 3

    i forgot to upload this AN-M64 bombs Sorry PLEASE DELETe the AN-M64 bomb from your weaponsfolder BEFOR YOU INSTALL this one , it is no longer needed and it is replaced by the M64 AN-M64 Bombs.rar M64 (AN-M64) AN-M64A1 AN-M64A1 with Hernia Bar

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