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Everything posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. did enybody have a CTD with a high end nvidea grapics cards ???? it seams that most of the CTDs happen with AMD grapics cards
  2. german and avionics = Crusader
  3. still a long way to go , the 3d models are almost complete but i still have to work on the mapping and the templates
  4. Schwarzer Mittwoch...

    konntest du die max files nochmal herstellen ???
  5. LSK MiG-29 604

    ich hoffe das hilt dir weiter , auf dem rerste pfeil steht " 1. Rettung / Drücken Ziehen " auf dem zweiten " 2. Rettung / Drücken Anheben " das Q zeichen wurde nur an maschienen angebracht die einen hervoragende wartungsqualität hatten -
  6. you should see my new F-4N / J / S
  7. the cockpit is only updated with a RWR screen and some details , no tv - screen a tv - screen can only be added by making a new cockpit in 3ds max , but you can fire the maverick by simply pointing the gun sight on your target as long as you are in weapons range the mavericks that i made for the swiss-hunter are set as a rocket pod this way you have the lau-117 launchers on the pylon but no longer a tv-screen , but since the cockpit does not have a tv-screen this should not be a big problem on the other hand the swiss-hunter has the correct oerlikon rocket racks and the 80mm rockets if i ever find the time to make a new swiss- hunter cockpit i will do so -
  8. always this typos , i need some new glasses
  9. i have no problems so far , Rafale , Mirage F1 , Buccaneer and F-4E´s working fine i use Win7 64 bit , Nvidia GTX680 video card , Intel i7-2600K 3,40 GHz CPU , 16 MB ram in fact i have more problems with the Anatolia terrain than with Rends GermanyCE , but one thing is clear most of this new Aircrafts and Terrains work only well on high end computers this is a price you have to pay for more high-res and high-detail
  10. check the B-52 from Dave , they have all there correct B-52 cockpits http://combatace.com/files/file/9685-b-52gh-mega-era-package/
  11. Schwarzer Mittwoch...

    das habe ich auch schon hinter mir , meine kaputte festplatte liegt noch hier wenn da noch jemand die templates runterholen könnte währe ich auch dankbar , allerdings kann ich keine 1300 euro dafür zahlen viel glück Martin und melde dich wenn du was brauchst
  12. i doubt it , unless you get the YAP chute to work
  13. the only way you get a working dragchute for SF2 is including it to the 3d model like i did on my F-4E / RF-4E / F-16 and MiG-29 (not released) , then they slow down quite well there are some other models with dragchute available i think
  14. that is because of the StationGroupID=8 , in game you only have selectable StationGroupID=1 to 7 , in SF1 you could use the StationGroupID=8 as a permanent and non selectable loadout
  15. did you notice the bombaybay animation entry , i wonder if it works not as a weapon but as a bombaydoor that should be possible to be open with wheels on the ground
  16. for all of you who think that it is not possible to at a chute as a weapon this is the entry for the YAP F-4D , they did not rip the lod or anything else i just hope i dont get sued for posting this , but i have my doubts if this works with SF2 [DragChute] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=19 StationGroupID=8 StationType=INTERNAL LoadLimit=2000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB AttachmentType=NATO,USAF NumWeapons=1 AttachmentPosition001=0.0,0.0,0.0 DiameterLimit=2.0 LengthLimit=2.0 BombBayAnimationID=4 BombBayOpenTime=0.25 BombBayCloseTime=0.25 EjectVelocity=0.00,-5.00,0.00 PylonDragArea=40.00 and this is the weapondata entry [WeaponData204] TypeName=DragChute1 FullName=Drag Chute ModelName=DragChute1 Mass=200.000000 Diameter=0.095000 Length=0.677000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN NationName=USAF StartYear=1943 EndYear=2001 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=4 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1966 ExportEndYear=1976 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=0 RailLaunched=FALSE Retarded=TRUE Streamlined=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE EffectClassName=DragChuteEffects DragAreaMultiplier=100.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=0.000000 FusingDistance=0.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=0 Accuracy=0 MaxTurnRate=0.000000 MaxLaunchG=0.000000 LockonChance=0 LaunchReliability=0 ArmingTime=0.000000 SeekerFOV=0.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=0.000000 SeekerTrackRate=0.000000 SeekerRange=0.000000 ReleaseAnimationID=1 ReleaseAnimationTime=0.500000 ReleaseAnimationDelay=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=0
  17. i think they are only as i eye candy , to have an actual braking effect you would need a entry in the data.ini of the aircraft and for a weapon this is not possible
  18. you have to ask YAP how they did it , but i dont think they share it
  19. yes there was one made by YAP for some F-4´s , but i have no clue how it works or if it works with SF2
  20. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    so wie der mod jetzt ist kann ich nur sagen super arbeit und mach weiter so und wenn das mit dem line-up der flugzeuge noch gelöst wird ist der einzige fehler den ich so sehe beseitigt und vieleicht kanst du noch die kanzen flugplätze der nachbarstaaten mit einbringen das währe der knaller
  21. Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy Birthday Dave
  22. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    das währe was für ne mission wo man mit dem frontlinienverlauf auch die bebauung in mitleidenschaft bringt , ist nur die frage ob das funktioniert im spiel aber permanent beschädigte dörfer würde ich nicht machen , auser vieleicht Bonnland das wird eh jedes jahr wieder "aufgebaut" und zerlegt
  23. Paulopanz anniversary!

    Happy Birthday Paulo
  24. splendid aircraft , i must say -
  25. SF2 Germany Flughäfen...wo?

    wie geht es dir , alles wieder ok ???

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