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Everything posted by ravenclaw_007

  1. in Work , but i only have two hands i´m working on a high poly model
  2. exactly , almost like in real life
  3. the problem here is a to high value for the Cldc entry on the Ailerons , change the value on both Ailerons from Cldc=0.0400 to Cldc=0.0090 you will still encouter a slight tendency to roll if you center you stick , i will look if i can eliminate that as well this is the only change i made so far , it result´s in a more modest roll rate NOTE you have to use the original settings for all other entry´s Cldc = Roll moment due to control surface deflection as for the issue "roll-damping" i have a list that shows Clp as "Roll moment due to roll rate (roll damping)" i dont know how old this list is or if this particular statement is wrong [LeftAileron] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=ROLL_CONTROL MaxDeflection=12.5 MinDeflection=-12.5 CDdc=0.0269 Cldc=0.0090 Cndc=-0.0014 CldcAlphaTableNumData=15 CldcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CldcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CldcAlphaTableData=0.000,0.110,0.336,0.673,0.890,0.980,1.000,1.000,1.000,0.980,0.890,0.67 3,0.336,0.110,0.000 CndcAlphaTableNumData=15 CndcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CndcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CndcAlphaTableData=1.644,1.537,1.429,1.322,1.215,1.107,1.000,0.893,1.000,1.107,1.215,1.32 2,1.429,1.537,1.644 ControlRate=2.0 MaxControlSpeed=200 ModelNodeName=Left_Aileron ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightAileron] SystemType=CONTROL_SURFACE InputName=ROLL_CONTROL MaxDeflection=12.5 MinDeflection=-12.5 CDdc=0.0269 Cldc=0.0090 Cndc=-0.0014 CldcAlphaTableNumData=15 CldcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CldcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CldcAlphaTableData=0.000,0.110,0.336,0.673,0.890,0.980,1.000,1.000,1.000,0.980,0.890,0.67 3,0.336,0.110,0.000 CndcAlphaTableNumData=15 CndcAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CndcAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CndcAlphaTableData=1.644,1.537,1.429,1.322,1.215,1.107,1.000,0.893,1.000,1.107,1.215,1.32 2,1.429,1.537,1.644 ControlRate=2.0 MaxControlSpeed=200 ModelNodeName=Right_Aileron ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE hope that helps a bit here is the list i have , dont know if all statement are correct CL0 Lift coefficient at zero angle of attack (AOA) CLa Lift coefficient due to AOA CD0 Zero-lift drag coefficient CDL Drag coefficient due to lift (induced drag effect) Cmq Pitching moment due to pitch rate (pitch damping) Cmad Pitching moment due to AOA rate (aero interaction between wings and horiz tail) Cyb Side force due to sideslip Cyp Side force due to roll rate Cyr Side force due to yaw rate Clb Roll moment due to sideslip Clp Roll moment due to roll rate (roll damping) Clr Roll moment due to yaw rate Cnb Yaw moment due to sideslip Cnp Yaw moment due to roll rate Cnr Yaw moment due to yaw rate (yaw damping) CLiftdc Lift due to control surface deflection CDdc Drag due to control surface deflection Cydc Side force due to control surface deflection Cldc Roll moment due to control surface deflection Cmdc Pitch moment due to control surface deflection Cndc Yaw moment due to control surface deflection DeltaStallAlpha Increase in max angle-of-attack before stall Xac X-location of aerodynamic center
  4. i´m so glad that there are no other problems on that bucc
  5. ok i have only a early german camo template all others got lost on a HD-crash , i will pack it up and send it to you
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Otto hat immer ein auge fürs detail
  7. what RF-4E you are talking about the original MF or the one i did ???? if it is the one i did i still have one set of templates for it
  8. simple math six soviet bombers one F-102 one AIM-26A and 3 lucky guys who escape the disaster
  9. this is not an F-model that is an E-model in your pictures , check for F-details please and check your ejection seat , the F-model used the Mk-7 version as most F-4 did
  10. Weapons - Pack 1

    SF2 only
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    also wenn das so weitergeht brauch ich nen neuen hinterkopf soviel kann ich mir einfach nicht merken , aber ich bin sicher das ich gute freunde habe die mich immer wieder an gewisse sachen errinnern , oooooder ewta nicht
  12. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    mal sehen vieleicht beides da ich ja jetzt die originale source file der MF MiG-29 habe werden so manche version machbar
  13. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    ich bin noch an den F-16 cockpits beschäftigt und dann an der Mig-29
  14. Weapons - Pack 1

    sorry , no time to do that
  15. Weapons - Pack 1

    Crusader just informed me that on the AIM-9N the skins is missing , sorry for that here is the missing AIM-9N skin AIM-9N Skin.rar
  16. Weapons - Pack 1

    later this year , i have so much other work that i have to finish first and only two hands
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    du must before du ein teil spiegelst erst mal die verlinkung aufheben und dann spiegeln auserdem habe ich die erfahrung gemacht das wenn man nach dem aufheben der verlinkung das teil nochmals in ein editable poly umwandelt es auf einmal mit dem spiegeln geht frage nicht warum ach ja manchmal hilft es auch wenn du beim pivot-point einmal auf reset gehst sprich pivot-point only und dann transform anwählst must halt mal probieren , und wenn das teil anemiert ist kann das auch mal dazwischen hauen da hilft nur noch die animation vom teil zu löschen und neu anemieren nach dem spiegeln ach ja ich hatte auch mal so ein problem und bei mir war es die animation die das 30% hängen verursacht hat
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    kommt drauf an kann auch am terrain liegen , wenn es mit nem anderen flieger auf dem terrain funzt dann war es dein flieger auf wieviel polys hast du denn die kiste hochgeblasen ????
  19. 9 rotations are possible so no , that what you like to have is not realy possible
  20. Incompetent, and a coward

    i agree with ErikGen , the failure to act from a few can not be blamed on a Nation and beside the fact that this captain is a disgrace to his profession i would like to know how this accident could happen in the first place and what the hell where all the other officers doing prior to the accident ??? that ship did not change course on his own somebody did steer it to that point , im not a sailor but if a captain is steering a dangerous course then the other officers have to report him or take action and i´m prety sure this was not the first time this "change" of course was made so i think it is safe to say that there are more guilty persons involved than only this selfish captain , and as we know from the past just to say " i had my orders " does not realy work anymore
  21. Weapons - Pack 1

    i dont know , i dont use WOI anymore i suggest to try it with one weapon , but first make a backkup of your original weapon in case it will not work
  22. Weapons - Pack 1

    update is available now , hope you enjoy it
  23. Weapons - Pack 1

    i just uploadet the update vers 1.2 with this changes , for download you have to wait antil it is approved from the admin - AIM-9N typo is corrected - RB-missiles are with normal skins now , the green one are removed - all weapons have the shadow entry now - AGM-122 with the correct skin now and Freq. set to 8 - 20 Ghz hope that everything is fixed with this update
  24. it is a shame that this aircraft never made it in to service

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