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Everything posted by winterhunter

  1. Super Etendard v1.00 for SF2

  2. FREMM with Aster 30

  3. Bloodhound SAM

  4. CIM-10A Bomarc

  5. Vympel R-37 AAM

  6. South African Weapons

  7. Rafael Derby AAM

  8. Atlas Cheetah C

  9. Version


    The Avro Blue Steel was the mainstay of the UK nuclear deterrent between 1963 and 1970, being carried aboard Vulcans and Victors. At a massive 7 tons, this missile is a must have for all the fans out there of Operation Steel Dawn. Enjoy.
  10. Atlas Cheetah C



    Introduction ------------ The Atlas Cheetah programme grew out of South Africa's requirement for a modern fighter and strike aircraft in the 1980s. There was a need for more advanced aircraft to attain an edge over the ever more sophisticated Soviet aircraft such as the MiG-23 being supplied to Angolan and Cuban forces in action against South African forces in the Border War. Furthermore, the increasing cost of maintenance due to sanctions and the age of the aircraft used by SAAF had to be addressed. The arms embargo imposed at the time by United Nations Security Council Resolution 418 prevented South Africa from purchasing new aircraft from other countries, thus making an upgrade of existing aircraft the only option. By this stage, the South African aviation industry had reached the level of technical capability to make a large and sophisticated upgrade possible, leading the SAAF to make the only possible decision, to radically upgrade one of the existing types in service. At the time the SAAF's fast jet fleet consisted of Dassault Mirage III (EZ/CZ/BZ/DZ/D2Z/RZ/R2Z) aircraft and Mirage F1 (AZ/CZ) aircraft. Though the Mirage F1s were the most modern of the fleet, having been delivered from 1977 onwards, they were the primary element of South Africa's air defence and strike fleet and to withdraw them for an upgrade would have left an unacceptable gap in its air defence and strike capability. In addition there were already a few successful Mirage III upgrades from which to learn, such as the Kfir and Mirage III NG, so the SAAF's Mirage III fleet was chosen as the basis for the upgrade. (Source: Wikipedia) This mod, based on Mirage Factory's Mirage IIIE and using (temporarily) the cockpit from the Kfir C7, represents the ultimate evolution of the Mirage III family, the Atlas Cheetah C. Credits ------- Thanks to Olivier ANGUILLE and the whole of Mirage Factory for his great airplanes, as well as for his kind permission to distribute his model packed with my mod, making installation easy. My thanks also go to Anton Dyason from IPMS SA (http://newsite.ipmssa.za.org/) for his permission to use some of his pictures for the hangar screen.
  11. Kh-90 Cruise Missile



    The 3M25A Meteorit (Kh-90) hypersonic cruise missile.
  12. File Name: Atlas Cheetah C File Submitter: winterhunter File Submitted: 10 Dec 2008 File Category: Mirage and Kfir Introduction ------------ The Atlas Cheetah programme grew out of South Africa's requirement for a modern fighter and strike aircraft in the 1980s. There was a need for more advanced aircraft to attain an edge over the ever more sophisticated Soviet aircraft such as the MiG-23 being supplied to Angolan and Cuban forces in action against South African forces in the Border War. Furthermore, the increasing cost of maintenance due to sanctions and the age of the aircraft used by SAAF had to be addressed. The arms embargo imposed at the time by United Nations Security Council Resolution 418 prevented South Africa from purchasing new aircraft from other countries, thus making an upgrade of existing aircraft the only option. By this stage, the South African aviation industry had reached the level of technical capability to make a large and sophisticated upgrade possible, leading the SAAF to make the only possible decision, to radically upgrade one of the existing types in service. At the time the SAAF's fast jet fleet consisted of Dassault Mirage III (EZ/CZ/BZ/DZ/D2Z/RZ/R2Z) aircraft and Mirage F1 (AZ/CZ) aircraft. Though the Mirage F1s were the most modern of the fleet, having been delivered from 1977 onwards, they were the primary element of South Africa's air defence and strike fleet and to withdraw them for an upgrade would have left an unacceptable gap in its air defence and strike capability. In addition there were already a few successful Mirage III upgrades from which to learn, such as the Kfir and Mirage III NG, so the SAAF's Mirage III fleet was chosen as the basis for the upgrade. (Source: Wikipedia) This mod, based on Mirage Factory's Mirage IIIE and using (temporarily) the cockpit from the Kfir C7, represents the ultimate evolution of the Mirage III family, the Atlas Cheetah C. Credits ------- Thanks to Olivier ANGUILLE and the whole of Mirage Factory for his great airplanes, as well as for his kind permission to distribute his model packed with my mod, making installation easy. My thanks also go to Anton Dyason from IPMS SA (http://newsite.ipmssa.za.org/) for his permission to use some of his pictures for the hangar screen. Click here to download this file
  13. FREMM with Aster 30



    Description ------------- The European FREMM frigate and the Aster 30 Missile. The FREMM Multipurpose Frigate (French Frégate multi-mission or Italian Fregata Europea Multi-Missione) is a ship designed by DCN and Fincantieri to operate in anti-air, anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare, and be capable of carrying out deep strikes against land targets. The French Navy plans to operate eleven FREMM frigates, and the Marina Militare ten. The first commissionings are expected in 2012 when the first of the French vessels is due in service (France has placed orders for 11 FREMM frigates, Italy 6 with the last 4 has been funded at the end of 2007). The ships will be built in France by Armaris (owned by DCNS, and in Italy by Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (a joint venture between shipbuilder Fincantieri and aerospace firm Finmeccanica). This arrangement extends the partnerships forged for development of the Horizon CNGFs (Common New Generation Frigates). Morocco has bought one frigate to be operated by the Royal Moroccan Navy. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FREMM)
  14. South African Weapons



    Some weapons developped in South Africa by the Kentron Corporation (later Denel), plus some others in use in the SAAF. New weapons (SAAF_Weapons.ini): A/G: 754 model Laser Guided Bomb A/A: V3A Kukri (IRH) V3B Kukri (IRH) V3C Darter (IRH) U-Darter (IRH) V4 R-Darter (ARH) Weapons using a 3rd party model: Bunyap or Mirage Factory WP: V3S Snake (Python 3 in SAAF service) Matra R.530 (Extended service in SAAF) Florian's Mirage 2000D: Atlis II Laser Pod Lindr2 & Ravenclaw_007 WP 2: V3E A-Darter (Incorrectly named V3R in the pack)
  15. Dear All, I've downloaded the B-52 upg pack 3.0, but I can't find the .LODs for the H model. I've tried looking in here, or in the .CATs of SFG/WOV/WOE, without any succes; can someone point me to it? Thanks!
  16. Probably a stupid question, but where do I get the B-52H.lod from? Thanks!
  17. Looks Nice!!! (With a capital N) When can we have it? (I'm eager to get shot down while flying anti-ship on the blue side :yes: )
  18. I haven't been able to find one... I also love that bird! Any WIP of it?

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