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About Typhoon86

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    Treviso - Italy
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation, rally cars


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  1. Video remixati

    Ciao, vi posto il link da dove potete scaricare un remix dei vari video del 102° Gruppo Virtuale. http://rapidshare.com/files/42652866/REMIX_102.WMV Per scaricarlo cliccate sul link, vi si aprirà una finestra, scrollate verso il basso e selezionate free, selezionate il server, inserite il codice sicurezza e premete download. I video e le immagini si riferiscono a FS2004 con vari (diciamo molti ) addon, spero vi piaccia. Ciao
  2. Benvenuti

    Mi aggiungo anche io, con un bel pò di ritardo al gruppo italiano ... finalmente si può scrivere in italiano anche su combatace
  3. I have put the Pasko's ground object into groundobject folder, I have remove with the JSGME utility the middle east basepack and the kippur campaign and I have flied a close air support mission on Israel terrain without problem. I think the middle-east campaign overwrite the groundobject files (DLL and .INI) with information that WOE doesn't have.
  4. Hi, for the installation of Pasko's Desertpak I have simple copied the folder DesertObjectPak into Objects such as the readme file. Is correct? I have Strike Fighters Project 1 is there a comparison chart where I can put the missing objet into WOE? Thanks Regards
  5. Hi, I have tried to fly the campaign of Yom Kippur with the Mystere. The first mission is a CAS, when the loading arrive to 80% the system give me an error at groundmobileobject.dll . I have tried to fly a single mission CAP with another aircraft on Israel2 and give me the same error. I have WOE with the last patch, NATO Fighters I/II plus enviroment and the other addon for the Middle East War campaign. The campaign is installed with JSGME, such as the tutorial explain. Thanks
  6. Hi, I play Middle East Wars 1.1 on WOE, if I install Suez 2 terrain is there any problems with the campaign engine? thanks
  7. Other photos G-91Y at Vigna di Valle museum (Roma) G-91T at Vigna di Valle museum (Roma)
  8. Yes, I always read the installation notes but I want to help you and your team to make a beautiful G-91, not a merged F-86D/G-91, on more the books, the G-91 is also called "The Small Sabre" but, the G-91 has a little bit of the F-86. I use Strike Fighters from may 2006 and Wings Over Europe from october 2006. Unfortunately I'm not a pit modder for SF series but I can mod the panel for Flight Simulator. In FS, there is a file called panel.cfg where there are all coordinates (X,Y,dimension) of all gauges and to change one of these simply cut and paste the name of a new gauge. I'm not here to make the teacher, I haven't the knowledge to say about the model or other I only have put some photos of the real G-91R/Y to help you to make more real, not a simple game. Sorry for my english.
  9. Hi, I have tried your G-91 models (R and Y) and I have found some errors. The first is the nose of the two models. In your models it to be like to the F-86K. The second is the panel, it is for the the F-86K but the G-91’s (model R) panel is far away from the F-86K. The G-91Y panel (in your model) hasn’t the indicators for the 2 J85 (such as the F-5). If you want, you can use the F-104G gauges (such as the PHI or the RPM indicator). Regards G-91Y (Yankee) panel G-91Y at Amendola (32° Stormo) G-91Y oxygenist operation at Cervia (8° Stormo) G-91R panel from Dash One
  10. Thanks!!!! I'll post some screenshots .... Regards Andrea "Typhoon" Candon http://typhoonarea.spaces.live.com/
  11. Hi, I'm trying to make a mission for Wings over Europe with KMD software, I have also downloaded the tutorial by streakeagle but I can't find the BMP files for the map. Can you help me? Thanks Bye
  12. Thanks Paul!!! I like too much stay in close formation Bye Andrea "Typhoon" Candon http://typhoonarea.spaces.live.com/
  13. Hi, I have a question about WOE. Is there an addon for Wings Over Europe such as "RAF base operations and QRA/refuelling" missions from comrpnt to make refuelling practice? Thanks Bye
  14. Hi, I can't find the A310 MRTT on the downloads, where I can download it? thanks

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