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Everything posted by jodandawg

  1. My new son...

    congrats dad!! ill smoke a stogie for you!!
  2. outstanding job!! keep up the great work!!
  3. looking great. im so happy!!
  4. welcome back, you were a bit stealthy yourself there for a while. how was korea? (been there many times)
  5. Ok Like I'm the only one!

    yes, i remember waiting in line for the original when it opened at Yokota AB, Japan back in the olden days. I was just a young buck airman at the time. i still cant get enough of the movies. my wife swears im a sw geek but i just love watching the movies.
  6. weee doggies!!! that is a super great mod. thank you so much for the hard work!! dan
  7. Close Call

    so glad to hear he is ok. god was with him that day. its a shame that so many good men and women have to die for such a confused cause. of course those men and women never questioned why they just do the jobs they were trained to do. as a veteran of desert shield and storm i salute them.
  8. i suggest trying LOMAC before you decide. you may just like it. give it a chance.
  9. keep working on it!! you're doing a outstanding job!! looking forward to putting it in my viggen. thanks.
  10. i think it would be refreshing to have these future beasts blast across our screens. especially when im in control of one. bring em on!!
  11. Museum Tomcats Siezed

    I hate the guy who sold them for scrap metal. there are other museums that would love to get one after they are cleared. these birds of prey dont deserve the fate of being destroyed.
  12. prayers

    just wanted everyone to know that my brother jimmy lost his war with diabetes and passed away 24 feb. our family appreciates all the prayers and replys from everyone.
  13. F-22

    sorry about that. i thought you were talking about the model. in light of the world situation now, the f 22 seems to be a bit useless. although, north korea does seem to pose a moderate threat. right now using the f 22 would be like using a jack hammer to crack open a pecan.
  14. F-22

    the F22 would be a great addition!!! bring it on!!
  15. Future Release

    looking forward to these great models!!!
  16. USAFMTL Get's his Wings

    enemies of the free world beware!!
  17. prayers

    please, can everyone pray for my brother who just went into a coma. it doesnt look good so far but he is a fighter. he would talk to me about this sight and was going to get involved and then this happened to him. he is a diabetic and i so am i so you can believe it has given me a wakeup call. i ll stop blabbering for now. thanks to everyone. dan/jodandawg
  18. i just downloaded the MIG 21 MF and i discovered that the pilot was not there however, upon closer exam i see that the pilot is behind the seat. how do i go about moving mr pilot back in the seat where he belongs? thanks for any help that can be rendered.
  19. outstanding!! i appreciate all the help from everyone!! this is without a doubt, one of the best forums on the net!
  20. ok, ill check it out. thanks for the info.
  21. another great model!! much thanks is in order!!
  22. IMPORTANT - Please Read

    thank you very much for all the dedication and hard work you put into this site. if it weren't for you and others this site would fall apart. again thanks.
  23. MvR's Last Dr1 Skin.

    outstanding!!! ive been waiting for this skin!! i just wish i had the skills needed to do this kind of work. thanks for all the hard work.
  24. iagree. you are a terrain wizard!! keep up the outstanding work!!

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