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Everything posted by Spillone104

  1. It would be nice to have you back in businness. Even for SFP1.
  2. [LiftEngine1] SystemType=JET_ENGINE ReferenceName=Kolesov RD-38 InputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL EngineID=3 HasAfterburner=FALSE ThrustVectoring=FALSE SLThrustDry=28671.6 ThrustAngles=0.0,80.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=-0.46,3.359,0.0 ThrottleRate=0.4 NozzleAnimationID=-1 IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.68 IdleNozzle=0.0 CruiseThrottle=0.37 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=1.0 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=1.00 MilNozzle=1.0 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=1.00 MaxNozzle=1.0 AltitudeTableNumData=21 AltitudeTableDeltaX=609.6 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.952,0.906,0.860,0.816,0.773,0.731,0.691,0.652,0.614,0.578,0.543,0.509,0.477,0.446,0.416,0.388,0.361,0.335,0.303,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=4 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.1 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.968,0.948,0.000 MaxInletTemperature=120.0 TSFCM0=0.600 TSFCM1=0.761 MinFuelFlow=0.01 FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.08,-2.79,-0.84 MaxExtentPosition=-0.86,-0.92,-0.06 GasTempMaxRPM=650.0 GasTempIdleRPM=450.0 GasTempChangeRate=5.0 OverheatTemp=800.0 DamageTempDelta=300.0 OilPressMaxRPM=45.0 OilPressIdleRPM=32.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.4 LowOilPress=12.0 LowOilTempDelta=400.0 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=STEEL Armor[FRONT].Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor .Thickness=4 Armor[REAR].Thickness=4 Armor[TOP].Thickness=2 Armor[bOTTOM].Thickness=2 In this case you can use the throttle of the lift engine with a different control and keep it still and not vectorable. Like this you will have only an idle lift engine when in horizontal flight and not dependant on the throttle setting of the main engine.
  3. Yes, right. He only asked me to provide only the rails and not the nose to use the stock PF. I still prefer our original version.
  4. The TFSC should not be divided by the number of engines. The "2 engines" or nozzles of the same R-28 have the total thrust already split but they consume the same for half the thrust. Maybe is better to rise a bit the TFSC of the main engine and set to 0 the one of the sustainer so they not drain the tanks in normal flight.
  5. Ehm... No. Is intended as a newer version of this mod released for SFP1 http://combatace.com/files/file/11009-mig-17pfpfu-pack/
  6. No. The Tu-14 is still missing and the M-4 or was the 3M was done by Veltro2k but seems retired from the download section.
  7. Actually I still don't know if M0 and M1 are idle and full thrust or subsonic - supersonic SFC. These values were introduced in SF2 serie.
  8. That is a good question. Usually I've seen that most of the stock fighters have an inferior range compared to the "paper" ones of the real counterparts. But, then again I guess that the publicized ranges are obtained with the most optimal flight regime. To tweak the fuel consumption of a jet engine there are some parameters: TSFCM0=0.800 TSFCM1=1.200 AfterburnerTSFCM0=2.000 AfterburnerTSFCM1=2.317 To measure the distance during a mission just look at the Km or NM indicated on the ADF. Select a waypoint and see how distant it is.
  9. Somehow Fiat planned to do some similar VSTOL aircrafts to replace the G.91. All sons of the same NATO specific but it never happened. So this is quite accurate What-if. Good job Spinners.
  10. I have the same need by a long time... I'm enjoying NA so much only because is a triumph of soviet bombers and naval warfare.
  11. Su-33KUB WIP

    To be honest the Su-34 was created before the Su-33UB. The first flight of the Su-34 was in 1990 and at the time it was known as Su-27IB, then Su-32FN in the mid 90's and finally Su-34. The first flight of the Su-33UB happened only in 1999 and the name was Su-27KUB.
  12. To imagine what TK could do is free. But we have no access to his mind ;-) I hope too that he could use the income from apps for developing the PC serie but if I have to think that is normal for any businnes to invest where the income is bigger... say goodbye to PC game developement.
  13. Escorting a curious intruder off the border. F-100C action with the wonderful hgbn Skyblazer skin. Samtrails
  14. Version 1.0


    SA-2 Guideline pack for Strike Fighters2 This pack is intended as a replacement for the default SA-2 SAM system used in Strike Fighters 2 Inside there are updated Fan Song radars and launcher data files. Plus all new models of 4 missile variants: 11DU Dvina (2 skin variation) 15D Volkhov (with nuke or conventional warhead) 20D Volkhov 5Ya23 Volkhov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. C\Programm Files\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters Then open your SOUNDLIST.INI file inside the Flight folder and add these lines: (REPLACE THE XXX WITH THE SEQUENTIAL NUMBER) SoundFileXXX=Nuclear SoundFileXXX=S-125 And add these to the bottom [Nuclear] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=30000.000000 MinDist=500.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [s-125] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=6000.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Thirdwire: Default launchers, radars and the sim itself! 3D model, Texture, Data, Effects and Sounds: Spillone104 Nuke effects: Lexx_Luthor Beta testers : Flogger23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal stuff: This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enjoy and good flight. :) December 2012 Spillone104
  15. File Name: SA-2 Guideline pack for Strike Fighters2 File Submitter: Spillone104 File Submitted: 24 December 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects SA-2 Guideline pack for Strike Fighters2 This pack is intended as a replacement for the default SA-2 SAM system used in Strike Fighters 2 Inside there are updated Fan Song radars and launcher data files. Plus all new models of 4 missile variants: 11DU Dvina (2 skin variation) 15D Volkhov (with nuke or conventional warhead) 20D Volkhov 5Ya23 Volkhov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder. C\Programm Files\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters Then open your SOUNDLIST.INI file inside the Flight folder and add these lines: (REPLACE THE XXX WITH THE SEQUENTIAL NUMBER) SoundFileXXX=Nuclear SoundFileXXX=S-125 And add these to the bottom [Nuclear] Priority=HIGH 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE NumBuffers=2 MaxDist=30000.000000 MinDist=500.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 [s-125] Priority=NORMAL 3DSound=TRUE DopplerEffect=TRUE NumBuffers=4 MaxDist=6000.000000 MinDist=100.000000 InsideConeAngle=360 OutsideConeAngle=360 ConeOutsideVolume=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Thirdwire: Default launchers, radars and the sim itself! 3D model, Texture, Data, Effects and Sounds: Spillone104 Nuke effects: Lexx_Luthor Beta testers : Flogger23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal stuff: This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enjoy and good flight. :) December 2012 Spillone104 Click here to download this file
  16. drop tank error

    I'm going to guess is a current patch issue. As many other things some people told me. I'll still going good with Jan2011. No issue with the drop tanks. The same with my stand alone SF2NA install (March2012).
  17. A bored voice said: Vampire, vampire....
  18. Many times my wingmen downed me. Most of the time with modern sidewinders that have a very wide seeker angle. Sometimes during massive gunfights. But I still remember one time i took a Standard ARM right into my bomber by a SEAD escort aircraft. Maybe was attracted by ECM but I don't really know. Yes.. shoot down some "Vampires" with missiles... And even one with guns since the bomber released the missile while I was trying to bring it down with the Vulcan. :-D
  19. MiG-21F13

    Thank you Paolo! A great work as always!
  20. By the position of the shadow seems to be coming from the ejection seat. And BTW what I've added to the 104 is inside Pilot folder. Try to disable the shadows. Seems to be a late patch issue.
  21. F16 Isdraeliani

    Semmai per colpire con precisione gli obbiettivi se ne stanno ben in alto. Dubito che se ne vadano a zonzo tra i palazzi. Se si abbassano sotto i 4000m rischiano di ricevere diversi Strela, Igla e compari in risposta.
  22. You can have a volumetric "3D" appearance but to make it looks very good it will be far more "costly" in terms of workload since it will create an high amount of small clouds to fill the trails.

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