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Everything posted by Spillone104

  1. File Name: MiG-19P/PM/PT SFP1 conversion pack File Submitter: Spillone104 File Submitted: 29 January 2010 File Category: Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft MiG-19P, MiG-19PM and MiG-19PT Conversion Pack for SFP1, WOV, WOE and WOI oct.08 patch standard. In order to save weight I've not included the panles folders, texture .bmp files and decals. So you need to download the SF2 aircrafts to have the needed files! To install: Put all the files in their respective folder. Then, copy the bitmap files from the MiG-19P/PM/PT pack for SF2 inside the texture folders of each aircraft and copy the Decals folder inside the Aircraft folder of the game. Copy the "Cabina" folder and paste it inside each of these MiGs. Credits: Cockpit from Gepard’s F-6A Oro-57 Rockets from Kukulino’s S-105 Fake Pilot (included) by FastCargo Sounds by Spillone104 Canopy open: Key 10 1.1 Upgrade: new nose added. Some other tweaks. Enjoy Paolo & Alex Click here to download this file
  2. To be honest I'm not so into cockpit modding. Maybe it could be possible to reposition some instruments. I just only choose the pit of the MiG-21PFM because it had a more "MiG feeling" than an repainted A-4 pit.
  3. Even the ones from bobrock... they are already in download section from some years. http://combatace.com/files/file/5474-f-104g-photoshop-template/
  4. It seems that now many parameters are locked. Just as the cloud height that can't be lowered under 10.000ft.
  5. A.M.I. in Dhimar Thanks to baffmeister for the takeoff mod.
  6. The Snark

    That's Fugly! The old SM-62 Snark is way nicer and deadly for sure.
  7. Since these guns are single shot simply change Looped=TRUE to Looped=FALSE. Like this every single shot will call its complete sound.
  8. Yep and bad photoshopped. The lights are clearly different from the plane and the transplanted weapon bays.
  9. Pics from Jönköpingskalaset

    Very nice pics, Xclusive! Really like those of old fighters.
  10. Ma quanto.......

    Sullo stare lontani dalle ville brianzole in effetti non sarebbe una cattiva idea... specie se si volesse fargli recapitare certi tipi di materiale per un bunga bunga indimenticabile.
  11. Ma quanto.......

    Sicuramente fanno così perchè non avranno fatto un solo giorno di naja ne di università. Sta a vedere però che magari nella legge verranno conteggiati come contributi gli anni di carcere. Ah già... tanto loro dopo 5 anni da parlamentari possono prendere comunque la pensione. Comunque un bella gita nel fatato regno di arcore ci potrebbe stare. Ma pure a Roma volendo...
  12. Can we use this in flight sims?

    Flight of the Catboy?
  13. If names are not changed during the process from SFP1 to SF2... Nose_Odd-Rods and Tail_Odd-Rods
  14. Try to see if the Seeker slave is checked. This means that the seeker of the missile follow where the engagement radar is looking.
  15. I've noticed before this issue. The solution is to rename the .lod file as the weapon. The AIM-9M should have the lod file called AIM-9M and not L. Try and see.
  16. Nice. But the 154° Gruppo is a fighter bomber group. That's why they had F-84G, F-84F, F-104G, F-104S (CB) and then the Tornado IDS. For interceptor groups look at 23° of 5° Stormo, 9° Gruppo of 4° Stormo, 10° and 12° Gruppo of 36° Stormo, 18° Gruppo of 37° Stormo and 10° Gruppo of 9° Stormo.
  17. Once the stronghold of forces loyal to captured dictator Saddam Hussein, the city of Tikrit, in northen Iraq is now firmly under the control of the american forces. Or is it? These men of the Iraqi resistence movement think otherwise.
  18. Un po' di spotting

    Meglio non chiederselo cosa c' azzecchi col medioevo ma è una gradita presenza. Non sarà certo aggraziata come forme quanto un' aereo ma è un pò come paragonarla come il DC-3 delle linee ferroviarie italiane visto che ha servito per più di 70 anni e ha trasportato passeggeri e cargo. (Radiali esclusi )
  19. Yep, a bit of weather on them would be nice. Anyway... for Vietnam I was thinking to paint them like these.
  20. No need to go to Vietnam to have the "shining attention" of the SA-2E. Try to fly over the USSR territory .
  21. Thank you guys. Now adding some more details and stencils to the telephone poles. Stay tuned.
  22. Questione di carattere

    E nel caso servisse... sempre dal mitico Forza G avrei i suoni per il piccolo Gino. Bello vedere che siete tornati, ragazzi.

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