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Posts posted by Spillone104

  1. Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS X is my recently purchased joystick. It is a solid looking piece of equipment, precise, plenty of buttons, regolable spring tension and a 5th axis on the throttle that could be used as rudder or as a custom one. And it comes quite cheap at around 40-45 Euros




    Anyway I still have a Sidewinder Precision Pro that after some 11 years is still solid as rock and very precise. A true jewel. Very, very happy with it. :-)



  2. Sicuramente è un complotto dei professori per far si che non possiate partecipare a manifestazioni dove la vostra materia di studio è mostrata in tutta la sua bellezza al posto di insulse formule teorico-matematiche. E a loro gli rode. :lol:


    Va beh, dopo questa sparata conviene a me scappare....

  3. Oddio... forse sono la persona meno qualificata quà dentro a parlare di F-16.... Comunque, hai provato a sfogliare nella sezione downloads? I biposto son sicuro che ci sono anche se ormai come modello sono vecchiotti e forse pure i block 25. Gli aerei di Mirage Factory sono più recenti ma si fermano al block 15 ed MLU.

  4. Yes, is possible but is a rather extremist solution. Setting the pylons where fuel tanks are attached as not jettisonable. But doing this prevent you or AI to jettison the tanks in case of emergency.


    just as an exhample:















  5. Eh si Gabri, è il tuo 737!


    Mettere gli Hush kit ad un MD-80 è un' atto criminale!!! O forse inutile?

    A320 + colorazione rosa e viola = :bad:


    Per l' aereo postale lascio il quesito ad altri altrimenti è il Giorgio che si arrabbia con me. :laugh:


    Comunque splendida giornata ieri. Grazie.

  6. F-104B Pack

    Lockheed F-104B Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2


    The F-104B was the trainer version of the F-104A interceptor.It has been used by the Air Forces of the US, Pakistan, Jordan and Taiwan.




    This mod is intended as a general update of the F-104B model of Ajunaidr released some years ago.

    The FM is improved and now there are a new ogival nose, pitot and other details added via "fake pilot".





    You need SF2E to have the stock F-104G and SFP1 for the cockpit files.

    or follow these precious instructins: http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/





    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.

    "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2





    Original F-104B: Ajunaidr

    Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104

    Textures : Spillone104 and Paulopanz

    Decals : USAFMTL (Dave) and Paulopanz

    Fake pilot mod: FastCargo

    INIs : Spillone104

    Effects : Spillone104

    Sounds : Spillone104


    Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz




    Legal stuff:


    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.





    Enjoy and good flight. :)


  7. Auguri di buona Pasqua ragazzi!


    @ Mau: Lo sai vero che purtroppo o menomale abbiamo anche altro di cui occuparci fuori dal contesto modding/simming. E poi oltretutto è festa. :drinks:

    (detto tra noi, durante le feste c'è mortorio anche nella sezione downloads) :grin:


    @ target92: Benvenuto a bordo :-)

    Per skin particolareggiate cosa intendi? Mancano le decals come numeri e insegne di reparto?



  8. QF-104A

    Lockheed QF-104A Starfighter for Strike Fighters 2


    The QF-104A was a special modified version of the (Y)F-104A Star-fighter which could be flown remotely controlled. The control was done by F-104 pilots on the ground or inside another aircraft.

    The conversion of the (Y)F-104A to QF-104A was approved on 19 Februar 1960 by the USAF. Testing of the QF was conducted during the period of 9 Januar 1961 to 16 October 1961.

    The reason for converting the (Y)F-104A was the need for high altitude, high mach targets for the development of ground-to-air (BOMARC) and air-to-air (AIM7 - AIM9 - GAR2B - MB1 - AIM4) missiles.

    At the end of the summer in 1972 the QF-104 drone program had come to an end and the F-104D's were handed over to the Puerto Rice ANG which could use them very well. All of the personnel that were in the QF-104 program were reassigned to other duties and bases.

    In total 24 QF-104's have been used by the USAF. Twenthy of them were actually killed as targets and 1 crashed while flying a manned mission. The pilot ejected safely.

    What has happened to the other 3 aircraft is not known but it is very likely that they have been withdrawn from use.

    In total the drone-flight has accomplished 162 unmanned missions. Most of the QF mission were flown at Eglin AFB. However, some were flown at Holloman AFB (NewMexico) and a small number at Point Mugu NAS in California (for the US NAVY).


    The QF-104A were of course different from the normal 104’s.

    The most important modifications/changes included (in reality there are a lot more...) :


    1 - The QF-104A received anti-skid brakes.

    2 - A smoke-generator was applied (JP-4 pumped into the exhaust).

    3 - Remote control system to fly the aircraft unmanned.

    4 - A dayglow paintscheme was applied. It was an “eyecatcher”.

    Originally the aircraft serial numbers were painted white. This was unsatisfactory as they were not highly visible against the dayglow. For that reason they were changed to black lateron.

    5 - A special system which is able to make in flight air-starts remotely. In fact several were successfully made over the years.

    6 - Due to the high-rate of stall problems with the GE J79 3A engines the QF was repowered by the 3B version of this engine. This solved the stall-problems.

    7 - A self-destruction device was mounted on the QF for emergency reasons. This device was remotely controlled

    8 - A changed cockpit layout to support all typical QF-104 systems.

    9 - Additional gun-bay and case storage fuel tanks.

    10 - Optical (5) camera scoring system. Three camera’s were located in the nose radome and 2 could be found inside the left external fueltank.



    Pilot Notes:


    The default nation for this plane is USAF "friendly plane".

    Inside the QF-104A there is a folder named "For Mescalero Proving Grounds", if you want to use this aircraft with that mod simply replace the data.ini file. Now it will be a "red" target. :'(





    Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.

    "User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2





    Original F-104A: Ajunaidr

    Added 3D parts and Fuel Tanks: Spillone104

    Textures : Spillone104

    Decals : STORM and Spillone104

    Fake pilot mod: FastCargo

    INIs : Spillone104

    Effects : Spillone104

    Sounds : Spillone104


    Beta testers : Starfighter2 and Paulopanz


    Info and history: www.i-f-s.nl



    Legal stuff:


    This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.





    Enjoy these bright orange planes and try to not pull the trigger too often.

    Thanks ;-)



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