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Posts posted by Spillone104

  1. I've seen many videos showing the use of rocket pods and the rockets have a good dispersion on the target like a shotgun. But in SF they are affected only by gravity and wind. I've tried to change some parameters like only fin or spin stabilization but they still are too accurate, even the C.E.P does not affect the accuracy (only for guided weapons?). Without stabilizations the rockets simply do a "cobra" and then fall to the ground.


    So... Is there a way to simulate the dispersion of the rockets?



  2. So che il caldo danneggia i neuroni (miei compresi)... Però:


    1)Per la risoluzione degli effetti dai un' occhiata al famoso e sempre citato fino alla nausea "Knowledge Base".

    2)Quella "specie di Boeing" (Eresia) :biggrin: è in realta un Douglas DC-8-54 nella versione militare C-24.

    3)Dove si trovano il C-24 e il T-38? Hai presente la sezione download?









    Ah già....



  3. The problem with the sound came only from the Su-27 and the entire family of Su.


    Previously, almost all vehicles, previously used in WoI and WoE, without any problems and comments were used in SF2 ...

    In the Su-27 was no sound cannons GSH-301.

    And, of course, all the cars, armed with cannon GSH-301, also have no sound when shooting ...


    Somebody already faced this problem (?).

    And is there a solution to this issue (?).


    Another question ...

    For that is responsible and whether any file * _USERLIST.ini, if it duplicated the information specified in * _Data.ini (?)...


    You have to edit the SOUNDLIST.INI located in Flight folder.



    SoundFileXXX=GSH301 (replace the XXX with the last number)


    and this at the bottom:













    Then add the GSH301.wav file to Sounds folder.


    That's all. :yes:

  4. Lukko.... quello che si vede nel video è lo Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, che non penso proprio stia in canada. Insomma non è per niente quello di cui parla Canadair.


    @ Canadair... Immagino quanto ti bruciava il fatto di non poter salire sul Catalina.. EHEHEH.

    Ma i jet che hanno in quel museo dubito che siano in condizioni di volo.... peccato.

  5. Intruder/Prowler Sounds

    Grumman A-6 Intruder/EA-6B Prowler engine sounds for SFP1,WOV,WOE,WOI,SF2,SF2V,SF2E.


    These sounds are recorded from real A-6E/EA-6B equipped with P&W J-52 turbojets.




    To install these sounds put the .wav files to the sounds folder.

    Then open the aircraft data.ini and go to this line:



    EngineSoundName=JetEngine --------------->Change here the sound name of your choice

    AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner ---------->And here the Afterburner sound....







    Thats All.




    These Files are Freeware and can not be sold or included in any Payware software.


    Good Flight


    And pump UP the volume!!!




    • Like 1

  6. Piccolo aggiornamento.

    Ho provveduto ad installare il classico GSh-23L in posizione ventrale (tipica) e 2 dispenser per chaff e flare sul dorso delle prese d' aria e ad installare internamente il sistema ECM SPS-141.






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