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Everything posted by hide86

  1. Was thinking about adding the "TVC a-la FastCargo" (in honor of the Mighty Creator!!!) to an F-14A+ to make an interim Macross VF-0 mod, how can I do that, FastCargo??? I don't need the canards, TVC is enough... Oh, could you also explain me how to make the Cat's tailplanes invisible? Don't wanna remove them, just make them invisible, because the Valkyries have no tailerons... Thanks in advance, mate! Cheers! hide86
  2. Exactly what I was saying, Craig! Sorry for not posting in both Italian and English, would have made things easier... However, yeah, I was thinking about an ECM pod with a smoke emitter linked to the ON position...you turn on ECM and smoke flows... There goes the airshow mod XD... The question is: is that possible in any way???
  3. Ciao Spillone, grazie per la dritta..Stavo pensando...e un pod ECM invisibile o molto piccolo con effetto smoke se acceso? Dovrebbe essere possibile in teoria...Scusa la vaghezza ma sono un niubbo a creare armi e simili...
  4. Damn WOW! :))) Cmon, let's populate our skies with Micro Missile Pods!!!
  5. About the Missile Pods...Just tried using Gel's ini with AIM-9X instead of AMRAAMs...it works, but... Do you guys think there's a way to link them to A2A mode? So that one could hear the lockon tone and make effective use of Sideys' off-boresight capabilities...Or just implementing the usual seeker operation would be enough...Maybe changing them to EOGR guidance w/ IR backup??? so they would track on their own...... This may be a dumb question, but maybe somebody actually found a way to do it...God's Ways are Infinite...XDXDXD By the Way, a Tomcat with Hitory's VF-1D Valkyrie skin and a pair of those beauties is a REAL killing machine...Just give those Sideys their usual sensor FOV and you're off for a journey to Flankers' Hell!!!
  6. Quoting Rambler on the first one: F-14 all the way to Bombcat A-6 F-4 Possible WP flyables: Mig-29 Mig-21 Mig-23 And we're OK with time frames... 60s to 2000+...XD
  7. ....Nice.... ....Sexy.... ...Keep it up....
  8. Combatace the Musical anyone?

    That Text was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, let's make up a two-weeks-gag and we'll have a hit! Ready to climb the hitlists, guys? LOLLLLLLLLLL
  9. All right, now we just need a Roy Fokker VF-1S skin, then we're ready for Space War One! XD
  10. Definitely quoting USAFMTL... Maybe dampening their reactions for better formations reduces their control inputs in dogfight, thus making their aircraft "less agile", in the sense they're pulling less than what they could...Just my two cents, but the more I think about it, the more I feel it convincing...
  11. I know, C5, I had understood that... I'm still thinking that TWO accurate planes MIGHT not be very attractive for a larger-scale audience...Just my little opinion, obviously...
  12. (gets a hard on hearing about SR-71 and YF-12...XD) I'm with you, guys, the Balckbird's one of my sexiest dreams lol Should anybody try to create it, and should that guy need any info, references or something, drop me a line, I'd be happy to help anyway I can! By the Way, sorry for the OT (---preparing to have his butt kicked =P)
  13. You frickin' kick ass, boy! Keep it up, you gained a stable fan! XD Cheers!
  14. Guess I'm agreeing with lazboy: only 2 planes may not be that attractive, considering we're all used to 8+ ( in stock installs XD) planes... Should maybe consider the idea of developing something like 5-6 planes in the first release, maybe updating them after release w/ new avionics, systems etc.
  15. Just my two cents for the topic: I'd love to see this idea turning into reality, I always thought about my ideal flight sim, so here's my opinion: SF's engine is pretty much what we need for the job. Improvements: -some more system accuracy: radar modes, BOMBING modes (which I really miss in these games: an A-6 without DIANE is a woman without p***y XD) -more situational consciousness and more immersion in the mission: as somebody said before, I feel the need to be part of a major scale operation, and this would open a whole new range of possibilities): targets of opportunity, refueling (even not fully hardcore, in my opinion), FAC, combined strikes (as somebody said before, SEAD missions to cover CAS, Strike and Anti-Ship missions, MigCAPs and fighter sweeps all the way for air cover); -more squadron/package control: you want those wingmen to assist you, not to fly in a mountain as soon as they can...XD -some minor bugfixes; XDDD -a stable, fun multiplayer mode...I voted 3 on the poll, but I must admit the MASSIVE idea sounded SOOOO SEXYYYYYYYY.... We need something to enjoy playing this game on a daily-or-so basis, something other sims don't have... Like Virtual squadrons with their base on every server, and that sort of immersion that makes you REALLY feel part of a community... And here comes the crazy idea: a content sharing utility, like the map downloading thing in CoD: everybody could fly with THEIR skins, THEIR aircraft, THEIR payloads, but everybody could have everything...this way you could say goodbye to all the issues we currently have with TK's multiplayer mode... -A HIGH MODDABILITY: we're all here for that, right? I don't think we'd need an EXTREME rate of simulation: I played F4, great sim, spent many hours trying to mater it, then abandoned it one day....There was more funny stuff around, with an overall good realism level (WOE is one of those, LockOn is my second mate...); I mean, some system complexity and more accurate damage modeling are welcome, but a "casual" gamer should be able to enjoy the sim in a few hours, in my opinion... So here comes scalability, that 'll be a great ace in this game's sleeve... And, by the way, I'd pick the Tomcat too...There's so many people willing to see an accurate Tomcat, and the sad news of its retirement should help us with documentation and "intelligence gathering"... A mig-29 on the other side would be fair enough I guess... However, you have all the support I can give, it's not much, but my 50 bucks are there if you need them...
  16. Awesome job, man! You're definitely great! Check your PMs, I sent you a couple lines! Cheers and keep it up! hide86
  17. Ooo

    mmmmmm I thought my X-52 WAS nice...well, it is...but this sounds COOL... Don't wanna see shipping costs to Italy, though XD
  18. By the way...any news Fox? (don't kill me, please don't kill me, I know I don't have to disturb but I'm jumping outta my skin when I think about this mod....) (hides under the table hoping Fox won't punch him to death...LOL)
  19. A personal goal achieved!

    My best congratulations, mate! HOOAH for the Cargo! BTW, i'D REALLY love one of those patches....they really look gorgeous! How much did you say, 5 bucks? XD Obviously I'll add shipping fees to Italy LOL
  20. Well, you COULD use weapons in the back cockpit: you just make an invisible hud, and that's it: you can lock on and shoot whatever you want...Not a great thing for situation consciousness but one could live with it... You're still flying as an instructor, right? LOL Just a purpose, don't kill me, FastCargo! XD However, a billion thumbs up for your great work, keep it up!
  21. Just to point out a thing I found talking with a former F-104 pilot (he was my instructor at ITAF flight school in Latina, couple years ago...): the tip tanks, believe it or not, added some lift to the wing structure, thus improving (a little) the 104's agility in sustained turns, although the roll rate was a little bit worse in that configuration for the increased weight and drag... Just my two cents for the party, as someone said above...XD
  22. The best sim in town...

    Well, I played all of them, and I'm currently in love with both LOMAC and WOE: IMHO, LOMAC is more realistic in sensors operation and electronic stuff, and has some amazing graphics and flight models...BUT it's not very mod-friendly, as people said before... WoE, on the other hand, is just as fun as hell, you can fly almost everything mankind ever built and blow up all the rest XD... Considering the average prives, I'd look for both AND pick both, they're different but they complement each other VEEEERY well! Cheers! hide86
  23. Christmas presents

    Aim for the BIG shot, Brainless, a romantic tete-a-tete trip should be a great idea...That thing of the bottle with roses and the coupon was very good, but you should add another coupon to it, sporting: "This was presented by Brainless and the CombatAce.Com Forum! Merry Christmassssss!!!!" Let us know 'bout the outcome, mate! Best Luck, Goog Hunting! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Everybody! hide86
  24. Happy Birthday, BABY!

    HOOAH, Baby!!! Gone but never Forgotten! The Cat's still inside our hearts!
  25. Hi Guys, a quick ( I hope) question: How come my ARH missiles ( amraam, phoenix, R-77) and even sometimes my SARH missiles become almost useless??? I mean, using F-14D and F-14QS, I shot a phoenix to a J-11 Flanker ( nice work Marc btw! ) form 9 miles away, then from 7, 5 and 4 miles away, and guess? Yeah, right, 4 Shots, NO hits....now, that's a little frustrating, don't you think? Same thing often happens with amraams or adders, while sparrows, winders and R-73s still look a little more reliable.... Anybody has suggestions? They used to work fine till a couple weeks ago... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't wanna become a ground pounder for the rest of my life.... I mean, I like strike missions, but the Cat's still my favorite bird, and at the current state of things, it's almost useless... Thanks for your help! hide86

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