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Posts posted by ordway

  1. Nice!  You are so creative! Those nasty Russians are trying gain another foothold!  Perhaps the French might want to get involved as in the Suez incident and provide Ouragans and  Mysteres. 

    I’ve always liked the French comic books Tanguy et Laverdure about the French Ouragans, Mysteres and Mirage llls in action in French Africa. image.jpeg.de702bc4f234a8112359423c327ae611.jpeg

    • Like 4

  2. Ehm. No.

    First point. In 1870 there was no Germany. There were a lot of independent german speaking kingdoms. Saxony, Bavaria, Pruzzia, Würtemberg and some other minor states. The french policy was it to stop all attempts to form a unified Germany. France wanted to be the ruler of the continent and if feared the possible power of the unification of all german kingdoms. So it supported all separatisic activists and movements to hold the germans seperated and small.

    This was the french policy since Louis XIV. Remember till this time french armies fought their wars on foreign territories. It was quiet normal for them to march into the Netherlands, Belgium or the german kingdoms to fight there. And the french imperator Napoleon III wanted to follow this doctrin.

    Bismarcks fake of the "Emser Depesche" was the answer to a harsh french demand, which could be understood as deadline (ultimatum). The prussian King originally answered in a handsome manor, but Bismarck redesigned the text in a harsh answer and Napoleon III declared the war because he felt offended.

    And with his declaration of war against Pruzzia he accidently activated the defence treaty of the german kingdoms, which now were forced to stand together against the french foe.

    In the following month the french armies were defeated, imperator Napoleon II became POW and the german Kaiserreich was founded.


    Please dont mix Bismarck with Bismark. Bismark is a little town near Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, Bismarck is the name of a family.I didn't 


    Ehm. No.

    First point. In 1870 there was no Germany. There were a lot of independent german speaking kingdoms. Saxony, Bavaria, Pruzzia, Würtemberg and some other minor states. The french policy was it to stop all attempts to form a unified Germany. France wanted to be the ruler of the continent and if feared the possible power of the unification of all german kingdoms. So it supported all separatisic activists and movements to hold the germans seperated and small.

    This was the french policy since Louis XIV. Remember till this time french armies fought their wars on foreign territories. It was quiet normal for them to march into the Netherlands, Belgium or the german kingdoms to fight there. And the french imperator Napoleon III wanted to follow this doctrin.

    Bismarcks fake of the "Emser Depesche" was the answer to a harsh french demand, which could be understood as deadline (ultimatum). The prussian King originally answered in a handsome manor, but Bismarck redesigned the text in a harsh answer and Napoleon III declared the war because he felt offended.

    And with his declaration of war against Pruzzia he accidently activated the defence treaty of the german kingdoms, which now were forced to stand together against the french foe.

    In the following month the french armies were defeated, imperator Napoleon II became POW and the german Kaiserreich was founded.


    Please dont mix Bismarck with Bismark. Bismark is a little town near Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, Bismarck is the name of a family.

    I don't mean to beat up on the former entity of Prussia, the pre-German entities, Germany, France or the United States. As many have brilliantly stated in this post, we have to concentrate on all working together so that the "ruling elites" behave themselves. I think we all have to agree that the ruling elites of the proto state of Germany upset the European and world balance of power when the entity of Germany was formed. The ruling elites in the entity of England could no longer balance their ruling interests of keeping the entity of Europe stable after the unification in the 1870s.

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  3. Here's a little fact I learned from a Greek person yesterday..that isn't in the public domain 

    Did you know, that the Greek 'bailout' has a clause?...that clause is: If Greece fails to pay off the debt..the EU (namely Germany) will take ownership of several Greek Islands???

    (whether they'll use the fallschirmjäger on this occasion, is open to question) 

    Don't think this is new.  Read about the Franco/Prussian War of 1870.  It was a war to put France into debt to Germany…and it succeeded. Bismark faked documents to get France to declare war on Germany.  Then Germany could invade France, take over French territory and force France into paying war reparations to Germany (debt)  for a war initiated by Germany!

  4. hard to say but these have been like this since I remember, too prone to that for sure

    I agree it is hard to tell. One publication says that " the longitudinal instabilities did give rise to some concern and it had to be carefully handled." So some instability is probably warranted. http://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/gnat/history.php. This would mean that the Gnat would tend to wander in pitch and be incredibly  sensitive in pitch to the slightest pitch movement or turbulence.


    A flight report also stated that:"the response to ailerons was instant but the stick force is near zero. The ailerons are incredibly light and quick. It is difficult to avoid pushing or pulling on the stick because the force is so light." It sounds like the Gnat is almost a little hard to fly because it is so sensitive.   Flying Magazine October 1997.

  5.  This flight test report is derived from an Aviation Week and Space Technology journal article in a book called Military Aircraft Pilot Reports (McGraw-Hill ,1996)


    This is only a summary derived from a flight test of a two seat MiG-19/J-6/FT-6  and single seat MiG-19/J-6s from Pakistani pilots. You can take it for what it is. 

    For the two seat Soviet/Sino MiG-19 (J-6) its maximum roll rate at 917 knots at 35,000 feet is more than 50 deg per second, although this rate is more than 150 degrees per second  at subsonic speeds. This is slow enough that it can be exploited by many competing fighters in a dogfight.  Its thick wing really limits it in some aspects.
    The two seat MiG-19/J-6's s lateral stability and control decrease markedly at lower airspeeds. At slower airspeeds, coarse use of ailerons can flick one wing into a stall. The MiG-19 tends to run short of longitudinal trim at speeds above 458 knots. It only has an effective flight time of about 45 minutes.  
    It includes other notes on the MiG-19's flight characteristics as well such as at high subsonic speeds and medium altitudes, it had light and responsive controls  and wide buffet boundaries. It had outstanding turn rates without buffet or loss of airspeed to about 8+g.
    The Mig-19's/J-6's stall characteristics and spin characteristics are also described as the stall having first light airframe buffet and then a pronounced wing drop.  The spin recovery requires 7,000-10,000 feet to recover…not a good thing if close to the ground or in the landing pattern.
    During aerobatics the two seat maneuvering MiG-19/J-6's maneuvering stick forces remain moderate throughout the speed range. Very little rudder was needed.  At low speeds rudder was needed for adverse yaw. You have to be very careful at very slow speeds with ailerons and only use rudder to roll. Trim changes were small.
    Much more information on the MiG-19 handling was included as well in the report.
    The book is available from some sellers on Amazon.com used book market. It also includes pilot test reports on the Super Tucano, Hawk, PC-9, SU-27, MiG-29, T-34C, S.211, U-2, SR-71, Mirage 2000, etc. This book might be helpful to a lot of modders.
    EDIT: I deleted the word "short" which I repeated two times in a row and changed a misspelling of "that to "than."
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  6. I have been trying to find a way to have a very strong positive pitch sensitivity for 5 gs almost instantaneous pitch movement and a very limited max negative pitch movement of only -1.5 gs for the SF.260.


    Does anyone know how to do this.  So far, any changes I have made end up applying  equally to positive and negative pitch inputs. I can't seem to get separate maximum pitch amounts when pulling versus pushing on the stick.




    Richard (Pitts2a)





    "After a mission, your soul is not refreshed and you exit the game with a feeling of emptiness coming from both your kills or failures, or a death certificate or a medal, and the emptiness of the Stats and Debrief screen, plus a score that means very little."



    The only air combat sim that I personally thought ever addressed this was Dynamix's RED Baron. The developer, Damon Slye, is now working on a new flight sim according to a magazine interview that I read last week. 




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