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Everything posted by ordway

  1. Tornado F.3 AOP

  2. F4D-1 Skyray

  3. Mig-15Bis Cockpit

  4. Mig-17F Cockpit

  5. Mig-17F Cockpit

  6. Boopidoos Su-7BM cockpit

  7. F-104A-19

  8. Hawk T1 Stand-in cockpit

    Great idea and good work! Thanks!
  9. I guess the question is how much of this plane was hacked out of classified US hard drives.
  10. Angola/South West Afrika Terrain Beta

    Thank You! You have done something many have tried and never finished over many years! You are to be highly commended! This adds great life to a really outstanding sim!!!!
  11. F-94B cockpit (proper)

    Thanks! you are amazing!!! Your work is much appreciated!!!
  12. Super Mystere B2 cockpit

    Beautiful! Thank you so much!!!

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