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Files posted by ordway

  1. SFP2 Israeli-modified Super Mystere Cockpit

    New SFP2 Israeli-modified Dassault Super
    Mystere B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit for Wings Over
    Israel2 (I could not get the SFP1 version to work
    in SFP2 and had to start over again with SFP2).
    Gages have been moved, eliminated and added. Bitmaps were added.
    Color photos and cockpit diagrams of the Super Mystere were used as reference.
    You need the Wings over Israel 2 for the
    Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere.
    Originally inspired by CA_Stary (photo-realistic
    early to mid life additions added by Richard
    version 1.0
    June 07, 2010
    You NEED SFP2 Israel and a previous SFP2 addon (with the F-100D Super Sabre) such as SFP2, WOV2, WOE2, to use it!
    3D .LOD files not included!
    CA_Stary for all his hard work to make the
    brilliant basic Super Mystere B.2. in
    Thanks to Frank Safrenek and Michel Gerard of
    Mirage Aircraft of Flightsimulator.com for pics of
    the Mystere IVA and Ouragan-many of which
    carry over to the Super Mystere.
    TK for Wings Over Israel2 and a bitmap image of
    a Meteor battery gage.
    Lexx_Luthor for his "Generic Cockpits:
    applications to strategic air warfare" at Thirdwire
    forums and cockpits MOVE editing discoveries.
    Really great stuff there!
    Wrench, for his tutorial about adding F-100D
    cockpit to unflyable WOI 1 planes.
    And suggestions to use Hun's pit in Super Mystere.
    This is a modification of Thirdwire F-100D sfp2
    cockpit to represent the Dassault Super Mystere
    B.2 Early-Mid life cockpit.
    The 3D F-100D base cockpit is NOT included! If you have any previous merged SFP2 installs,
    you can just add the contents of this download to the Super Mystere folder and it should work.
    If you have only the SFP2 Israel alone, then you need to extract the F-100 contents and add it to the
    Super Mystere folder. It's two
    minutes work anyway.
    CAT File Extract Utility can be found at:
    Included are ini files and all repainted textures.
    1. Extract the archive to your C:
    MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over
    Israel2ObjectsAircraftSuperMystereB2 folder
    2. Using the CAT File Extract Utility extract from
    SFP2 the F-100D_PIT.LOD...and all the
    other F-100 files if you want.
    More precisely, from "ObjectData.cat" found in
    directory extract the file:
    -this file is the geometry of the Super Sabre
    cockpit. It's core file and cannot be redistributed.
    3. Copy this file into C:
    MydocumentsThirdwireWings Over
    4.That's it. Nothing more needed. Go flying!
    The Dassault SMB2 Super Mystere was the
    basic equivalent of the North American F-100
    Super Sabre except smaller and much less powerful. It saw much air-air combat and gave
    stellar value to Israel.
    Over Saykal, the Israeli Super Mysteres
    encountered a pair of Syrian MiG-21s and
    although outclassed by the MiGs, shot both of
    them down.
    By the end of the first day of 1967 Six Days War
    hositilities, Super Mysteres had destroyed 5
    aircraft in the air.
    In 1975, Israel sold 12 complete airframes and 6
    sets of spares to Honduras. The aircraft were
    involved in numerous border skirmishes with
    Nicaragua and were finally withdrawn from
    service in 1996.
    Tactics: The Super Mystere has almost the same
    thrust/weight t/w ratio as the F-100. It has a
    noticeably lower wing loading than the F-100 so
    can out turn it all other things being equal. It can't
    climb as fast as the F-100-(Mike Spick, Illustrated
    Directory of Fighters). Against the Mig-19 and
    Mig-21 and MiG 23, try to out turn them.
    Against the Vampire, Meteor, Mig-15, Mig-17 try
    to do vertical yo yos while turning.
    Legal stuff:
    You can do whatever you want with this, as long as you don't include it in any payware package.
    Giving us credits would be fine.
    Richard "Pitts2A" Ordway
    Przemek "CA_Stary" Starkiewiczfor Wings Over


       (1 review)



  2. Vampire cockpit -single-engine Egyptian-modified (combat veteran)

    This is a single-engine Egyptian-Modified Vampire jet cockpit for SFP2 with single engine gages based on the Thirdwire Meteor cockpit. You need SFP2 Israel and expansion pack.
    It is a combat veteran and fought air to air combat against Israeli Meteors, Dassault Ouragans, Mystere IVAs and later against Pakistani F-86 Sabres according to sources.
    It has gages moved, and BMP gages and bitmaps added from multiple Vampire color cockpit photos and the DH Vampire cockpit manual.
    First Middle East jet combats occurred in 1955.
    September 1, 1955, - 2 Egyptian FB.52 vampires were shot down by an Israeli Gloster Meteor.
    Another Egyptian FB.52 Vampire was shot down by a Dassault Ouragan April 12, 1956.- Shlomo Aloni, Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947-82, p23.
    Israeli victories -acig
    29Aug55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 M.Lavon 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF
    1Sep55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 A. Yoeli 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF
    1Sep55 117 sqn Meteor F.8 A. Yoeli 20mm Vampire FB.52 EAF
    12Apr56 113 sqn Ouragan D. Kishon 20mm Vampire FB.52 2 sqn EAF
    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA S.Egoziz 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF
    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA S.Egoziz 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF
    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA A. Shavit 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF
    31Oct56 101 sqn Mystere IVA A. Shavit 30mm Vampire FB.52 31 sqn EAF
    By 11:00hrs also four Vampires strafed the Israeli column near al-Thamed, causing even more damage. They were followed by more Vampires and also Meteors of the 5 Sqn EAF, all of which were escorted by the MiG-15 and hit the Israelis very hard.
    The Israelis claimed destruction of four Vampires
    On September 1, 1965, during the Indo-Pakistani War, IAF Vampires saw action for the first time with India. No. 45 Squadron responded to a request for strikes against a counter-attack by the Pakistani Army (Operation Grand Slam) and four Vampire Mk 52 fighter-bombers were successful in slowing the Pakistani advance.
    However, the Vampires encountered two Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F-86 Sabres, armed with air to air missiles; in the ensuing dogfight, the outdated Vampires were outclassed. One was shot down by ground fire and another three were shot down by Sabres.[17] The Vampires were withdrawn from front line service after these losses.
    The Vampire had a lower wing loading than the Meteor and therefore should be able to out turn the Meteor in a turning fight all other things being equal. The Meteor being much faster, faster climbing and more powerful will dominate a vertical fight.
    1. Keep fast against enemy prop fighters...you are faster than them, but you lose energy fast and can't regain it easily.
    2. Try to out turn enemy jets...you usually have a lower wingloading. The enemy Meteor is much more powerful than you, much faster than you, has a much higher climb rate then you and he can dominate a vertical fight.
    The Vampire reportedly had beautiful handling qualities but was extremely underpowered.
    REQUIREMENTS: SFP2 Israel2 and expansion pack.
    1. Download folder
    2. Backup everything in Vampire52 folder (This has new Egyptian loading and hanger screens, and newini. and cockpit.ini as well as a new cockpit).
    3. Download this into your aircraft folder usually located at C:\Mydocuments and settings\yourname\My Documents\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2 Israel\Objects\Aircraft
    4. Say yes when asked to overwrite.
    5. Done.
    Credits: TK and Thirdwire for the sim and their beautiful Meteor cockpit.


       (1 review)



  3. F-102A Loading Screeens (More Third Wire-Looking)

    These F-102A loading screens were made by me about a year before Velto2K released his fantastic F-102A.
    These have a more original Third Wire look.
    Richard "Pitts 2A" Ordway
    1. Unzip contents.
    2. Just dump the contents into Veltro2Ks F-102 folder and that's it.
    3. Say yes to overwrite the files.
    4. Remember to backup your files.


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  4. SF2 MiG-23MF fighter- Cockpit, working Mig-23MF HUD, and aircraft

    Included is the fully working MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B', cockpit and working Mig-23MF HUD cockpit converted to SFP2.
    This MiG-23MF swing wing fighter saw much combat and claimed multiple kills over the years. The Mig-23/Mig-27 was the most important Soviet fighter type from the mid-to-late 1970s. It was designed to replace the famous MiG-21.
    The MiG-23MF was a first generation MiG-23 and was not designed for close-in maneuvering. This would come with the later second generation MiG-23ML ("L"  for lightweight).  However, the MiG-23MF was still formidable if used as a hit and run fighter.
    Short takeoff and landing was a major consideration in the case of a NATO vs WARSAW Pact confrontation. Also, the Mig-23 was designed to be able to be able to accept or decline combat against western fighters using hit and run tactics- maneuverability being a secondary consideration. As a result, it was designed to be faster in speed, faster accelerating and faster climbing than most western fighters...in which it mostly suceeded. It was much faster climbing than the F-4 Phantom with a reported initial climb rate of 45,000+ feet per minute.
    However, it reportedly had an even higher wing loading than the Phantom of about 94/lbs per sq feet at normal takeoff weight and normal wing sweep. One of the contributing results was reportedly a very poor instantaneous turn rate of 11.5 degrees per second at Mach .9 at 15,093 feet and 8.6 degrees per second at Mach .5 at 15,093 feet (Mike Spick-Illustrated Directory of Fighters). The Mig-21 reportedly had a much better maximum instantaneous turn rate of around 18.9 deg/sec. in some configurations. Although a lot of factors are involved in instantaneous turn rates, it does give a general idea.
    It equipped more Soviet fighter and attack regiments than any other Soviet fighter then in service in the 1970s. Over a thousand were estimated to be confronting NATO from both Soviet and WARSAW Pact nations.
    This is from the original Mirage Factory (although it has been modified by so many people over the years that it is basically a new aircraft).
    This Mig-23MF was a major production model after 1978. It could fire beyond visual range (BVR) missiles even for foreign countries and had a standard internal 23mm gun. Its radar was thought to be broadly comparable to the McDonnell Douglas F4J Phantoms' radar...formidable indeed.
    Mig-23s emerged victorious against maneuvering Western-trained Mirage F-1s over Africa on 27 September 1987, so the Mig-23's weapons systems could be effective.
    You can download the original Mirage Factory Mig-23 SFP1 package here:
    The Mig-23MF was the first major production version and also used largely for export. It saw combat in the Middle East with Syria and reportedly had some F-4 and F-16 kills.
    It was a much improved export version after the previous MS version. The Warsaw pact, India, Lybia, Syria, Egypt, Cuba and others used the MF version. It fired radar-guided missiles and so was a BVR threat with its AA-7 Apex missiles.
    Pilot report http://www.warbirdso...87/Default.aspx
    This was so complicated to make work in SFP2, that I had to end up just making it one complete download. If it wasn't loading or blowing up on the runway, then the HUD was not visible, the pilot was out of his seat, the plane was invisible, or the cockpit was invisible, pieces were flying permanently along side you in flight blocking your view, you were flying sideways, and you could not pick weapons. It took pieces from endless airplanes and projects to finally make it work including parts from SFP2.
    To my surprise, -the jewel-, the extremely complex Mig-23MF working HUD from Starfighter in SFP1 actually started working!
    1) Back up your Mig-23MF folder.
    2) Just download the whole filefolder Mig-23MF intact into your SFP2 aircraft folder as one folder....ie into the C:\mydocuments\thirdwire\SFP2\objects\aircraft
    3) When asked to overwrite say yes.
    MiG-23M 'Flogger-B' First production fighter
    MiG-23MF 'Flogger-B' Improved MiG-23M with a new radar and an infrared sensor pod, major production model after 1978
    For strengths, it had incredible acceleration that reportedly equalled the later F-16 and F-15s. It also had an incredible climb rate and almost unmatched speed at low altitudes.
    For weaknesses, it had a terribly slow turn, slow rate of roll and high angle of attack limitations and vicious stall characteristics in certain situations. Better keep it fast.
    Good tactics in the MF are to sneak in fast at a low altitude, shoot and then run or use your fantastic rate of climb and acceleration in a vertical fight.
    FLIGHT NOTES FROM A MiG-23 PILOT: The Mig-23 had incredible strengths and incredible weaknesses.
    WEAKNESSES: For weaknesses, most Mig-23s never could turn or roll very well compared to its enemies and had very heavy controls. Its roll was hurt by its control system (spoilers and a diferential tail and the disconnection of spoilers at any but 16 degrees).
    In close combat, the earlier versions in particular were a deathtrap because unless the pilot stayed within certain tight maneuvering limits, it would often lose control and simply crash. Its cockpit visiblility was one of the worst of any fighter. Visibility is life in a dogfight.
    It had slushy controls in many areas of its flight regime and its nose would often hunt back and forth. Its unpredictable accelerated stall was often taking ones life into ones hands if attempted. It also had the typical Soviet disadvantage of a very short range. There are reports of its radar not working much of the time and it often not being mission ready.
    It is hard to use an aircraft if it is not working.
    Red Eagles, Steve Davies "Flying the Mig-23"
    It is true that later versions had much improved handling/systems. However, I understand that maneuvering limits still existed.
    Thanks to
    -The Mirage Factory for the original Mig-23 in SFP1.
    -Lindr2 , for the new external model and for armament options.
    -Armourdave and Sal for orignal SU-17 cockpit.
    -Nele for the superb flight model that shows that the Mig-23 goes straight and up like an arrow, but is a bear in the turning and rolling department and accelerated stall department.
    -column5 Previous Flight Model:
    -Pasko Pilot
    -USAFMTL, Crab_02, Sony Tuckson
    Testing, etc:
    -Starfighter2- for the incredible avionics HUD
    -Wrench- helpful hints on moving around the SFP1 cockpit gages and hints on converting aircraft to SFP2.
    TK and Thirdwire - for SFP1 and the armament and options in the SFP2 version.
    Not for payware in anyway. If you develop this more, please quote the authors.


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