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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Version 1.01 update posted in the SF2 downloads section. I have incorporated the changes to the NATIONS.INI so everything is running fine in SFP1/WoX builds now.
  2. Version


    *********************************** Iceland Full-Scale Terrain v1.02 Update by Baltika 19 December 2010 *********************************** This update will bring any previous version of my Iceland terrain up to v1.02. Changelog:- v1.02 -Added Iceland02_Water.bmp and revised ICELAND02.INI file to enable full water functionality for SF2 EP2 Mission Editor users. Thanks to tn_prvteye for creating the water.bmp file included here. -Added full city tile .tod files for buildings in Reykjavik. -Added 40+ additional targets to Reykjavik. AAA defence much stronger now! -Revised ICELAND02_NATIONS.INI file for extra sea locations and accurate representation of Iceland Defence Force. v1.01 -Corrected overlapping ground units in Red and Blue Force Air Defence Sites. -Corrected overlapping ground units in Red and Blue Force Army Bases. -Added Iceland02_DOGFIGHT.INI file. -Added USN and USMC to Limited Nations List in terrain NATIONS.INI file. -The revised NATIONS.INI has cured the hard lockup bug for CAS/Anti-Ship/Armed Recon missions in SFP1/WoX builds. *********************************** INSTALLATION You must first have installed Iceland Full-Scale terrain v1.0. This pack will update both v1.0 and v1.01 to v1.02. Simply unzip and drop the various new files into your \Terrains\ICELAND02 folder, making sure to over-write the previous versions. This update is good for SF2 and SFP1/WoX installs. ***********************************
  3. File Name: Iceland02 Full-scale Terrain v1.0 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 27 October 2010 File Category: Full Terrains *********************************** Iceland 02 Full-Scale Terrain v1.0 by Baltika *********************************** Thanks to:- Gepard for his terrain tutorials, which started this adventure off all those years ago. Also for his new WoE runways which are included here. JSFAggie for his Highway runway Mod, which has been altered and modded for use as glacier-based FARPs. Brain32 for sound advice on creating terrain tiles. Cheers mate;-) Your hi-res lava tile has not been used here, but may see the light of day if I ever manage a hi-res set for this little terrain. Wrench, Dave & all the gang at CA for invaluable advice on how to make things work, garnered over the years and hopefully put to good effect here. MajorLee, Deuces, Edward and anyone else who made a terrain mod and posted about how to do it. Thanks! TK for making the whole bag of bolts hang together. *********************************** Installation instructions:- Unzip and drop the "ICELAND02" folder into your Saved GamesThirdwireStrikeFighters2Terrains folder. If there is no terrains folder in your mod folder, create one and drop the ICELAND02 folder into it. That's it! Go fly, and fight for the liberation of Iceland. This terrain has been completed using SF2 June 2010 patch. It is not supported on WoX series or earlier patch levels. But, if you really must try, use the ICELAND02_DATA.INI file included in the "Use_in_WoX" folder for SF1 series. Your mileage may vary. *********************************** This terrain features a completely new Iceland map, scaled up to full size and with a completely new tileset. All mission types are flyable for Red and Blue force. It has taken a number of years and several false starts to get to this point. Like gepard said about his Israel terrain, I feel the journey may never be finished, so if you spot any oddities or bugs, drop me a line at CombatAce and I'll try to fix it. I will post targetisation updates as and when these are completed. For now, kick back, enjoy the Arctic scenery and have a blast. Slainthe! Baltika 27 October 2010 *********************************** Click here to download this file
  4. Good question, I wish I could figure it out. My thinking is, with limited nations active, the game has to find enough air units and ground units which are on the permitted nations list, and which are active in the chosen timeframe for your mission. If there is a gap, you get a lock. But, I'm just guessing. Frankly, I'm just glad that this terrain is now working properly in WoX builds, as it should. Hopefully I'll get time to update the download over the weekend. Meantime, the hotfix is to open up ICELAND02_NATIONS.INI in the terrain folder and add USMC and USN to the friendly nations list, using the next numbers in sequence. Slàinte! Baltika
  5. Working on. . . Now, how to I get TE to do subterranean caverns - preferably flyble, with giant lizards and lava eruptions???
  6. Hi Derk, I am very pleased to see you are up and running again Meantime, I have been trying out more fixes and I think I have this sussed out. The original NATIONS.INI which shipped with the terrain did not include USN or USMC as permitted nations. I have added those to the list in the NATIONS.INI and everything seems to be working fine now in SFP1/WoX builds patched up to Oct 08. I will do a bit more testing in different installs. I am also finishing off some bug fixes for the TARGETS.INI so hopefully I can post and update over the weekend. Sorry for any problems this may have caused. Cheers Baltika
  7. Hi Canadair, Thanks for taking the time to do some troubleshooting, and thanks for pointing out the typos and duplicates in the TARGETS.INI. So far as AAA/SAM sites go, I did use a template for all of them, so unfortunatley the error you have pointed out is duplicated through quite a lot of target areas. I will thoroughly revamp all of the problem target areas and post an update A.S.A.P. So far as lock ups go, using the mod as posted I get hard lock ups when running the terrain in SFP1/WoE Oct 08 patch. I have tested this in a couple of my installs and same thing. Nothing that a reboot couldn't solve, so far as the computer goes. I found that deleting the limitednations entries completely from the NATIONS.INI file cured this. I am very interested that you can run the terrain as posted in Oct 08 builds. This really has me stumped, and is the main reason I posted this as an SF2-only mod. Of course, there's no real reson why SF2 terrains shouldn't work in Oct 08, with a DATA.INI file for that build, which is why I posted that file. I think it might be because I developed this terrain using a Win XP desktop and a Win7 laptop, copying the files between the two as required. There may be some ANSI/UNICODE/WIN7 weirdness going on. In future, I will develop stuff on one machine only, then test it on others when complete. Hi Eric, Agreed, uploading a completed fix is much easier. But I am really still troubleshooting and don't yet have a definitive answer. As soon as I do, it can go up. Cheers all, baltika
  8. OK, after hearing about Derk's troubles I have been banging my head off a brick wall trying to sort this out. It seems the problem is caused by SFP1/WoX Oct 08 trying to read the [LimitedNationList] entries which appear in the Iceland02_nations.ini file. For WoX series, delete that header and all the nations listed in the iceland02_nations.ini file, so your nations.ini looks like this only:- [Theater] TheaterName=Iceland Location001=Gullbringusýsla Location002=Borgarfjarðarsýsla Location003=Snaefellsneg-Og-Hnappadalssýsla Location004=Árnessýsla Location005=Rangárvallasýsla Location006=Vestur-Skaftafellssýsla Location007=Austur-Skaftafellssýsla Location008=Suður-Múlasýsla Location009=Þingeyjarsýsla Location010=Grímsey Location011=Heimaey Location012=Bardastrandarsýsla Location013=Eyjafjarðarsýsla Location014=Isafjarðarsýsla Location015=Norður-Múlasýsla Location016=Skagafjarðarsýsla Location017=Húnavatnssýsla Location018=Myrasýsla I have tested this out in a couple of my WoX Oct 08 builds and everyhting seems fine now, CAS and anti-ship missions running. Obviously, you lose the limited nations functionality for the terrain, but at least it works. Sorry for any trouble this may have caused. Cheers, baltika.
  9. Hi Derk, I'm really sorry to hear this has caused so much trouble for you, I hope everything gets sorted. All I can suggest is that people DO NOT run CAS/Anti-ship missions in WoX installs. If I get to the bottom of this I will post a fix, but the simplest fix is to run this terrain in SF2 only. Best wishes, Baltika
  10. Glad to hear you are enjoying it Can I ask, if you are running in WoE, I assume you are at Oct 08 patch level? Do CAS/Anti-ship missions work on your set up? I get hard lock-ups on my WoX installs when trying to run those missions on this terrain. I can't work out why, and that is one of the reasons it was released as SF2 series mod. I switched from a WinXP WoE Oct 08 set up to a Win7 HP 32bit, SF2 setup in the course of building this, and something seems to have gone wrong somewhere. CAS should work in WoE, they just cause my old XP rig to lock up. If those missions work on your rig, I know it's something specific to my install/setup. Cheers
  11. Thanks all, glad you are enjoying it. Cheers, Baltika
  12. Exactly correct. There is a WoX DATA.INI in the WoX folder, and an SF2 DATA.INI in the SF2 folder. Default in the terrain folder is the SF2 DATA.INI, but, if you over-write it and want to go back, just copy out the file from the separate SF2 folder. Glad you like it Spectre Anybody find any "sea mountains" or coastal tsunami, give me a shout and I'll flatten them. Those fjords are reeeaaally tricky, and whilst I haven't flown the entire Icelandic coastline over the last two years, it's starting to feel like it Word of warning: for those who insist on not upgrading to SF2 series (like, get with the program, already!!!) if you run this terrain in WoX builds you may get hard lock ups on running CAS or Anti-ship missions. It does that in my various Oct 08 WoX builds. I don't know why, or how to fix it. I think it has something to do with the fact that development of this terrain shifted from my old Win XP WoX rig to my new Win7 SF2 rig. Like I say, I don't know why. Air to Air missions of all types run fine on WoX installs. Everything runs like it should on SF2 installs, although check your CatFile pointer in the ICELAND02.INI file as default is set to GermanyCE. Post your bug reports, hard-luck stories, and griping about how all the towns look the same right here. But, best advice for this terrain, is stay low, and stay in the cockpit - that way, you won't see so many joins Slainthe Baltika
  13. Way ahead of you Now available in the SF2 terrain d/l section:- http://combatace.com/files/file/11447-iceland02-full-scale-terrain-v10/ I have included an SF1 level terrain_DATA.INI file for those who have not yet made the jump, but development was completed on SF2 patched to June 2010 level, and this terrain will not be supported in SF1 level - you're on your own there This has truly been a long voyage of discovery and I am interested to know where things go from here. Slainthe to one and all
  14. Final Map preview:- Now in the final stages of processing for upload. Not long to go now
  15. Hello everyone This is what can only be described as a shameless plug of Kamchatka Krai terrain. For all of you JASDF guys who want a crack at Mother Russia, or, all of you comrades who need an excuse to fight for the Motherland in the face of Western Imperialism . . . Dawn Patrol over Kamchatka Krai in MiG-19 . . . Some beauty shots . . . Thanks to everyone who made this possible - Gepard for terrain tutorials Deuces for core tileset Stary for Forests & Farms mod ShrikeHawk for CloudScape 2.0 And the whole team at CA for making a hobby a way of life. Cheers All New terrain stuff v. soon from the Baltika stable - watch this space Meantime, I am chasing that 1000 d/ls for Kamchatka, so, go for it http://combatace.com/files/file/10530-kamchatka-peninsula-v-10/
  16. Have seen exactly same problem on my laptop. Samsung R780, Win 7 Home, Intel Core i3-330M 2.16GHz, nvidia GT-330M 1GB, 4GB Memory, but. . . Onboard sound, Realtek drivers. You could try this solution:- http://combatace.com/topic/57617-sound-problem/page__gopid__441389 Regrettably, I have found that my batch conversion has not completely cured the issue. Standard MS drivers may help, although it didn't in my case. My interim solution is to rename the speech folder so the game can't load sounds. No voices . . but mostly no stuttering. Sadly I think it is a case of pure processing horsepower being marginal, especially with onboard sound. Complete defrag and re-install may help a bit, bit that is extreme for a heavily modded install. Otherwise, the usual advice about closing down all non-essential services and so freeing up CPU cycles is probably good here. Cheers, Baltika
  17. "Churchill's Wizards" by Nicholas Rankin, essential reading on the history of military deception in all its guises:- http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/oct/04/history Rubber tanks were the least of it, and one can only imagine how Gen. Patton felt about being given a whole d**n army of them to command in the run up to D-Day
  18. Progress Update:- Water tile .TGAs created and all water effects activated. Runway placement/flattening is well advanced. Targetisation is progressing, albeit somewhat slowly. Meantime, here's a quick tour round NOR Neskhaupstadur, in the Soviet-occupied Eastern Coastal region. Cheers to the insky group for their excellent Su-33 Sea Flanker, and to Gepard for his Euro airbases, both of which are featured here. Operation Polar Glory inbound
  19. File Name: British Isles Terrain Beta 0.4 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 30 Mar 2009 File Category: Terrains ************************************************** UK Terrain and Campaign by Baltika Beta v 0.4 For Wings over Europe Oct '08 patch ************************************************** Credits: Thanks to gepard for his terrain tutorials, without which this mod would not exist. Thanks to Deuces for his Enhanced WoE tileset. I have included this in terms of the CombatAce Fair Use agreement, as I understand Deuces has granted his permission for his older mods to be used in this way. Thanks to Wrench for leading the way in terrain target placement. ************************************************** Unzip the zip and copy the "UK" folder in to your terrain folder. The "RedBritain68" folder goes into your campaign folder. I have included two sets of terrain .ini files. You will find them in the UK/Soviet Invasion and UK/Celtic Wars folders. The default is the Soviet Invasion set, which has England defined as "ENEMY" and is required for the Red Britain 68 campaign to work. The Celtic Wars set has England defined as FRIENDLY, with the Celtic Nations as ENEMY. This is for use with ndicki's upcoming Celtic Wars mod, and should be regarded as a WIP. use at your own risk. In particular, you will require to add the various nations listed in this thread to your NATIONS.INI or you will likely get a CTD: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...38449&st=40 This terrain is a beta, so you will see some strangeness. You can report any particularly freaky stuff to me at CombatAce. It is set up for use with WoE, but you can use SFP1 and WoV if you change the CAT pointer line in the terrain .ini file. Slainte! Baltika March 2009 ************************************************** For the campaign to work, you will require to add the following mods: Files required for Red Britain '68: Soviet Invasion UK F-111K by FastCargo & team (@ C5) Lightning F.6 by Russ (@C5) Sea Vixen FAW 2 by P. Chandler http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=885 Lightning Fmk6 by Russo http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=736 Lightning skins by Sundowner http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5959 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=992 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=985 Gloster Javelin by Veltro2k http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8164 RAF Thunderchief FGA 1 by Spinners http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7986 RAF Corsair GR.2 by Spinners http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7049 RN Skyraider by Wrench http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1938 Skyhawk FG2 by Guest http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=554 ******************************************************* Click here to download this file
  20. Thanks very much, glad you like it This is a fairly early beta build, you may see some misalignment of runways and tsunamis creeping up the shoreline. I am working on tidying all of that up and improving terrain targetisation (which is truly beta, except a few target areas round Edinburgh etc). If you spot any strangeness, give me a shout & I'll fix it for the next release. Cheers, Baltika
  21. Happy Birthday Brain32

    Happy Birthday Brain Have a (virtual) pint on me Slainthe! Baltika
  22. Version


    Alamo 2010 Campaign v1.1 Update Expanded ground war for two fronts Expanded number of ground units Revised Nations for Latin American enemy pilot names and aircraft markings Corrected bug where SU-39 units did not appear Confederacy 2010 Campaign Just a couple of fun campaigns for use on Wrench's ASW terrain. There are lots of modern planes, action, BVR death and mayhem. Survivability is low. These are just for fun. The backstories are not to be taken seriously. See the "Requirements" files in each of the campaign folders for , uh, requirements. Any questions, give me a shout on Combatace. Cheers all, Baltika *************** Alamo 2010 Global Terror takes a new twist with the supremacy of Neo-Fascist rule in South America. States bordering the new Fourth Reich are given a simple ultimatum: submit or be obliterated. The National Socialist party sweeps to power in Mexico, peddling a litany of hatred and racism. Blaming the country's woes on its rich American neighbour, the Mexican vassal state of the New Fourth Reich launches a blitzkrieg into Texas. Funded by world Fascism, the latest available technology is pitted against the USAF. . . As the Texicans scramble to defend their state, the battle cry goes out. . . Remember the Alamo! **************** Confederacy 2010 Against the backdrop of challenging world opinion and the continuing war on terror, and the ever-growing clamour following alleged civil and human rights abuses, coupled with growing crime and murder rates on the domestic front, the liberal and progressionist leader of the USA proposes a new Bill of Rights to Congress. Abolishing the Right to Bear Arms and the Death Penalty, the Bill provokes the greatest intellectual and popular debate on the state of the American Nation for 150 years. When the Bill passes the first stage of the legislative process, a powerful lobby of State Governors demand a referendum of the people before the Federal Government proceeds further. The referendum is held, but the result referred to the Federal Supreme Court following a "miscount" in a crucial swing State. The Bill is passed on the authority of the Supreme Court. Allegations of political interference in judicial independence are levelled, but the Washington Administration holds firm. The Federal Government issues an ultimatum: an amnesty for all citizens who surrender their weapons within 30 days, otherwise face prosecution to the full extent of the new law. The State Governors of Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina responded: no citizen shall be required to surrender any weapon, invoking the Second Amendment as interpreted by the US Supreme Court Decision of "District of Columbia vs Heller" 2008 07-290. Washington is unimpressed, citing the authority of the legislative process of the Federal Government. Popular demonstrations in the southern states multiply. As the western world looks on in horror, the Federal Government mobilises national troops to "maintain public order in disruptive States." The State Governors protest that such an order is unconstitutional. As the first Federal soldiers cross State borders, the Governors call out the militias in defence of their citizens' constitutional rights. With emotions running high, the call is answered. . . ***************

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