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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Use the game interface to set HUD to "hard" default ALT+D in game will cycle through various levels of on-screen clutter (or info!)
  2. Just like allen says. Here is the link to Wrench's excellent guide on how to create an era-specific install, geared to creating multiple installs for each of the WW2 theatres (ETO, PTO, MTO CBI): http://forum.combatace.com/topic/19630-how-to-create-a-seperate-era-specific-install/ For a couple of WW2 campaign packs, with further instructions on installation and set up, see these:- Battle of Britain (good for creating a base ETO install) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5246 Battle of Midway (likewise for PTO) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8420 There are a good few others here at CA, check the "what's available" sticky at the top of this subforum. You will want to sign up for membership at the DAT skunkworks, a lot of WW2 plane mods are hosted there. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ See the forum rules for the registration process. It may take a few days, hang in there. Wrench's toolbox is invaluable:- http://wrench1smog.com/index.html Geo has some great WW2 groundobject packs, and exclusive planes:- http://geos-aircraft.com/SFmain0.htm That should keep you plenty busy meantime. Any questions, fire away. Tally-ho! Baltika
  3. +1 I just love doing those crinkly bits all around the edges. My computer chair looks like it was built out of the rib cage of a stegosaurus And here I am, brain the size of a planet, and you want me to hand tile 100,000 km of coastal terrain?
  4. Finally making some progress getting those darn fjords to tile properly, base tileset courtesy of Major Lee's DBS terrain. Outbound from TOS TROMSO, northern Norway, plus a little sightseeing thereabouts. . . North Cape inbound
  5. Yup, that mission now features heavily on my terrain building install of WoE Glad to hear swambast's work is still progressing - last I heard there had been an HDD crash which caused some data loss. His targeting placement tool will be greatly appreciated
  6. Actively being worked on. I have a "preview" map covering a section of the main map which is at terrain targetisation stage, i.e. tileset completed, citylist completed, airfield flattening completed, movement.ini for frontline, ground attack routes, shipping, truck routes etc etc completed, terrain tiling completed, custom planning maps completed. Targetisation is . . . progressing As for the main map, it is still at compilation of Citylist stage, so cities and airbases are still being plotted. It has a ways to go, and while the Korean peninsula is within "the wall," as I mentioned I think China and Korea will not be the focus of the initial release. TK has recently mentioned that he has been working on a new terrain engine which will not use the current TE or data, which is very exciting, but has given me an incentive to knock most of my advertised terrain WIPs into a workable state for release. Targetisation is the really slow part of the process. So watch this space. Cheers, Baltika
  7. Great to hear you are working on SF2 WW2 update The man to ask would be Charles, who created the original WW2 formations mod. Get it here for reference:- http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3197 From my own limited knowledge, I think you have answered all of your own questions. I looked at vics of 3 with a "weaver" for BoB campaign, can't remember if it was implemented there or not. I seem to remember that giving orders to wingmen was kind of screwy if your base fighter formation was three rather than four, or two. I think you are correct in saying you would need a different Nation defined for each different formation style for same plane types. The difficulty, eg with your early vs late RAF formations, is how to switch nations in mid-campaign? I simply don't know if that can be done, although I suspect probably not. Sorry can't be of more help, I have a feeling you are pushing the envelope here But, take a look at Midway campaign d/l for how to create sea battles as CAS missions (in campaign mode) with separate USN and IJN formations defined in FORMATIONS.INI for ships instead of tanks for use at sea. Hope that helps. Cheers, Baltika
  8. New shoes

  9. And today is.....

    Happy Birthday Aggie
  10. File Name: Out of Africa '77 & Red Africa '77 v1.1 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 17 December 2009 File Category: User Made Campaigns // Out of Africa '77 // Red Africa '77 // Campaign Mods by Baltika // For SFP1/WoV/WoE Oct 08 patch // Version 1.1 // ----------------------------------------------- // Entirely based on an original idea by USAFMTL // Thanks Dave! // Thanks to Deuces for Madagascar Terrain // And Thanks to Stary for Madagascar Tree Mod // ----------------------------------------------- Out of Africa '77 The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force is assigned to protect the lawfully elected government of Madagascar from a Soviet-backed Communist insurgency. The self-styled "Malagasy People's Liberation Army" is carrying out a campaign of terror against the populace and openly confronting government forces. The MPLA is a known terrorist organisation which is secretly supplied with arms, equipment and training by the USSR. Meanwhile, North Korea is massing troops on the DMZ. The bulk of USMC forces are urgently required to stabilise the situation in Korea, and the main elements of the CVBG are ordered to make all speed to South Korea. The US Government knows that it is essential to maintain a military presence in Madagascar or the MPLA will seize control. Honoring its commitment to defend Madagascar, VMA-542 'Tigers' and VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' are ordered to provide Combat Air Support to the remaining ground troops of 1 MEF. 1 MEF is ordered to hold the line against the Communist advance. The supply situation is critical. There is no ETA for relief of the USMC forces on station. Make every shot count. // ------------------------------------------------- Red Africa '77 The Malagasy People's Liberation Army is heavily engaged in a patriotic war to free the people from the autocratic rule of the current President. The worker's army is opposed not only by the corrupt government troops, but by Imperialist American forces who oppose the liberation of the Malagasy People. The MPLA have two Tank Brigades and a squadron of aging MiG-17 fighters. They are supported by neighbouring Mozambique, whose government is sympathetic to the MPLA cause. Soviet foreign policy dictates that the revolutionaries be given military aid to preserve Soviet interests in the region. The Imperialists must be crushed! // -------------------------------------------------- I recently re-discovered the utter gorgeousness of this terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave), with Treemod by Stary, and wanted to do something to say thanks to the guys who made it possible. So, I have completely re-vamped the original "Out of Africa" Campaign included with the terrain d/l to include a fully-fledged "USMC vs Communist Insurgents backed up by the Soviets" backs-to-the-wall defence of democracy on Madagascar. The main reason for the upgrade was to bring the Madagascar terrain.ini files up to speed to support all the various mission types, and to create a full ground war for the 1977 campaign. I have tried to stay as true as possible to the original intentions, I hope this will meet with the author's approval. This is one tough campaign to beat. Full credit to Dave (USAFMTL) for the original campaign concept and core files on which this mod is completely based. Enjoy! Baltika // ------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED FILES:- Madagascar Terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=537 Madagascar TreeMod by Stary (formerly known as CA_Stary) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6990 AV-8C by Team Harrier - S! to all concerned http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1772 A-7B Corsair II by TMF and Bpao http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9114 Mystere IVA by ajunaidr http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=784 Su-17 by Armourdave http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=89 Stock Tanks Required:- T-54, T-55, T-62A, M60A1, M48A2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VERSION 1.1 MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10341 ALSO REQUIRED TO ENABLE FLYABLE MiGS FOR RED AFRICA CAMPAIGN Wrench's rebuild of Ordway's early MiG pits Required for MiG-17F http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9178 MiG-21PFM Cockpit by Paladrian http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1919 MiG-21MF Cockpit by Paladrian http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1745 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:- 1. Install Madagascar Terrain, and the MiG-17 "mad" skin from the terrain d/l package. Please note, it is not necessary nowadays to copy and re-name the terrain catfile, just set the catpointer in the terrain.INI file to the correct catfile. 2. Install Madagascar Treemod 3. Fly around a bit if you like, and wonder at the beauty of it all. Cheers to Deuces and Przemek, thanks guys ;-) 4. Install the listed aircraft. You will need to check the Mystere's weapons are in your wep pack. Likewise with the MiG-21SM's missiles. 5. If you wish to fly Red Africa campaign, you will need to make the stock TW MiGs flyable by adding cockpits. But, you've already done that, right? ;-) 6. Depending on which game(s) you have, you may have to copy out some of the tanks. The required tanks are all in WoE, but do not all come stock in SFP1/SFG/WOV 7. Then, and only then, install the various files included in this d/l pack. Overwrite when prompted. I have packaged it up so it should be obvious where it all has to go. You must use the included terrain .ini files or the campaign ground war won't work. 8. Select "770114 Out of Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the Commies. 9. Alternatively, select "770114 Red Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the capitalist Imperialists. 10. Drop me a PM if you find any bugs or glitches, or to say hello, or to say thanks for the Red Flyable campaign, if you were one of the 2 people who asked for one ;-) 11. The included files are completely compatible with Canadair's Out of Africa 3 v1.5 campaign, so don't worry if you already have that installed. 12. And if I may make a personal request of Deuces, or Dave, or even Stary. If any of you guys still have the original TextureList which was used to build the released version of the Madagascar terrain, could you shoot it over to me please? The VN Texturelist included with the terrain d/l is missing many of the required tiles, and I can't create a texturelist from scratch without messing up all the detailed tiling that has already been done. I would really like to add a few airbases, cities, settlements and so forth, and populate the islands, etc, etc, with a view to building a modern-day campaign for this terrain, and expanding the targetlist; but it can't be done without the original texturelist. Thanks again for all the hard work which has obviously gone into this terrain. 13. For those with WOE, I have included an alternative campaign DATA.INI file which will use the stock AV-8A as a flyable in place of the AV-8C. Just re-name this file to replace OUTOFAFRICA77_DATA.INI file if you wish to use it. I have noticed, while test-flying Red Africa campaign, that the 08 patch level AI has some trouble flying the AV-8C. It may be that the FM for that bird needs an upgrade to the latest game build level. That is beyond the scope of this mod. Happy Hunting! Cheers to one and all! Baltika 21 December 2009 // ----------------------------------------------------- Changelog v1.1 -Added Red Africa '77 Soviet Campaign -Fixed "M11" bug in campaign DATA.INI -Revised Soviet Air Unit Experience Levels -Revised Air Unit 10 Aircraft/Mission profile -Added MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans to Soviet OOB -Revised Various Air Unit Mission Chance Percentages -Fixed JG-7 Campaign supply entries -Changed Soviet BaseNode assignation for groundwar // ------------------------------------------------------ Click here to download this file
  11. To celebrate 100 downloads of this little campaign, I have uploaded new version 1.1 with various bugfixes, and, by special request of two people, included Red-flyable Red Africa '77 Campaign. Enjoy Happy holidays everyone, Cheers, Baltika
  12. Some bug-squashing required for v1.1, which will include Red-flyable campaign by special request (by 2 people ). Meantime, here's the manual update version:- In AE_TARGETS.INI, TargetArea002 should read:- [TargetArea002] Name=M11 AB Otherwise, one of the MAF squadrons won't show up. Air Unit 10 has all mission chance set to 0. Replace entries with this:- MissionChance[sWEEP]=60 MissionChance[CAP]=60 MissionChance[iNTERCEPT]=60 MissionChance[ESCORT]=60 MissionChance=30 MissionChance[CAS]=30 MissionChance[sEAD]=30 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=30 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[ANTI_SUB]=0 MissionChance[FAC]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=10 All Soviet/East German Air Units have too low experience setting. Change those Units to at least Experience=80 (and preferably 100 for IAP units). Malagasy People's Liberation Army ground units should be called Brigade, not Battalion. It has also been suggested to me (by Erwin_Hans, who knows a thing or two about it ) that the MiG-21MF models featured should be higher spec late-70s versions. I will be revising Soviet OOB for Red-Flyable mod, so if anyone has any info/suggestions about likely unit designations/hardware, please post it up here and I will incorporate it into the upgrade. Anyone spot any other bugs, fire away here & I'll try to fix it. Sorry for the mistakes, this was a "quick 'n' dirty - but fun!" mod to save my sanity from terrain target placement for a while Cheers all, Baltika
  13. For those who missed what kicked this off:- http://forum.combatace.com/topic/49378-fess-up-time/ Here's how that OOB is shaping up:- ************************* Confederate Air Forces ************************* Texas Air National Guard 182 FS, 149 FW F-16C/D Lackland AFB, San Antonio Florida ANG 159FS, 125FW F-15C/D Jacksonville ANG Base USAF 325FW Tyndall AFB, Florida 2FS - F-15C/D 43FS - F-22A 95FS - F-15? Georgia ANG 116th Air Control Wing Robins AFB E-8 Joint STARS Alabama ANG 187FW - Dannelly Field, Alabama 100FS - F-16C/D Louisiana ANG 159 FW - NAS/JRB New Orleans 122 FS - F-15C South Carolina ANG 169 FW - McEntire Joint National Guard Base 157 FS - Swamp Fox - F-16C Blk 52 ********************** Unionist Air Units ********************** 1st Air Force (1AF - AFNORTH) Mass ANG 104FW, 131FS - F-15C 120FW, 186FS - F-15C - Montana 142FW, 123FS - F-15A/B/C/D - Oregon 144FW, 194FS - F-16C - California ANG 148FW, 179FS "Bulldogs" - F-16C - Minnesota ANG - Duluth Int Airport 158FW, 134FS - F-16C - Vermont ANG 177FW, 119FS - F-16C - New Jersey ANG 9th Air Force - Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina 1FW, 1FG - Langley AFB, Virginia 27FS - F-22A 71FS - F-15C/D 94FS - F-22A 4FW, 4OG - Seymour Johnson AFB, North Carolina 335FS - "Chiefs" - F-15E 336FS - "Rocketeers" - F-15E 20FW, 20OG - Shaw AFB, South Carolina 55FS - Fighting 55th - F-16C 77FS - F-16C 79FS - F-16C 23FW, 23FG "Flying Tigers" - Moody AFB, Georgia 74FS - Flying Tigers - A-10 75FS - Tiger Sharks - A-10 33FW, 33OG - Eglin AFB, Florida 58FS - F-15? (Air Superiority) 12th Air Force - maybe?? ***************************** I have deliberately split the units stationed in the Carolinas, Florida and Georgia for that "brother vs brother" vibe of the Civil War. Suggestions, comments, etc etc most welcome. I think I'm gonna need a bigger map of the USA. . . For the avoidance of doubt, this is intended as a "what-if" scenario for entertainment only, although, as always with my scenarios, I would prefer if those flying them bore in mind the simple "lest we forget" lessons of the last hundred years of world history. And, I bought my poppy today for the servicemen and women of all nations, not the politicians. Having said that, I'll be with 100FS out of Alabama, no question
  14. Thanks for the interest, everyone, as you know I welcome all feedback and suggestions. @Wrench: Yup, I love it, PM me the details & I'll add it in @Spectre, glad you're enjoying YK2010, I had fun putting that one together. I think it was the interest of a shiny new (to me) version of TK's game in WoI, and a theatre I didn't know much about. I'm enjoying reading up on the whole Middle East shebang, and shaking my head about how the West don't seem to be learning the lessons of history. Anyhoo. . . For modern Madagascar campaign, I am thinkng that the Soviets won in '77, and introduced a Communist dictator-style government. A catalogue of human rights abuses followed, and now the time is ripe for regime change to something more pro-Western. So, USA, UK and the rest go in all guns blazing, carrier groups, ground forces, the whole caboodle. The Russians don't want a change, so reinforce Madagascar with some serious Soviet hardware. Just an idea, but you get the drift. @Canadair, I confess I have not played your Out of Africa Campaign, but I love the concept, particulary the Red-Side merc deal. I checked out your campaign when putting this together, so thanks for the work you put into it I suspect I will get it installed and try it out now I have Madagascar set up the way I want it. So much more can be done with this terrain in terms of populating the various small islands, adding more carrier stations, and airfields etc etc that I wanted a\ common baseline to progress from. As for why the Mystere IVA, well, Madagascar was a French Colony from the 19th Century, then a Protectorate in the 50s, finally getting independence in the 60s. I reckoned the outgoing French government would have left the new state some of their old hardware (at a good price, natch) so the MAF get old French jets. If you have a better suggestion, I'm all for it. Red side campaign, gotcha. Not much work required to do the conversion, I would have done it for v1.0 if I'd had more time. Happy Hunting
  15. Version


    // Out of Africa '77 // Red Africa '77 // Campaign Mods by Baltika // For SFP1/WoV/WoE Oct 08 patch // Version 1.1 // ----------------------------------------------- // Entirely based on an original idea by USAFMTL // Thanks Dave! // Thanks to Deuces for Madagascar Terrain // And Thanks to Stary for Madagascar Tree Mod // ----------------------------------------------- Out of Africa '77 The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force is assigned to protect the lawfully elected government of Madagascar from a Soviet-backed Communist insurgency. The self-styled "Malagasy People's Liberation Army" is carrying out a campaign of terror against the populace and openly confronting government forces. The MPLA is a known terrorist organisation which is secretly supplied with arms, equipment and training by the USSR. Meanwhile, North Korea is massing troops on the DMZ. The bulk of USMC forces are urgently required to stabilise the situation in Korea, and the main elements of the CVBG are ordered to make all speed to South Korea. The US Government knows that it is essential to maintain a military presence in Madagascar or the MPLA will seize control. Honoring its commitment to defend Madagascar, VMA-542 'Tigers' and VA-153 'Blue Tail Flies' are ordered to provide Combat Air Support to the remaining ground troops of 1 MEF. 1 MEF is ordered to hold the line against the Communist advance. The supply situation is critical. There is no ETA for relief of the USMC forces on station. Make every shot count. // ------------------------------------------------- Red Africa '77 The Malagasy People's Liberation Army is heavily engaged in a patriotic war to free the people from the autocratic rule of the current President. The worker's army is opposed not only by the corrupt government troops, but by Imperialist American forces who oppose the liberation of the Malagasy People. The MPLA have two Tank Brigades and a squadron of aging MiG-17 fighters. They are supported by neighbouring Mozambique, whose government is sympathetic to the MPLA cause. Soviet foreign policy dictates that the revolutionaries be given military aid to preserve Soviet interests in the region. The Imperialists must be crushed! // -------------------------------------------------- I recently re-discovered the utter gorgeousness of this terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave), with Treemod by Stary, and wanted to do something to say thanks to the guys who made it possible. So, I have completely re-vamped the original "Out of Africa" Campaign included with the terrain d/l to include a fully-fledged "USMC vs Communist Insurgents backed up by the Soviets" backs-to-the-wall defence of democracy on Madagascar. The main reason for the upgrade was to bring the Madagascar terrain.ini files up to speed to support all the various mission types, and to create a full ground war for the 1977 campaign. I have tried to stay as true as possible to the original intentions, I hope this will meet with the author's approval. This is one tough campaign to beat. Full credit to Dave (USAFMTL) for the original campaign concept and core files on which this mod is completely based. Enjoy! Baltika // ------------------------------------------------- REQUIRED FILES:- Madagascar Terrain by Deuces and USAFMTL (Dave) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=537 Madagascar TreeMod by Stary (formerly known as CA_Stary) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6990 AV-8C by Team Harrier - S! to all concerned http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1772 A-7B Corsair II by TMF and Bpao http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9114 Mystere IVA by ajunaidr http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=784 Su-17 by Armourdave http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=89 Stock Tanks Required:- T-54, T-55, T-62A, M60A1, M48A2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VERSION 1.1 MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10341 ALSO REQUIRED TO ENABLE FLYABLE MiGS FOR RED AFRICA CAMPAIGN Wrench's rebuild of Ordway's early MiG pits Required for MiG-17F http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9178 MiG-21PFM Cockpit by Paladrian http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1919 MiG-21MF Cockpit by Paladrian http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=1745 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:- 1. Install Madagascar Terrain, and the MiG-17 "mad" skin from the terrain d/l package. Please note, it is not necessary nowadays to copy and re-name the terrain catfile, just set the catpointer in the terrain.INI file to the correct catfile. 2. Install Madagascar Treemod 3. Fly around a bit if you like, and wonder at the beauty of it all. Cheers to Deuces and Przemek, thanks guys ;-) 4. Install the listed aircraft. You will need to check the Mystere's weapons are in your wep pack. Likewise with the MiG-21SM's missiles. 5. If you wish to fly Red Africa campaign, you will need to make the stock TW MiGs flyable by adding cockpits. But, you've already done that, right? ;-) 6. Depending on which game(s) you have, you may have to copy out some of the tanks. The required tanks are all in WoE, but do not all come stock in SFP1/SFG/WOV 7. Then, and only then, install the various files included in this d/l pack. Overwrite when prompted. I have packaged it up so it should be obvious where it all has to go. You must use the included terrain .ini files or the campaign ground war won't work. 8. Select "770114 Out of Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the Commies. 9. Alternatively, select "770114 Red Africa '77" from the Campaign selection screen, and go fight the capitalist Imperialists. 10. Drop me a PM if you find any bugs or glitches, or to say hello, or to say thanks for the Red Flyable campaign, if you were one of the 2 people who asked for one ;-) 11. The included files are completely compatible with Canadair's Out of Africa 3 v1.5 campaign, so don't worry if you already have that installed. 12. And if I may make a personal request of Deuces, or Dave, or even Stary. If any of you guys still have the original TextureList which was used to build the released version of the Madagascar terrain, could you shoot it over to me please? The VN Texturelist included with the terrain d/l is missing many of the required tiles, and I can't create a texturelist from scratch without messing up all the detailed tiling that has already been done. I would really like to add a few airbases, cities, settlements and so forth, and populate the islands, etc, etc, with a view to building a modern-day campaign for this terrain, and expanding the targetlist; but it can't be done without the original texturelist. Thanks again for all the hard work which has obviously gone into this terrain. 13. For those with WOE, I have included an alternative campaign DATA.INI file which will use the stock AV-8A as a flyable in place of the AV-8C. Just re-name this file to replace OUTOFAFRICA77_DATA.INI file if you wish to use it. I have noticed, while test-flying Red Africa campaign, that the 08 patch level AI has some trouble flying the AV-8C. It may be that the FM for that bird needs an upgrade to the latest game build level. That is beyond the scope of this mod. Happy Hunting! Cheers to one and all! Baltika 21 December 2009 // ----------------------------------------------------- Changelog v1.1 -Added Red Africa '77 Soviet Campaign -Fixed "M11" bug in campaign DATA.INI -Revised Soviet Air Unit Experience Levels -Revised Air Unit 10 Aircraft/Mission profile -Added MiG-21SM by Erwin_Hans to Soviet OOB -Revised Various Air Unit Mission Chance Percentages -Fixed JG-7 Campaign supply entries -Changed Soviet BaseNode assignation for groundwar // ------------------------------------------------------
  16. Looks magnificent Nice to see you back in the game again Cheers, Baltika
  17. Thanks for these, incentive for me to finish NZ terrain Cheers, Baltika
  18. Hi there, yes, still on WIP list,although pretty far down I have to say. My fault for starting up too many terrain projects. Thanks for the continued offer of help. We really need terrain targetisation tools, doing it by hand is slow, slow work. Compared to writing campaign files, terrain building is a monster. I have no ETA for this one just now. There are a couple of terrains which are well ahead of this on the production line, so it won't arrive anytime soon. Look for something from the Kuril region first, then NZ. After that I'm not too sure, but I have an Iceland tileset I really want to finish up and release. A little bird tells me that vol 2 of "Bloody Shambles" will be in my Xmas stocking, so that will certainly re-kindle my interest in this region/timeframe
  19. File Name: Yom Kippur War 2010 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 02 December 2009 File Category: User Made Campaigns Yom Kippur 2010 Fictional Modern-day Campaign for Wings Over Israel by Baltika **************** The near future. . . The peace process in the Middle East is in danger of falling apart. Border clashes continue daily and tensions between Syria and Israel rise to breaking point. Iran continues to flex its military muscle, secretly developing nuclear weapons capability and engaging in a massive build-up of conventional forces. Finally, the flashpoint comes when the Islamic Egyptian Jihad assassinate the pro-western Egyptian President. Revolution sweeps Egypt and a new strongly pro-Arab, anti-Western fundamentalist government takes power. With the main Western powers bogged down in an increasingly bloody and futile conflict in Afghanistan, the world looks on in horror as a new Jihadist coalition of Syria, Egypt, Iran and Algeria launch a full-scale offensive to bring about the obliteration of Israel. . . ***************** Required Base Install:- Wings Over Israel patched to October 2008 level Required Files:- Aircraft:- A-4N (early) by wilco http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7704 EAF F-4E by Wrench http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6242 F-5E Tiger II by The Mirage Factory http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5224 F-14A Iranian AF by TMF http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5209 F-15I V1.5 for WOI by Dave, Flying Toaster, wpnssgt, Fubar512, Moonjumper, Kout, MJ and Deuces http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6139 F-16I for WOI by Dave, Swede, wpnssgt, moonjumper, bib, Kout and TMF http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6140 F-16A Arab Nations Mod by Gepard (From original by Team Viper) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2027 MiG-25PDS by Gepard http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7772 MiG-29A for WOI by TMF http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8419 MiG-29A Export Version by TMF (For Iranian MiG-29A) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8418 Mirage2000EM mod by Gepard (from Erwin_Hans' original) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7604 SU-24 Pack by lindr2 (For Su-24MK) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=8474 Skins:- Iranian F-5E Tiger by Mike1 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2903 Other:- The Mirage Factory WOI Weapons pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=7362 ******************* INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:- 1. Ensure you are running WoI Oct 08. 2. Install the TMF WOI Wep Pack. 3. Install the planes and skins listed above. 4. In F-16Arab, change the Egyptian skin folder name to "Egypt" 5. Make sure you have installed the Egyptian specific weapons for F-16Arab, they are included with Wrench's EAF F-4E which is a required file. 6. Drop the campaign folder "YOMKIPPUR2010" into your WoI\Campaigns folder. 7. Select "Yom Kippur 2010" from the campaign selection menu, and protect Israel from the New Jihadist attack. ********************* Any comments, feedback, bug reports, or Single Malt Whisky can be forwarded to Baltika at CombatAce. If there is sufficient interest, that is, any interest at all, I will expand this campaign to include a Red-side flyable version. Cheers all, and happy holidays. Baltika 2nd December 2009 ********************* Special Thanks to Johan217 for his WoI campaigns expansion files, from which this mod was partly developed. Thanks also to TK for his holiday sale on the older WoX titles, which persuaded me to pick up WoI, long before I get my flashy new gaming rig and switch completely over to the SF2 series. Cheers, TK ;-) ********************* Click here to download this file
  20. No, sorry, it won't run in WOE as it requires the stock WoI IsraelME terrain and also many stock WoI units, F-16A Netz and F-15A Baz in particular.
  21. Cheers, hope you enjoy it. There are some interesting engagements to be had given the mix of US equipment available to all sides. Any feedback, bug reports or comments on campaign gameplay are most appreciated, so fire away. Cheers, Baltika
  22. Hi all, I got this question from Ice Man in a PM and thought it was probably worth posting the answer here for all 17 & 1/2 people who fly Burma Air War campaign: Ice Man's Question: I've downloaded your campaign and works very well.I've a question about the Burma Terrain folder.I've installed all the terrain packs listed on the "read me" file.First of all the pack "WW2 Burma", and the "Burma upgrade pack", "Green Hell2" and for last the "VietnamSEA tile repaint ver1.0".The question is this, when I install the files I must follow a precise order, or is right even the order that I have listed above? Best regards, Teo Answer: 1. Install Edward's Original Burma Terrain 2. Install The Wrench's Burma terrain targets upgrade pack 3. Drop Brain32's Vietnam Sea Tile repaint into Burma terrain folder 4. Drop CA_Stary's Green Hell 2 into Burma terrain folder 5. Copy contents of terrain/Burma folder from Burma campaign d/l pack into terrain/Burma folder in your game install. 6. In Burma campaign download pack, you will see a folder called "Use with Green Hell 2" - drop the contents of that folder into your Burma terrain folder. At each step, overwrite as requested. Sorry for not spelling that out in the readme. If you don't install the campaign d/l pack terrain files last, you will be missing out on additional target areas I have added to Wrench's list, and the ground war won't run properly. Hope that makes it clear. Anyone else have any questions, fire away. Tally-ho! Baltika

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