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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Hi there, Just working through my old stuff to add in the screenshots. A quick question:- When adding in a number of screenshots is there any way to set which one is used as the "title screen" or does the software just pick one at random - as seems to be the case? Cheers, Baltika
  2. New to FE2

    Welcome to the world of FE2 - you won't regret it ;) Once the d/l section here is back up, I thoroughly recommend you install Jan Tuma's terrain update pack. This is described as a d/l for FE1, but with a little bit of tweaking will work fine in FE2. It will unbelievably enhance your terrain experience - Cheers Jan! Slainthe! Baltika
  3. SF2 Library Reorganization Complete

    Brilliant work, gentlemen. Much appreciated
  4. Hi guys, Checked in my all-titles-combined May 13 install. This tweak still works as advertised:- http://combatace.com/topic/73755-terrain-tweak/ You have to go into the main options.ini (in your main mod folder for whatever install) and set [GraphicsOptions] ObjectsFade=FALSE Then, go into your Flightengine.ini, and tweak these variables for each detail setting:- HorizonDistance=124000.0 DetailMeshSize=12 Those are my modded values for Unlimited, seem to work pretty well, just as they did before. Maybe you missed the options.ini step?
  5. Can you force AA level in your graphics driver options panel?
  6. Hi there, If you haven't already, go and read gepard's TE tutorials. They are pure gold:- http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/ Start with, "My way to make terrains" then go to number 2, 3, 4 etc. Slainthe! Baltika
  7. Gazala 1942, a campaign for WoA

    Excellent work!
  8. Best route might be to go for a comprehensive squadronlist.ini for each theatre. That would likely match up with the way most propheads have their WW2 installs set up. So, one for ETO, one for PTO, one for CBI etc - you get my drift. I suggest taking a look at the squadronlist.ini for Wings Over Africa, we put a ton of work into making that as comprehensive as possible for MTO. Slainthe! Baltika PS, I hear ya, Wrench! Great site! I get lost in there just reading the squadron histories.
  9. For WW2 Royal Air Force, look no further than this resource:- http://www.rafweb.org/Org-index.htm#Squadrons For the whole of WW2, I think we're gonna need a bigger squadronlist.ini than the game engine can handle. . .
  10. Hmm, the BoB package available here was built for Gen 1 sims, specifically patched up to the 083006 patch level. Any later level than that and you will get some weird FM issues on the included planeset. Also, you will need to download the DAT planes separately, as they had to removed from the d/l pack at the creator's request, so the available BoB package is no longer a complete one-stop shop download. I suspect the various menu screen will not work in SF2 format, and I have no idea whether the included campaign will run under SF2 or not. Also, the included weapons and effects mods are based on the old patch level. Likewise, the terrain will need tweaking to run right under SF2 The more I think about it, the more I think it won't work at all if you just drop it into a SF2 mod folder, or, if it does, it will have some serious issues. Of course, don't let me stop you giving it a shot if you want. . . but there is no way it will work right straight out of the box . All of the above is why I am so interested in the SF2 level FMs which baff is producing, and the suggestion we may get updated freeware versions of old planes . . . All of that means I could update the whole BoB package to SF2 standard. Good luck! Baltika
  11. Soft targets for Wings Over Africa

    Nice work. As chief campaign builder for the original WoA release, I can say that I am really looking forward to your additional campaigns. I totally agree that a more historically accurate OOB would require the "soft" units you have included in this mod. In our defence, all I can say is that we were working within a particular set of parameters to deliver the best we could, with what was available, and within the limitations of the software. I hope that the gameplay experience of the campaigns was worthwhile. . . I spent a darn long time putting those ground unit OOBs together, and it was a deliberate choice to go with the mobile units over troop formations. I strove to achieve historical outcomes for groundwars, and the campaigns were carefully plotted to achive that aim. . . given that accurate groundspeed of troop formations would not result in meaningful engagement of ground forces. And eventually, of course, Charles said, "Alright! Ten campaigns is enough. . .we gotta release this baby!" He was right. . . but I still hanker after completing Rommel's Gazala '42 campaign. Maybe one day I'll get it done ;-) Slainthe! Baltika
  12. Always happy for an update ;) Sadly, I don't have much time for testing these days, but a BoB thread will always get my interest. Cheers mate!
  13. Thanks! Will try to check this out and run some testing on my new SF2:BoB working install. Cheers mate!
  14. Here's the drill for creating a coastal tile alpha channel in gimp: http://combatace.com/topic/58802-how-to-create-alpha-channel-for-coastal-tile-in-gimp/ You will need to adjust for PS, but you get the idea. Slainthe! Baltika
  15. I'll take you up on that Raven, we have your beautiful new Hurris, the Mod Mafia/TMF Spit 1A, Russo's Emils (could do with a proper SF2 update package), and Pasko's Ju-87 (recently updated by baffmeister to SF2 standard). Monty has released a Heinkel He-111B which I assume could be modded into a BoB-era He111-H version. We are missing freeware versions of the following:- Do-17Z Ju-88A4 Bf-110C Blenheim Mk 1 (& 1F) That should do it for a basic BoB era planeset. Of course, these are available elsewhere, but like Wrench says, not everyone has access. Also, I am a fan of the one-stop, single-download style campaign package, like NF5, DS, Falklands and the rest. Availability of the full planeset has always been a stumbling block for updating the old SFP1 BoB campaign package available here. So, if you feel like having a bash at of some of these. . . that would be outstanding
  16. Really appreciate your work on these FMs. Would love to get the old SFP1 BoB campaign fully updated to SF2 standard, your work is giving me inspiration to do just that. Cheers
  17. Hi SupGen, I don't recommend replacing the Nations.ini as Iceland02 has a much greater number of locations set which are referenced in its terrain_targets.ini. The stock NA campaign will not work with Iceland02 straight out of the box, it will need extensive editing, again mainly because the terrain_targets.ini is completely different. Also, Iceland02 is a full-scale terrain, as opposed to the 66% scale of stock TW terrains, so things like the frontline and stock NA movement.ini will not work with Iceland02. Best to treat them as separate, alternative versions of Iceland. The stock NA campaign could be made to work with Iceland02, but will need a fair bit of editing. Cheers, Baltika
  18. Definitely this one:- http://combatace.com/files/file/12516-full-scale-iceland-terrain/ Photoreal textures, Reykjavik that looks like a proper city, historical NATO radar stations, that unforgettable golf course, Keflavik NAS in all its full glory, black volcanic sandy beaches, pounding surf. . . Need I go on? You will need kodiak's excellent watermap for Iceland02, grab it here:- http://combatace.com/files/file/12804-water-maps-102zip/ And Starski's treemod:- http://combatace.com/files/file/12563-baltikas-iceland-new-trees-texture/ Which reminds me, I really must update Iceland02 to NA standards, and build a campaign for it ;) j/k, I use gerwin's Iceland_NA textures too ;) Slainthe! Baltika
  19. Our forces. . . Must grow!!! (CyberLeader, Doctor Who, circa 1984) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_DyWxszBCo Here is the file you seek. . . http://combatace.com...ormations-inis/ Courtesy of The Wrench, most mighty SF2 WW2 modder :) We are not worthy :)
  20. Happy Birthday Captain W.E. Johns!

    "Captain" (Actually, Flying Officer) William Earl Johns, born 5 February 1893. I still have a copy of "Biggles - Pioneer Air Fighter" which I got as a present for my 8th birthday sitting on my bookshelf. I still read it from time to time as well - the descriptions of WW1 flying and combat tactics are well worthwhile. And on a recent visit to the Imperial war Museum in London, I picked up a reissue of "Biggles Defends the Desert." Great stuff! Curse you, von Stalhein!
  21. Hi Centurion, Importing/exporting heightmap data can be done in TE, then the terrain resized in photoshop or whatever and re-imported to TE. Remember you have to set the [bitmapExport] and [bitmapImport] values in the TerrainEditor.ini file or you will get mountain peaks chopped off, depending on the terrain you are working with. These values should be calculated by measuring the maximum peak height on your map (in metres) and dividing by 256 to give the Heightscale= value. There will be some loss of detail, as TE can only read 256 height "steps." A higher Heightscale value will make sure you get all your high mountain peaks, but it will result in a loss of definition at lower altitudes. You can demonstrate this by creating a raw terrain from DEM data in TE, then exporting and importing the bitmaps in TE, and flying over mountainous parts of each version to see the difference in detail. To get Olympus in properly, I guess you would have to set the Heightscale value to 2917/256=11.39, then round it up to 12. Remember also, that in TE you can set the Heightscale parameter as a percentage of real life heights when translating raw DEM data into a terrain heightmap. I tend to fix it at 110 or even 120% of real life, as it makes mountains that little bit more mountainous for game purposes. Hope that helps. Slainthe! Baltika PS, for a detailed discussion of how all this works, see this thread:- http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7393
  22. Just the thing for a TM Cougar setup. Gameport connection only, no USB. I have upgraded to the Warthog, so these are now surplus to requirements: I have stuck them up on ebay, but PM me if interested:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160960127687 Slainthe! Baltika
  23. CH Pro Gameport Rudder Pedals for sale

    Now sold! Cheers all ;)

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