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Everything posted by Baltika

  1. Didn't c5 show a Med/Balkans terrain wip a while back?
  2. CVN Ulyanovsk

    Screenshot looks simply stunning. Eagerly awaiting final release. I feel an SF2 Red side campaign coming on
  3. Hi NightHawk, Good luck on building a campaign for North Cape terrain, it sounds interesting. Sorry about the map limitation, but as the name implies my focus in building the terrain was Northern Norway and the Kola peninsula - I had got Jane's F/A-18 up and running again after a long while, and was enjoying the North Cape campaign in it and fancied updating it for WoX. Also, bear in mind that the North Cape terrain was released as a sort of preview to this grand-scale Northern Europe terrain wip, which may yet see the light of day someday if I can find the time to finish it:- http://combatace.com/topic/31450-modern-uk-terrain/page__st__80 Post #93 has a screenshot of the latest map build, although I confess I haven't done much with this in a while. Like I said, good luck with the campaign building, I'll be looking out for release. Slainthe! Baltika
  4. In the The Scandinavian Front Office...

    Excellent history lesson, I love it
  5. A Man's A Man for A' That

    A Man's A Man For A' That Is there for honest Poverty That hings his head, an' a' that; The coward slave-we pass him by, We dare be poor for a' that! For a' that, an' a' that. Our toils obscure an' a' that, The rank is but the guinea's stamp, The Man's the gowd for a' that. What though on hamely fare we dine, Wear hoddin grey, an' a that; Gie fools their silks, and knaves their wine; A Man's a Man for a' that: For a' that, and a' that, Their tinsel show, an' a' that; The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor, Is king o' men for a' that. Ye see yon birkie, ca'd a lord, Wha struts, an' stares, an' a' that; Tho' hundreds worship at his word, He's but a coof for a' that: For a' that, an' a' that, His ribband, star, an' a' that: The man o' independent mind He looks an' laughs at a' that. A prince can mak a belted knight, A marquis, duke, an' a' that; But an honest man's abon his might, Gude faith, he maunna fa' that! For a' that, an' a' that, Their dignities an' a' that; The pith o' sense, an' pride o' worth, Are higher rank than a' that. Then let us pray that come it may, (As come it will for a' that,) That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth, Shall bear the gree, an' a' that. For a' that, an' a' that, It's coming yet for a' that, That Man to Man, the world o'er, Shall brothers be for a' that. Happy Burns Night everyone The drams are on me Slainthe! Baltika
  6. Great work, thanks very much. I used all your stuff for my old SFP1/WoX installs, good to see you back in action
  7. Well, I have no idea whether this will work or not, but looking at these files seems at least to be a starting point:- 1. This is from the StrikeFighters2.ini from your C:/Program Files (x86)/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2/StrikeFighters2.ini file: [Window] WindowMode=FALSE WindowPosX=0 WindowPosY=0 WindowWidth=640 WindowHeight=480 Those are the stock entries, want to try WindowMode=TRUE and set your desired res? 2. This from the Options.ini in your C:/Users/Username/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2/Options.ini file: [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1920 DisplayHeight=1080 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 You could try setting the desired display width, height and aspect ratio for your triple screen setup, in conjunction with the settings in the StrikeFighters2.ini. Like I said, just a suggestion, I have no idea if this will work. But it seems worth a try at least. Slainthe! Baltika
  8. Full-Scale Iceland Terrain

    Version v2.0


    *********************************** Iceland 02 Full-Scale Terrain v2.0 by Baltika *********************************** This is a major upgrade to my little Iceland terrain. New features:- Forest tiles and trees - yup, there are now some forests on Iceland, just as in reality. Extensive targetisation upgrade, with many newly targetised areas. Several new terrain tile types. Network of NATO radar stations, with accurate operational dates. Re-tiling of some coastal areas to fix tsunamis. Some terrain HFD work for greater accuracy. Custom environment file to create snowstorm conditions for inclement weather. Cheers to Stary for that one ;-) No substitute for SF2:NA, I know, but Merry Christmas everybody ;-) This will likely be the final version of this terrain. But, if anybody spots any show-stopping bugs, please drop me a line at Combatace and I'll try to sort them out. Slainthe! Baltika 21 December 2011 *********************************** Thanks to:- Gepard for his terrain tutorials, which started this adventure off all those years ago. Also for his WoE European style runways which are included here. JSFAggie for his Highway runway Mod, which has been altered and modded for use as glacier-based FARPs. Brain32 for sound advice on creating terrain tiles. Cheers mate;-) Your hi-res lava tile has not been used here, but may see the light of day if I ever manage a hi-res set for this little terrain. CA_Stary for being terrain guru extraordinaire. Also, thanks to Stary for his Heavy Snowfall mod for WoX series. I have included this for Iceland terrain and updated it for SF2 shaders, so you will get near-whiteout blizzard conditions for inclement weather setting. Happy flying ;-) Thanks also to Brain32 and CA_Stary for their forest tiles and trees, which I have adapted for use as Iceland's sparse forests. Cheers guys ;-) GrimViper, for pointing out that Iceland does actually have trees and forests. . . Cheers mate, hope you like it ;-) Wrench, Dave & all the gang at CA for invaluable advice on how to make things work, garnered over the years and hopefully put to good effect here. MajorLee, Deuces, Edward and anyone else who made a terrain mod and posted about how to do it. Thanks! TK for making the whole bag of bolts hang together. *********************************** Installation instructions:- Delete your old "ICELAND02" folder. This version is a complete replacement for any previous version. Unzip the package to your desktop, or wherever is convenient. Drop the "ICELAND02" folder into your Username\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\Terrains folder. If there is no terrains folder in your mod folder, create one and drop the ICELAND02 folder into it. Drop the "Effects" folder into your Username\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighters2\ folder. That's it! Go fly, and fight for the liberation of Iceland. This terrain has been completed using SF2 November 2011 patch. It is not supported on WoX series or earlier patch levels. But, if you really must try, use the files included in the "Use_in_WoX" folder for SF1 series. Your mileage may vary. If you use a custom environmental mod, bear in mind that any changes must be made to the ICELAND02_ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI file included here. Just make sure your new file includes the following line:- InclementEffect=BlizzardEffect Or else, you will lose the snowfall weather conditions. It is set up this way so as not to interfere with any other environmental mod you may use. ***********************************
  9. Great new trees, thanks very much, my friend
  10. Baltika's Iceland new trees texture

    Great new trees, thanks very much, my friend
  11. Hi SD, Quick guide on how to create alpha channel in GIMP for land/water tile at post #5 by yours truly:- http://combatace.com/topic/28545-sea-tile-alpha-channel-tga-trouble/ Should have all you need. Same drill for rivers. Tileset in Iceland was created entirely using gimp and paint.net, including custom water and coastal tiles. Slainthe! Baltika
  12. Hi SD, I'm no expert, but I have built a new tileset from scratch for Iceland Terrain. Brain32 or Stary are probably the guys to talk to, if you can't get hold of MajorLee or Deuces, and of course Wrench has done a huge amount of terrain work, so, I'm just a beginner in that company. But, first thing, work out what image manipulation software you want to use. Lots of people use photoshop, I use gimp and PAINT.NET because they are free and, between them, they have functionality to do everything you want to, including adding alpha channels etc for sea tiles and se-to-land trnasitions. gimp also has stacks of plug-ins for image manipulation to give all sorts of tecture effects on your tiles to increase the ground "noise" which improves low-level flight. Then, find an image source. This depends on what part of the world you are re-creating. Google earth is great. Browse around on a high details setting, and use the save image function to save lots of jpegs or bmps of fields from japan or wherever. then, crop your raw images to create a likely looking set of field tiles. Terrain tiles are obviously square, stock terrains are 256x256, some of the beautiful custom sets are much higher res. Brain32 suggested working on your tile in 1024x1024 then resizing to 512x512 for the final cut to save texture memory. you'll just have to go with what feels best to you. So you have a lot of square bmps with pictures of fields on them. Put them in TE and you'll get a patchwork quilt of squares. The real artwork - and it seems to me it is an artform - is to make the tiles seamless with all the other tiles of the same type whichever way they are rotated. That's tough. There are a few online tutorials around to teach it, gimp has a function which automates the process, but if you use it you'll get an endlessly repeating pattern, which of course is to be avoided at all costs. Try this for a start:- http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3028/tiled_terrain.php?print=1 See how you get on. I have found (after many false starts) that it is probably easier to create a new terrain set from scratch then work on converting an exisitng one. Of course, if you do that, you lose compatability with exisitng terrains which use any of the stock tilesets. But, as Stary can tell you, it's a lot of work to repaint every terrain tile (and all the transitions) in an existing tileset. Hope that gives you some idea of where to start. After one seamless tile type, you create a new tile type, eg forests or whatever. then, you have to create all the combinations of transition tiles between each of the tile types. It gets to be a lot of painting very fast the larger the number of unique tile types. Good luck, hope that gives you a starting point. Slainthe, Baltika
  13. Good advice from all above, but, to answer the question:- D/L Terrain Editor from here or from Thirdwire site. Older version to work on stock desert terrain, it will come with stock desert texturelist file. Later versions for WoE/WoV/WoI. Load up the map you want to work on in TE. Gepard has written excellent tutorials on how to do that:- http://combatace.com/topic/26291-my-way-to-make-terrains/ That is the link for number one. Read, understand and follow through all 6 (yes, six) of gepard's turorials. Then, once your map is loaded up, you can add TOD objects (trees and buildings) to individual terrain tiles by using the dropdowns in TE:- Texturelist/Edit Texturemaplist - from that, highlight the terrain tile from the list you wish to work on, and click "edit". A new dialog will pop up with a picture of the terrain tile and all sorts of options. Bottom right of that dialog is a box titled "Terrain Object" Make sure you have selected an option from the dropdowns "Solid Object Map" (for buildings) and "Alpha Object Map" (for trees). There should be only one option for each with stock texturelists - creating customs TOD object lists is beyond the scope of this briefing. Once you have selected your SolidObject Map and AlphaObjectMap, click on the "Place Object" button. This will give you yet another dialog called the "Object Placement Dialog" There is a large picture of your selected terrain tile and a number of options to the right. Click on "New" under "Object List" and this will enable the "Object Type" dropdown on the extreme right. Select the object you want to place from that dropdown. Now, TE gets tricky. Either, click on the picture of the tile where you want the object to appear, then click "New" and the object will appear on the tile at the point you clicked earlier. Or, click the "new" button first and the name of the object you selected should appear in the "Object List" Click on that entry, then click repeatedly on the tile to place multiple objects. Beware, TE will randomly place an object at 0,0 co-ordinates on the tile so you will have to drag that on the tile view or delete it from the object list. Then, keep selecting new objects from the dropdowns and clicking on the tile to place objects. When you are happy with the new layout, or carpal tunnel sets in, push the save button to save your progress. I have not found a way to go back and edit TOD files created this way, so make sure you are happy, or go on holiday for a bit and come back to it later. Just make sure you click save. Close out the Object Placement dialog, Press "OK" to close out the texturemap dialog, Close out the texturemap list dialog, then, from the main TE dialog, click on Texturelist/Save Texturelist, then click on file/save all. Go and fly over your map in-game to see if you like the look of your newly decorated tile, if you can find one to fly over. If you don't like the new tile tree layout, or whatever, go back to step one above and start over, from scratch. Repeat for every tile type you wish to decorate, yes, including all the annoying transition tiles. Save progress often, keep multiple backups, and keep in mind TE will over-write work in progress, so back up away from your working terrain folder. Also, TE has no "Back" button so if you make a mistake and save it, you're screwed. Go to your last working backup. Save often anyway, as, in your early days with TE, it will crash out and wreck your WIP for no apparant reason. On the other hand, don't be afraid to experiment, as that's how we all got started. Also, ansons has written some notes on adding TOD objects to terrain tiles:- http://combatace.com/topic/40663-some-hints-to-texture-a-map-add-trees-and-objects/ Check out the KB, read old threads on terrain building (there are lots here), and join your local self-help group. Slainthe! Baltika
  14. Hi Jonathan, Here is another suggestion for you. I think in WoI, TK introduced the FocusArea= flag for airoffensives. The format is this:- [Force001] Alignment=FRIENDLY Nation=RAF BaseArea=Alexandria AirOffensive[001].Primary=ARMY_BASE AirOffensive[001].Secondary=FUEL_STORAGE,AMMO_STORAGE AirOffensive[001].FocusArea=Miteirya Ridge AirOffensive[002].Primary=ARMY_BASE AirOffensive[002].Secondary=FUEL_STORAGE,AMMO_STORAGE AirOffensive[002].FocusArea=Deir el Shein AirOffensive[003].Primary=ARMY_BASE AirOffensive[003].Secondary=WAREHOUSE,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[003].FocusArea=Bab el Qattara AirOffensive[004].Primary=COMM_BUILDING,ARMY_BASE AirOffensive[004].Secondary=AMMO_STORAGE,FUEL_STORAGE AirOffensive[004].FocusArea=Jebel Kalakh AirOffensive[005].Primary=COMM_BUILDING,NAVAL_BASE AirOffensive[005].Secondary=WAREHOUSE,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[006].Primary=HANGAR,SMALL_RUNWAY AirOffensive[006].Secondary=COMM_BUILDING AirOffensive[007].Primary=ARMY_BASE AirOffensive[007].Secondary=HANGAR,FUEL_STORAGE,AMMO_STORAGE AirOffensive[008].Primary=ARMY_BASE,NAVAL_BASE AirOffensive[008].Secondary=COMM_BUILDING,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[009].Primary=COMMAND_BUILDING AirOffensive[009].Secondary=WAREHOUSE,POWER_PLANT AirOffensive[010].Primary=ANY AirOffensive[010].Secondary=ANY That is taken from my El Alamein campaign which was included in the DAT Wings Over Afrika package. The FocusArea= corresponds to a target area as defined in your terrain_targets.ini and it is designed to force an airoffensive to strike the designated target area. Simply enter the name of the target area for each task force, and you should see airstrikes directed against that target area. If not, something else has gone wrong. Check the Target_Types.ini to ensure correct spellings etc - typos can be a real headache. Also, on working on various campaigns over the years, I noticed some target type designations were not recognised by the game for selecting strike targets. Things like WAREHOUSE and AMMO_STORAGE (all the types listed in the above example) do work, so try substituting those types for your chemical weapons plant. ARMY_BASE and NAVAL_BASE are ones I find quite useful as they are not as common as the ever-present WAREHOUSE. If all that doesn't work, check where your task forces are located on the map. Someone recently posted (I can't remember who now, sorry, old age) that where a target area is within 10-15% of the edge of the map, the game will not "see" it for the purposes of assigning a strike mission. This is a different limiting factor from the well-known "WALL" at the edge. Try moving your task force target areas closer to the centre of the map, if the scenario permits that. Also, in any campaign building, setting the frontline is crucial. It must extend from one side of the map completely to the opposite side. Target areas which are too close to the frontline may be occupied by the opposing force - even without being captured by a ground offensive. And in a campaign, the frontline is dynamic, so ownership of your task forces may change. If they are too close to a frontline which is improperly defined, they may not be targeted for strike missions by friendly forces because the game sees them as being friendly-occupied target areas. It should go without saying that an enemy task force must be on the enemy side of the frontline, or the game will see it as friendly. This is true even if the target area is defined as "ENEMY" in the terrain_TARGETS.INI. For campaign play, the frontline and the ground war determine which force owns which target areas. So, if the enemy task forces are on the friendly side of the frontline, they will never be targeted for strikes by friendly forces. Just some suggestions, hope they help. Slainthe, Baltika
  15. File Name: Battle of the Philippines 1941-42 v1.1 File Submitter: Baltika File Submitted: 24 July 2008 File Category: User Made Campaigns ********************************************** PACIFIC AIR WAR THE BATTLE OF THE PHILIPPINES 1941-42 v1.1 31 July 2008 ********************************************** A Campaign Mod for SFP1/WoV/WoE by Baltika ********************************************** On 7 December 1941, Imperial Japan launched a combined full-scale assault on the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula. The US Fleet was attacked and decimated at Pearl Harbor. Allied defence strategy was predicated on Japan attacking only a single Allied power, with the others sending military assistance in the event of an assault. The Japanese grand strategy left the Allies reeling, falling back on every front under the strength and ferocity of the Japanese attack. Lt. Gen. Masaharu Homma, commander of the Japanese 14th Army, was tasked with the invasion of the Philippines. Vice Admiral Ibo Takahashi commanded the IJN 3rd Fleet, Philippines Force, for the amphibious assault. Air Support was provided by the IJAAF 5th Air Group under Lt. Gen. Hideyoshi Obata, and the IJNAF 11th Air Fleet under Vice Admiral Nishizo Tsukahara. Gen. Douglas MacArthur commanded the combined US and Philippino defensive force, organised into the US Army Forces in the Far East. Maj. Gen. Lewis H. Brereton commanded the Far East Air Force, consisting of P-40 Warhawk, B-17 bomber and P-35 Guardsman squadrons. The Philippino Air Force fielded a squadron of valiant but outclassed P-26A "Peashooters." The Battle of the Philippines lasted until the final surrender of the garrison on 8 May 1942. The survivors suffered brutal treatment in captivity. Thousands died on the "Bataan Death March" or working in slave labour camps. The Philippines were finally liberated in 1945. But that is another story. . . ********************************************** CAMPAIGN CONTENT **************** Flyable Squadrons:- 3rd Pursuit Squadron P-40E 20th Pursuit Squadron Tomahawk 34th Pursuit Squadron P-35A 28th Bombardment Squadron B-17F PAAF 6th Pursuit Squadron P-26A Ryujo Kanjo Sentokitai A6M2 Zero Ryujo Kanjo Kogekikitai D3A1 Val INCLUDED FILES:- ************** Skins:- ***** P-26A PAAC } P-40E USAAF OD } Wrench, The Tomahawk USAAC } Grateful thanks to Wrench for his great skins. Included here under the terms of the "Fair Use" modding agreement at combatace. Cheers Kevin ;-) For v1.1 I have included an "upgraded" version of Wrench's Tomahawk USAAC skin, using Wrench's new, improved Tomahawk template, featuring new panel lines, rivets, scuff marks, fading and all sorts of other goodness. Cheers again, Kevin ;-) Campaign Files:- ************** All campaign files, squadron screens, Win/Lose screens by Baltika Terrain Files:- ************* "Retrograde" mod of Edward's Phillipines terrain.ini files to create a 1941 environment for this campaign, with appropriate front lines, airfield occupation, invasion/defence fleets and so forth. NB Edward's terrain IS NOT included in this mod, you will have to get it from avsim. There are detailed instructions on how to create a "Philippines 1941" terrain which will sit alongside Edward's 1945 original so you can fly both. Please see below. For v1.1 I have included updated .HFD and .TFD files only, which flatten and tile the additional airbases featured. Thanks to Edward for creating his many excellent WW2 terrains for SFP1. S! UI Files:- ******** WW2 Map icons - Geo & Charles Ground Objects:- *************** Philippine Scouts Philippine Regular Infantry Simple .ini mod of Kesselbrut's US_Squad_early into nation specific infantry, by Baltika. Thanks to Kesselbrut *************** REQUIRED FILES:- *************** AIRCRAFT:- ********** P-35A } P-40E } B-17F } SFP1 Dev A-Team A5M } Ki-48 } Ki-46 } http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ P-26A } Bunyap http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ Tomahawk } Ki-21 } Wolf257 Ki-27 } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4363 G4M2 } ArmourDave A6M2 } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=744 D3A1 } Pasko, Starfighter & Gramps http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1889 GROUNDOBJECTS:- *************** Jap_Squad } Kesselbrut US_Squad_early } http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=762 Type 97 (Chi-Ha Tank) } Akagi (aircraft carrier) } Benham (USS Mayrant) } SFP1 Dev A-team Liberty USS Jeremiah O'Brien} USS Brooklyn } http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ M3 (Halftrack) } Geo Lee (Tank) } http://www.geos-aircraft.com/SFObjects.htm Pacific Ground Objects pack, compiled by Edward, but many contributors, I think Available at Avsim TERRAIN:- ********* WW2 Phillipines by Edward Available at Avsim OTHER:- ******* Bunyap's Weapons pack (latest version) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 WW2 Formations mod - Charles http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3197 RECOMMENDED (but not essential):- ********************************* WW2 Effects pack v0.91 by CA_Stary http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5072 Green camo wooden hangars by CA_Stary http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5103 WideSky v1.0 by cellinsky http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6903 PTO Mainscreen (For SFP1) by Charles http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3335 or PAW Mainscreen by Kout http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1514 You may also wish to install either Deuces' Vietnam_SEA terrain upgrades, or Brain32's Vietnam_SEA tileset with CA_Stary's Green Hell mod, as those are compatible with the Philippines terrain. Squadron screens included in this mod are shot using Deuce's tiles and treemod for WoV. ************************************************** ************************************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS It is recommended that you install this campaign to a dedicated PTO install of SFP1/WoV/WoE. You don't need a separate install just for this campaign, it will sit happily in an existing PTO install. Just be careful about over-writing any of your modded files. The most obvious one is the SquadronList.ini. Unzip the d/l package to a temp file and check its contents before installation. If unsure, BACK UP YOUR MODS FIRST!!!!!!!!! If you have already installed v1.0 of this campaign, simply unzip the files to a temp folder, and then copy them over to your existing install, overwriting when requested to do so. Make sure you don't have any "nested" folders when copying over. If you are starting from scratch, here's the drill: 1. Install Strike Fighters Project One 2. Patch up to v 083006 3. Install Bunyap's weapons pack (Required for WW2 weapons) 4. Delete all stock aircraft 5. Install the aircraft, ground objects and terrain listed above 6. Install Charles' WW2 formations mod 7. Install the PAW1 Campaign Mod files to the relevant folder of your new install. The simplest thing is to retain the file structure and copy the unpacked files over. It should be obvious where everything has to go. Overwrite when requested to do so. You may want to backup your original SQUADRONLIST.INI. Or, just cut and paste the squadrons from the included list to the end of your current one, renumbering where the last one leaves off. 8. VERY IMPORTANT! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9. Browse to your /Terrain folder. You will see folders called "Phillipines" [sic] and "Philippines1941" - inside the Philippines1941 folder is just a bunch of .ini files, some new planning maps and 1941 static P-40E skins, credit to Wrench. Open the "Phillipines" folder, and copy and paste its entire contents into your "Philippines1941" folder, EXCEPT the following files:- P40E1.BMP P40E1Dest.BMP P40E2.BMP PlanningMap1.bmp PlanningMap2.bmp PlanningMap3.bmp Phillipines.INI Phillipines_briefing.INI Phillipines_DATA.INI Phillipines_dogfight.INI Phillipines_movement.INI Phillipines_nations.INI Phillipines_targets.INI Phillipines_types.INI Phillipines.HFD Phillipines.TFD You will see that the 1941 terrain folder already contains the necessary .ini files. I have also resized Wrench's P-40E OD skin to be used for the parked P-40s. Otherwise you will get the wrong type of P40 for 1941 parked on your runways. I have also included new planning maps for the 1941 version of the Philippines terrain. 11. IF YOU DO NOT CARRY OUT THE ABOVE STEPS YOU WILL GET A CTD WHEN YOU TRY TO FLY THE CAMPAIGN ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12. If you are running WoV/WoE, you will need to change the catfile pointer in the terrain.ini to get it to work properly. Any problems, give me a shout. That's it. "Battle of the Philippines" should now be available at the campaign selection screen. **************************************************************************************************** KNOWN ISSUES:- ************ 1. Flying the Val off the IJN Ryujo, you will probably blow up on the deck. I think it has to do with the positioning of the catapults and the size of the plane, but I don't know how to fix it. The Zero works just fine. So, if you really want to fly a whole campaign in the Val, select start mission "In Air" or "Near Target." Downloading the updated Val available at Combatace may fix this. 2. On the subject of the Ryujo, I know the model used is the IJN Akagi. There are quite a few placeholders for unit types etc, but these are marked in the main campaign_data.ini if you are interested. You can easily swap the Akagi for Hinchinbrooke's IJN Zuiho, which is closer to the light carrier model. Install the Zuiho, and change the CarrierType= Flag in the Carrier Units section of the campaign_data.ini to read CarrierType=Zuiho. I got random CTDs after doing this, but it may be something in my install. 3. The north end of Luzon is behind the 50k "Wall" at the edge of the map. For this reason, Japanese ground forces have already landed at the start of the campaign, and you may bump into the wall in the early days. 4. The ALT+N function often makes you crash into the mountains in central Luzon, particularly flying a Zero campaign. To avoid this, make good use of your planning map to move your waypoints to ensure your flight path is over low ground where possible. Otherwise, fly the whole mission from the deck and back. Yes, you heard me, pilot ;-) 5. There are a lot more Japanese planes available which are not flyable in campaign. This is because the bulk of the Japanese forces start on "off-map" bases on Formosa. Thanks to Stwa for that particular trick, cheers, mate ;-) Maybe in chapter two you can fly a Tony or whatever ;-) 6. I have now much more thoroughly playtested the ground war, and it should run properly. It is quite carefully scripted to achieve a historical outcome. However, a few odd things may still happen in the campaign. Please report any strangeness to me at combatace, cheers ;-) 7. If you don't like the red text for start/end campaign screens, browse to your SFP1/Menu folder and delete the OVERLAYTEXTSETTING.INI file to go back to the stock text colour. **************************************************************************************************** CREDITS:- My grateful thanks to all the modders who have provided great work to make SFP1 a fabulous WW2 playground:- Wrench Edward The A-team Bunyap Wolf257 ArmourDave Geo Charles Kesselbrut RussoUK2002 Pasko CA_Stary cellinsky In particular, but my thanks go out to everyone who has modded, posted and otherwise contributed to our fantastic community. Thanks also due to the whole team at combatace for providing a wonderful resource and home for this whole modding thang. Not so much a hobby, more a way of life. Cheers all ;-) Thanks to TK and Thirdwire for the whole shebang. *********************************************** Reference:- Duel For the Sky, Christopher Shores, Guild Publishing, London 1985 And the mighty wikipedia S! To one and all. Baltika ************************************************** This mod is released under the Freeware Licensing agreement promulgated at combatace. 1. The work may not be used in payware projects or in projects that will not be freely distributed under these same terms. 2. You must give proper credit in your readme file. 3. If feasible, include the original readme along with your new mod. ************************************************** 31 July 2008 Updated ReadMe / Installation instructions. Additional download links and recommended mods. Updated credits Improved chance of IJAAF & IJNAF units advancing to Philippines Re-named IJN Fleet elements in line with OOB Fixed Start/End Text offscreen bug Increased Unit Size of 4th Regt USMC PAAF 6th PS now listed as Philippines Unit Modded Philippine Scouts & Regulars from Kess's US_Squad_early Reduced chance of Zeros on Strike missions Added additional "Waypoint" Target Areas Fixed Calapan in the sea bug Fixed placement and size of AI airstrips in North Luzon Terrain flattened and tiled for additional airstrips Revised terrain Nations.ini for 21 regions Complete overhaul of strategic nodes/Ground War. Now it works! Improved USAAC P-40B skin, cheers Wrench New set of planning maps ********************************************** Click here to download this file
  16. Gerwin, This is a great utility, excellent work Slainthe Baltika
  17. Wrench has made working water bmp for North Cape terrain, here is d/l link:- http://combatace.com/files/file/12277-north-cape-hotfix-correction-pak/
  18. Much as I like Americans

    Nice doggie. . . I think my wife would love him too ;-)
  19. Desert Terrain Movement Ini Fix-It Pak

    Nice! Gotta love bustin' some ass in a MiG!
  20. Much as I like Americans

    No such thing as a bad dog. . . Only a bad owner. Sadly, there are enough of them around to make it a problem. It's the non-human animals I have sympathy for. And whilst I agree with laws controlling ownership of endangered and dangerous species, even in the UK, where these things are pretty strict, we have had enough cases of people who somehow manage to grow alligators in their bathtubs to make you think there is a problem - these are not indigenous species after all, how do they get them in here ?
  21. Apache Air Assault

    Yup, I'm with you on this, it's a lot of fun, it looks great, and runs like greased lightning on a modest modern system - CloD take note! OK, so it ain't Longbow 2 - I keep a Win XP system going for that, and when I find the time I'm gonna build a dedicated Pentium/Win98/Voodoo system for all my old Jane's titles - but, in terms of eyecandy, entertainment and honest to goodness playability, Gaijin have their formula down pretty well. I am a fan of WoP, despite the downsides, it's just a great way to have fun with tons of WW2 planes in tons of theatres, and it runs, looks and plays like Marilyn Monroe in a tub of jello. I spent an hour today reading the internet hoo-ha about whether 20 bucks was OK for Black Shark 2, then realised I picked up Gaijin's AAA in one of their occasional sales for, like $4.99, and thought to myself - bargain! For the record, I think 20 bucks for BS2 is a bargain as well (having picked up BS1 in ED's recent sale for the price of less than a six pack) but then I'm a helicopter junkie, and a red-flyable junkie, so, red-helicopter-flyable plus post-2008 Georgia campaign is close to Nirvana for me ;-) Slainthe! Baltika
  22. This has been mentioned before, and I don't think we'll see it any time soon, but it would be nice one day to see SF2 use the MSFS/CFS style world map, so that work on individual maps could be incorporated into a global world map. Just an idea
  23. Hi PureBlue, Thanks for the tips re airbases. Batman AB is already in, and there are working airfields plotted at Erzincan, Elazig, Diyarbakir, Sanliurfa and Kiziltepe (MQM MARDIN). Have just been checking the lat/long co-ordinates of Malatya, unfortunately by my calc it is about 105km West of Trabzon's longitude which puts it about 65k from the Western edge of my map, which is behind The Wall. I can squeeze it in by shifting it a good few km to the East of it's real-world location, if you think it's not to be missed out and don't mind sacrificing that accuracy. Unfortunately, target plotting and tiling is too far advanced for me to expand the map or shift it around. Good spot re the location of Duhok (or Dahuk, depending on which map I read). Looking at it again, all the Iraqi cities are a little bit too far to the West on my map. I suspect I plotted them close to relatively flat areas to allow for city tiling and airbase placement, but now you point it out I agree they are a bit too far off the mark. Back to the drawing board. . .

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