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Everything posted by jagl04

  1. RF-4C spanish

  2. Hi all. I´m the author of the Príncipe de Asturias for FSX. It is sad when somebody manipulates your work without permission or at least without any ackowledgement of authorship. I have given previous permission to other simmers to modify the ship, for instance to be used with X-plane. Many of my freeware models have been used in other simulators or even payware projects. I have never received a penny. And I would have been happy to see my model sailing in SF2 waters if somebody had taken a couple of minutes to contact me. I think FRpignon should review what he is doing with other people´s work.
  3. File Name: yugoslav mig 21 File Submitter: jagl04 File Submitted: 10 Dec 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: Mig-21 Most of the fighters of the Yugoslav air force were MIG 21, but did not enter combat with the more modern fighters of the NATO. Even though they were hidden to be kept from ground attacks, many of them were destroyed. Here is a skin for a Yugoslav MIG 21. I have not found models of MIG 21 bis,, R, K or UM, used by the Yugoslavians. This is to be used with the MIG 21 F from WOV. Enjoy it Click here to download this file
  4. yugoslav mig 21



    Most of the fighters of the Yugoslav air force were MIG 21, but did not enter combat with the more modern fighters of the NATO. Even though they were hidden to be kept from ground attacks, many of them were destroyed. Here is a skin for a Yugoslav MIG 21. I have not found models of MIG 21 bis,, R, K or UM, used by the Yugoslavians. This is to be used with the MIG 21 F from WOV. Enjoy it
  5. File Name: Spanish F1 grey File Submitter: jagl04 File Submitted: 27 Nov 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: Mirage Grey paintscheme for the Spanish F1 of the 14th wing in Los Llanos, Albacete. It can be seen also with a black nose, I think it is an older camo. Click here to download this file
  6. File Name: RF-4C spanish File Submitter: jagl04 File Submitted: 27 Nov 2006 File Updated: 21 Dec 2006 File Category: SF F-4 Skins This is the last grey camo used by the RF 4C on service in the Spanish air force until 2002. You´ll see in the original that they did not have the cat used by the 12 th wing (Torrejón base) and the logo "no le busques tres pies..", but I have put it in the model. I´m sorry, but I like it. Click here to download this file
  7. Spanish F1 grey



    Grey paintscheme for the Spanish F1 of the 14th wing in Los Llanos, Albacete. It can be seen also with a black nose, I think it is an older camo.
  8. RF-4C spanish



    This is the last grey camo used by the RF 4C on service in the Spanish air force until 2002. You´ll see in the original that they did not have the cat used by the 12 th wing (Torrejón base) and the logo "no le busques tres pies..", but I have put it in the model. I´m sorry, but I like it.
  9. File Name: yugoslav mig 29 File Submitter: jagl04 File Submitted: 24 Nov 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: Mig-29 Here is a yugoslav MIG 29 I did for a Kosovo campaign. During the operation "Allied Force" in 1999 NATO forces destroyed 11 yugoslav MIG 29. The five remaining were not in service 3 years ago. NOTE: the file has been reported as corrupted. It works in my computer, but I have decided to update it with some details changed. Click here to download this file
  10. I could not find better pictures, and most of them were frontal ones. Have you got a good picture to remake the camouflage? I would welcome it. Thanks
  11. yugoslav mig 29



    Here is a yugoslav MIG 29 I did for a Kosovo campaign. During the operation "Allied Force" in 1999 NATO forces destroyed 11 yugoslav MIG 29. The five remaining were not in service 3 years ago. NOTE: the file has been reported as corrupted. It works in my computer, but I have decided to update it with some details changed.
  12. The plane works well also in WOE. Thanks
  13. I am done to fly with using the mouse with the left hand to control cabin views. It is a simple and useful method to simulate pilot´s head movements I first used with pacific fighters. I used it also with the demo of LOMAC, but now with the whole simulator I cant configure the options to use the mouse displacement this way. Can anyone help me?
  14. I found the answer by myself. Original LOMAC has an option to use the mouse for cockpit views (button cockpit-mouse, in cockpit options, which has dissapeared in Lomac 1.1 (flaming cliffs)) If you wish to activate mouse for cockpit views, go to \Lock On\Config\View, open and edit this way: CockpitMouse = false (by defalut)------->"true". It will be like this ... CockpitMouse = true CockpitMouseSpeedSlow = 1.0 CockpitMouseSpeedNormal = 10.0 CockpitMouseSpeedFast = 20.0 CockpitKeyboardAccelerationSlow = 5.0 CockpitKeyboardAccelerationNormal = 30.0 CockpitKeyboardAccelerationFast = 80.0 ...
  15. Is it posssible to merge woe over wov?. I have just intalled woe and cant find any advantage over wov. Perhaps the landscape of germany is more detailed, and there is a good mig 27 I cantt find in the aircraft download page. The only real difference I have found is that the archives in the planes folders are different and cant be used in wov, at least the mig 27 does not. Have I thrown away my money? I would like to read your opinions. Thanks
  16. File Name: desert A-10A Version 2.5 File Submitter: jagl04 File Submitted: 16 Sep 2006 File Updated: 7 Dec 2006 File Category: A-10 Skins This is a desert camo for the A-10A Version 2.5 By WPNSSGT, based on the paintscheme of Mitch Janssen - HR A10 \'desert\ designed for LOMAC. Enjoy it jagl04 Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    This is a desert camo for the A-10A Version 2.5 By WPNSSGT, based on the paintscheme of Mitch Janssen - HR A10 \'desert\ designed for LOMAC. Enjoy it jagl04

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