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Everything posted by Deuces

  1. Uh oh Well your not far. I'm easy to find on the mountain here. End of the cul-de-sac past all the GOOD neighbors with the pick ups and NRA stickers.
  2. Ahh Dagger. I see that you have discovered that the top and bottom cloud layers are tiled much like the terrain. You will have to create textures that mate edges
  3. What scale do you think the pucker factor was at this moment? :o
  4. SDirickson Good question. It gets a little tricky but you could concievably(sp) get another type in there Wolf257 and I were just having this conversation as he needs to do this very thing with his Viet Nam map. I'm going to do a little experimenting with a second mountain type.....I hate the fact that above a certain hieght the terrain defaults to the one mountain type tile. The next step is that for each tile you create, you have to create transition tiles as well. I'll let you know how it pans out.
  5. Those last couple are looking good Dagger! SDirickson--those textures are the terrain textures for the Cuba Campaign we are working on "Operation Tainted Cigar". Hmm I guess that could also be the name of Bill Clintons Autobiography. :D
  6. Well I finally had enough of that jet engine making my ears bleed and took an excerpt from my favorite comm file to put in it's place. You can hear it and download it HERE
  7. While working on the Cuba Campaign I thought the skies just didn't look right to me. I think I may have the color call outs figured in the environmentalsystem.ini So if some may be interested in a sky update I'll pursue it further. If not no biggy, got tons to do. :D Here's a shot w/ a before and after --time of day is set to noon. Old sky on the left, new on the right.
  8. I have modified cloud layer textures if your interested in them as well. I'll zip em up and place them for upload shortly.
  9. For some reason I got dup. posts..hmm couldn't delete them.
  10. Here was my settings: [Day] SunHeight=0.250 SunBrightness=1.0 SunLightLevel=1.0 SunColor=0.545,0.550,0.528 AmbientColor=0.624,0.592,0.526 SkyColor=0.210,0.476,0.659 HorizonColor=0.791,0.877,0.952 FogColor=0.564,0.627,0.805 Pretty damn close.
  11. Slave drivers :D I've been planting trees all day in the hot sun. "Come mister talley man talley me banana...daylight come and me wanna go home"
  12. I'm pretty sure that the biggest delay factor in releasing new planes is the lack of a flight model editor. Hand editing these has got to be daunting. Without proper FM's the new a/c are not much more than skins :)
  13. Ummm that one isn't mine Ranger....think that's by CowboyTodd41
  14. Well let me know if you need any stick files. I have them for just about every sim out there.
  15. Jag the F16 FLCS stick plugs into the TQS throttle. It then plugs into your gameport. If you are looking at the F-16 FLCS, make sure it has the digital chip upgrade or you can get the upgrade from stickworks.com It is not difficult to program. There is a program called Fox2 for the FLCS and Digital Foxy for the F22. Both of these run in WIN and are ,IMO, very easy to work in.
  16. Whoops Guess I left that one in by mistake. It serves no purpose in that terrain, possibly in a future map.
  17. Jag-Aside from the TM Cougar setup, what you have an opportunity to get is the next best thing IMO. I have been using the F16FLCS/TQS/RCS setup for many years now and never had a problem. With Bob Church's digital chip upgrade, it's only better. I had an F22 once but went back to my FLCS mainly because I did not like the stiffness of the F22 springs. I am running these on WinXP pro..no problem.
  18. Fast Eagle--While in your hanger screen hit "Print Screen"...Windows has it copied to clipboard....exit the game ...open you image proggy, PSP,PS whatever...create a new blank document and then hit CTRL+V and your screenshot will paste into the documnet.
  19. Thought I'd give you guys some shots of the Skunkworks Cuban Campaign terrain in it's present state. There is still alot of work to be done, but the map is complete and the terrain tiles are 95% done. So here's what you have to look forward to. Screens here
  20. Galanti--It would appear the trees are placed according to a color on a tile but they are not. They are called out and placed by the TOD file. More trees can be added and will be for the Cuba map, like palms along coastal tiles and such. Here's a screen from a test , just screwin around
  21. Yea I'm confident the frame hit was the number of a/c and the LOD file used. I was just curious if it could be done and what would happen. The airfields are just way to sterile as is.

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