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About lleviatan

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  1. Thank you for your answers I have an installation merged with all the modules StrikeFighters2, StrikeFighters2 Europe, StrikeFighters2 Exp1, Exp2 StrikeFighters2, StrikeFighters2 Israel, StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic StrikeFighters2 Viet Nam. Modifications done them in: games saved/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic It would work by placing the file 'BULLETOBJECT.INI"in: games saved/ThirdWire/StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic/Objects or tended that be in: Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects, no matter where are the modifications. Best regards
  2. Hello Where "BULLETOBJECT.INI" folder is placed in the "MOD" folder? Regards
  3. Hello fellow surely this question has been asked many times why boats do not have sound? Their solution attentively
  4. hello Found, many thank you very much regards
  5. Hello I bought "AI Plane Pack 1 and 2" for Strike Fighter 2 series and I have installed the latest update. The problem is that I find the "INI" files that I purchased new aircraft are not in the CAT files. Anyone know where these new files are saved? for example in the J-6C_Egypt files: J-6C_Egypt_data.ini J-6C_Egypt_loadout.ini J-6C_Egypt_UserList.ini Sorry for the English translator using Google regards
  6. thanks Logan4 I´m placing lights, pilots, skin tec in the aircraft of War of The Six Days and the biggest problem i have the landing lights an taxi. Regards
  7. Hello friends anyone knows where to take the landing / taxi ligth in: MIG-17, MIG-15, Super Mystere B2 and the Hawker Hunter thanks
  8. Hello friends Does anyone know how will be the installation of Strike Fighters 2 of the North Atlantic? Do you have a separate facility or installed in series 2 games you already have on your computer? I have all the series 2 games installed. regards
  9. DDG-173 Kongo class Aegis destroyer

    Estimado amigo: veo que estás representando todos los buques Aegis, espero con ansiedad las Fragatas F-100 españolas. Saludos Lleviatan. Dear Friend: I see you're representing all Aegis ships, I look forward to the F-100 Frigates Spanish. Greetings Lleviatan.
  10. Dear Tonix. Enorabuena for the land, an excellent job. I can not make naval missions, these missions initiative introduced you thinking? It is easy to modify the map for naval operations? Greetings lleviatan (Miguel)
  11. Hello The interest in the MIG-25 is because it was the only fighter capable of dealing with modern Western fighters in the Middle East and the Gulf War, reportedly had great speed, great service ceiling, a powerful radar and a powerful ECM. Know something of the some information about what Thirdwire is preparing a new simulator with Russian planes?
  12. Hello fellow. We all have one or more preferred aircraft, models and colors with beautiful skin. Personally I like aircraft to complement the various campaigns that come standard, a great example is the MIG-29 that can be used in both SF1 and SF2 series a superb job of co Column5. Someone has thought about the MIG-25 with the same quality as the MiG-29, would much SF2E game SF2I in future campaigns and Gulf Wars. I have no knowledge or experience to this great company. Greetings.
  13. FastCargo Hi thanks for answering. It may be the subject says, will soon move to a 64bit Ultimate W7 original and then see. The distortion is in the music of the menus and game sounds, the sound is saturated, distorted, only happens with SF2I in W7, with other games simuladodores or not. greetings

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