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File Comments posted by DarthRevan

  1. Spitfire Mk.XIX

       200    2

    Nice plane.  I know you can't have everything and this is closest you can get a photo Spitfire with right engine, but the Swedish S 31 Spitfire had the "Old style" Canopy. But it will still find it's way to my Strikefighters mod map

  2. SAAB JAS-39 Gripen E

       1110    4

    I don't know if you are aware of this but the E Gripen is a twinseater at least the prototype is. But who knows the E Gripen or as the press in Sweden calls it "Supergripen" doesn't really exist yet so who knows maybe there will be a single seater too. Anyways looking good in the screenshots.


    I live in Gripens home town =) so I have seen the prototype for Gripen NG or Supergripen or whatever you call it outside Sweden. =)

  3. I have problems with the E-3 I can't make it to take off it's like someone glued it to the runway til I decrease throttle to Zero then it start rolling a bit and then it stops again. I also have problem fly it even if I have 100% and full climb angle on the elevators the plane still sinks like a rock and it seems it can't go pass 145 knots, when I reach 145 knots the plane just starts sinking til I crash.


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