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Everything posted by Delta6Actual

  1. Mirage F1

    Well, I tried the fixes suggested by Gunrunner, and it turns out they work. Thanks Gunrunner. To Caesar, I shoot an almost airline like approach. This time it was the plane and not the pilot. Thanks for the responses all!
  2. Mirage F1

    FOLY HUCK! Is that Morocco? Baddass.
  3. Mirage F1

    I have all of the flight settings on the hardest level. I'm flying both the F1C and the -200. When the main gear touch down, I keep the stick back to bleed off some speed while I pop the speed brakes. What happens next is this, the nose wheel touches down, bounces real hard, the plane lifts off, pitches up and to the right, and rolls inverted on its back. I let the autopilot land the plane one time and it has it landing at 143kts or somewhere in that ballpark. Maybe I'm coming in too hot. Also, with the plane on the ground at the beginning of a mission, the plane bobs up and down at the nose wheel. Otherwise I love blowing stuff up with this plane. Nice to hear about the new version coming out. Looking forward to that! :yes:
  4. I think I saw this topic before, but couldn't find it. Just downloaded USAFMTL's mirage 5. The Belgian roundels have a blue edge around them. I couldn't figure out what caused this. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Belgian Roundels

    Somehow that has always escaped my attention. Thanks for the info. Looking forward to the new version.
  6. I tried to add MadJeff's F-16B to WOE, and it does not work. All the right files are in all of the right places, but it does not show up in the game. Does this model not work in WOE, or have I done something wrong. I'm at my wits end. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Go into your program files, and look into the DATA.INI files for the Mig-21. Find the section called weapon stations. Each individual weapon station will have a line that states: AttachmentType=WP. Change it so it looks like this AttachmentType=SOVIET. That should solve the problem and all kinds of Soviet hardware will show up.
  8. I just installed this A-1H model and I have no cockpit gauges. They only appear when I am in a turn. I have it installed in WOE, could this be the problem?
  9. I downloaded the multi-national medals pack for WOE, but could never make it work. I think it is installed in all the right places, but its not there. Is there a trick to this that I am missing? Any help would be appreciated.
  10. I was wondering if there is a way to jettison bombs, spent rocket pods, TER's, MER's etc without punching off your tanks. I know alt-d will punch off the tanks. Alt-j jettisons ordinance and tanks. Is there a way to just punch off ordinance and return with your fuel tanks Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  11. Roger, that will work. Thanks.
  12. Medals Pack

    Roger, that must have been the problem. I'm only running WOE. Thanks for the advice.
  13. One cannot neglect the 1 oh wonder. A true cold war warrior. Its a big bird, complex, and not easy to fly or fight with. Oft overlooked. This is one I would pay money to fly in this game (pardon the expression mister tape recorder, I just used a profanity). USA and CANADA, NORAD you can't lose!
  14. Medals Pack

    Anybody, anybody, Bueller?
  15. Last I heard, the guy with the F-101 WIP couldn't finish for personal reasons, and the F-102 WIP deployed to the middle east. I was just wondering the same thing when I found this clip Pretty neat stuff.
  16. I was wondering if there was one, or had anyone considered doing a sound mod for the 30mm on the A-10. They sound pretty badass in real life. I don't know what they sound like from the cockpit, Ive heard them from the ground and it is a sound you don't forget.
  17. Sidewinder Impact Video

    Those monsters blew up a Phantom! I think I'm gonna be sick!
  18. How the heck did you come up with that?

    I couldn't think of a name so I took mine from a callsign in Full Metal Jacket.
  19. Flatulants Roll Call

    For those who are familiar with them, I just had White Castles.
  20. Robin Olds

    I always wished I could have met him. A true visionary and legendary pilot. Pharewell Robin Olds.
  21. Hungarian MiG's

    I hate to ask a dumb question, but where did the PF come from I haven't seen one for download.
  22. A Bad Day

    I've heard that in a power dive, the P-51's wings fall off. This never happened with the T-bolt. The wings falling off story I heard from a guy who was a radio operator on a B-17. Republic always built really tough aircraft. Yet the Air Force chose to continue using the P-51 over the P-47 after the war. Here's a good trivia question, what airplane replaced the P-51 as an attack plane in Korea?
  23. What Branch of Service should you be in!

    Wow am I an outsider here. The quiz said Army and I was in the Army. Go figure. HOOAAHHH!!!!!
  24. Just wondering if anyone was still working on an F-101. I think someone had a WIP, but I haven't heard anything in a while. Just found this gem on youtube and it made me think of it.

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