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Everything posted by Wilches

  1. Very impressive! Couldn´t be any better. Congrats!!
  2. Fantastic! Thanks! Is the Meteor F.3 already released?
  3. ...and give a downgrade to the airfields to look much older than default ones.
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    A-4P (B)!
  5. Wow!! That's awesome! Hope that someone make this job. It' s out of my skiils. Thanks Richard and keep with us!
  6. I wonder if it's possible to import planes from FlightGear. There are some very interesting subjects there like Ar 234B with cockpit among others. Could it be?
  7. The Soviets used the I-15 only in the war against japanese at Nomonhan. The type was phase out in WWII. BTW, excelente skin!!
  8. Yes you did. I forgot. Splendid work!
  9. Is there any military livery for the 200?
  10. Must be a low poly version with folded wings and open canopy if possible.
  11. Sily question - this new FM has all the tweaks showed above?
  12. Those big german flak towers ate great! Don't remember wich terrain has it.
  13. No problem. I can live with that.
  14. WIP - Hispano-Nieuport NiD 52

    Fantastic! Looks almost a triplane.
  15. At last!! Fantastic and award winning work!!! But something is missing like the ejection seat. Look the image below. it´s on all single seats. The fuselage color is going inside the cockpit.

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