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Wilches last won the day on March 15

Wilches had the most liked content!

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About Wilches

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  1. What a fantastic model! Thanks master!!! Some questions - Any template available? Are you planning to skin the Desert Storm´s version? Awesome!
  2. Extract from Facebook "BAOSHAN MUSTANG: (14TH AIR FORCE) Captain Clell McKenny of the 51st Fighter Group's 25th Fighter Squadron "The Assam Dragons," is seen at the tail of his North American P-51D Mustang "Lil Stuff II" at Baoshan in western Yunnan Province. The 25th Fighter Squadron was the last American fighter squadron to fly the Curtiss P-40 in combat in China. With the arrival of the Mustang, the squadron gave up its unique, large fanged, dragon's mouth markings that were applied to the nose of their P-40's, and instead painted the tails of their P-51's with a black checker board pattern and twin back-slanting stripes around the fuselage. When asked why the color black, Clell answered that black was the only color that was available in enough quantity to paint all of the Squadrons's aircraft. This probably explains why the tailplanes of 23rd Fighter Group's 75th Fighter Squadron were painted solid black. Clell McKenny is a Founding Board Member of the SAAHF."
  3. I´m pretty much interested on this subject. Despite the late posting, there goes the only photos I know so far. Is there some more to share?
  4. Intruders.

    Fantastic!!! Second to none!!!
  5. Intruders.

    Super!!!! Waiting on!
  6. It should be set as a target, don´t you think?
  7. The night shift made a messy job! Awesome!!!!!
  8. It´s possible to recover most of data from HD crash. I made it twice.
  9. My fav modeler is back! With a new toy! A plane must needed.
  10. Buds, is there a multi seasons tiles for the Wrench´s Norway terrain V2 to share? Thanks!

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