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Everything posted by Wilches

  1. Flanders

    gterl, don´t forget to turn on the shadows to the Zeps and hangars. Would be even better. Fantastic work, btw!
  2. Gladiator

    I forgive you Geezer - no prob! You´ve always be such a kind guy here and you took me by surprise with that "rude" response... As for the prop, I don´t have time (really!) for that nor even knowledge because when in EAW days the tool I used was built specific for that simm. Backing, when you arrived here you brought a so sophisticated work that raised the standards in building planes. Don´t take me wrong when I ask for any mod. Sorry and thanks!!
  3. Gladiator

    Relax Geezer, I was a cockpit maker backing EAW days and I know how hard it is. Take your time and live your life. You´re doing your best. Thanks!!
  4. Gladiator

    Yes it is.
  5. Gladiator

    Geezer, the Gladiator used three types of prop. Are you planning to release´em?
  6. Back in the Aces of Pacific 1946, I remember the Shinden very well. It flew like a hell! Wrench, revisiting Okinawa is a must indeed, but a new Iwo Jima map should be awesome.
  7. Now I´ll faint... Operation Olympic in sight!!!!!
  8. What do we need?

    1- A new Fokker D.VIII/E.V 2- New Albatros D.I 3- A Brandenburg W 29
  9. Sukhois

    The longest "two weeks" ever!!!!
  10. Weird, but is the Mirage IIICJ in Iranian inventory? Never heard of that. http://th01.deviantart.net/fs6/PRE/i/2005/058/1/c/Iranian_Air_Force__by_Pedram.jpg
  11. Be aware that Remora has its own rack. Compare the photos.
  12. This´s realy awesome! It makes me wonder if any could make an Iwo Jima island, with all of its airstrips and proper terrain properties without interferes on Japanese mainland ones. A volcanic island, flat and with a single montain - the Mount Suribachi. http://iwo-jima-memoirs.tripod.com/1967_iwo_jima.JPEG http://www.warlordgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/iwojima-600x684.jpg http://www.pacificwrecks.com/provinces/japan/iwo_jima/1945/iwo-color-south-tip.jpg http://www.howardmodels.com/0-topographic/site-models/Iwo-Jima/IwoJima7.jpg
  13. As long as I remember the last version yet to be released is the SMT, the hunchback.
  14. Sukhois

    My favorite Fitters! http://www.rb68.com/Photography/assignments/OrganizedLabor/SprinklerFitters-web/sprinklerFitters-intro.jpg
  15. Sukhois

    A Peruvian version would be very welcome... to shoot at!!
  16. I´ve been thinking the same before I saw the lending 5SDE from Egypt to Iraq (http://defence.pk/threads/iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery.225633/page-10). If its markings were overpainted, to paint the rest was an easy task. It´s likely that some or all the fighters borrowed were absorved by IrAF for use in IranXIraq war.
  17. Cool! http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JensOle/media/Africa/Scrshot14182.jpg.html#/user/JensOle/media/Africa/Scrshot14182.jpg.html?&_suid=143251695470407190711299529875
  18. It was one of this http://s116.photobucket.com/user/Moshe16/media/Avions/964280IMG_7813a.jpg.html#/user/Moshe16/media/Avions/964280IMG_7813a.jpg.html?&_suid=143251349016209332641059241833 Any skinning volunteers?
  19. Viggen, if it´s true it was kept in high secrecy. Great info btw . I could kill for a photo! HOLY COW!!!!!! http://defence.pk/threads/iran-iraq-war-picture-gallery.225633/page-10
  20. Gunrunner, I believe you´re on the right track. It´s very very unlikely that Israel ever sold anything to Iran.
  21. Still waiting foe the "Bad Guys"... Hope it won´t take too long.
  22. mue, you wrote: "But there is an exception: If in the <aircraft>_cockpit.ini OpenCockpit= is set to TRUE, then znear is defined by (the usually smaller value) ExternalClipDistMin=. Thats the reason why in some aircraft the shimmering happens, while in the external view it does not. The external view uses the flightengine.ini setting." Where´s "ExternalClipDistMin="? What´s the best parameter?
  23. Is this new terrain tool creates or move the frontlines? If it should be.
  24. Worth if you think you can spend this amount in many stupid things everyday. My last time in KFC I left almost U$14,00 there and I wasn´t that hungry... As for the Banshee, it´s an old SFP1 model so you can expect the shadow issue and non-folding wings. The cockpit itself saves all the investment. It´s superb. Go ahead and grab it!

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