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Everything posted by tflash

  1. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    Patch 2.08 seems promising ... http://www.freewebs.com/heinkill/bob2news.htm
  2. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I had BOBII for years before installing the latest patches. It wasn't stable before, now it is and I must say it is a very good game. I really like it. I'ld say you have to try. I think it is at patch 2.07 now.
  3. Nice blog, KingAlbert! I see you also make Lomac movies. You should also consider making a movie from your WOE campaign. It takes some tweeking, but you can disable all screen info and messages to have a clean look, as you obviously already did for your screenshots.
  4. US built "Su-33"

    I still wouldn't think the Navy has a fighter problem ... it has rather a fighter gap problem waiting for the arrival of F-35. Keep in mind an Aegis class destroyer can shoot about anything out of the air, even a sattelite! What the navy is currently lacking is not a Su-33-like Tomcat replacement but an UAV. UAV's can loiter for hours and hours at any altitude being an "eye in the sky". Why take a human pilot in thin air with all the problems this involves when he can sit on the carrier in a relaxing seat driving an UAV from his armchair? In this sense F-35 seems a waste: they'ld better invest in a solid UAV program like Mariner or Global hawk.
  5. US built "Su-33"

    Oops ... I should have put a smiley, since I meant it jokingly: F-22 obviously has other role than JSF and Harrier?
  6. US built "Su-33"

    Well, I understand they prefer sightseeing Hawaï with their luxury jet instead of helping out troops on the ground over Iraq or Afghanistan. I do not think many Marines out there share their feelings.
  7. US built "Su-33"

    I guess this thread is a joke, but to play along, this "good idea" simply seems to miss some major revolutions in air warfare since the nineties? An Su-33 is completely obsolete. Who needs a fighter with the S-33's non-existing avionics by today's standards? - AESA ? - Optronics? (the whole Litening/Sniper thingy that just every airforce wants?) - ROVER datalink with JTAC? - Electronic warfare suite ? - MIDS? - Stealth? (reduced RCS, LPI, RAM coating, Composite materials ...) - GPS? Advanced INS? - Secure IFF? - Advanced defensive aids? - integrated antenna/sensor design? All of this combat-proven on current Super Hornets, and extremely underway with F-35. Come on, the Su-33 does not even have a moving map, I even wonder if it has secure radio. You'ld have to go for Su-35 or Su-30 Mki at least for having somewhat closely resembling a modern-day fighter. But what this completely absurd proposal totally misses is that much of the air will be filled indeed by cheaper aircraft, but not cold war relics but by UAV's. F-35 + MQ-9 Reaper : that's an economic solution; With the fuel burnt by one Su-33 taking off the Reaper can stay 10 hours in the air at least!
  8. Falcon 4 AF : F-22 (Strike Mission)

    @cantik: JDAM is not supported in F4:AF, it wont work. @madmonk: just locate the file validAC.bin in your Campaign folder, and rename it to something else. You can then fly any AC. I would not say it is pointless, since most FM data are well rendered, you will fly the respective aircraft according to their performance specs. In A2A, the F-22 is quite impressive, as you migth have guessed. Of course you fly it with F-16 pit and avionics.
  9. http://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/produ...ms04_012503.pdf A kind of add-on kit to turn an aircraft into a Maverick launch platform. The BRU-55 bomb Rack with LAU-117 launcher is in the Mirage Factory Weapons Pack. Does anyone know if this type of Maverick carriage is actually deployed, e.g. on Hornet/Super Hornet?
  10. There are two improvements in WOI that I like very much and who seem to go quite unnoticed: 1) Track-IR support. At least on my machine, TIR works excellent in WOI, whereas in WOE it is still problematic and jerky. 2) CCIP bombing, in particular with F-15A I know that European theatre F-15A wasn't even supposed to perform strikes, but it can in WOE. However, the precision of the pipper is inaccurate. Quite to the contrary, in WOI CCIP bombing is razor sharp and a real delight, with eg; the Kfir and F-15A Baz. I hope these marked improvements are no coincidence and that we will find them in a WOE/WOV patch!
  11. The Phantom is so charismatic that it will live forever! And you get the GIB for free! I like modern fighters but I must agree that if you're looking for a potent strike fighter, the Phantom is still a force to count with. There is a double volume of the french "avions" historical magazine (hors serie 22/23) that goes into incredible detail about the Iran-Iraq war (to me the ultimate SFP1 scenery). It has numerous accounts by Iranian Phantom and F-14 crews. It must be said that Iran gave a serious vindication to both these classic platforms in the eighties. It wasn't air superiority the F-15 way but the Iranians were sure happy to have them. Besides being a great bomber, the Phantom excelled in the anti-shipping role with the AGM-65A maverick (this success inspired the USN to order their variant, which was to become the AGM-65F).
  12. New WOI movie: Kfir Strike! To bad stage6 is gone, otherwise Icould post DivX version!
  13. He guys, Do you have some background on this SimHQ issue? http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...398#Post2480398 The magic word "payware" has appeared, which makes me kinda suspicious. But of course, if there is an honest issue I'm ready to back off immediately.
  14. So, problem solved, I guess, and with some interesting prospects! Flyable Mig is an absolute must for the Tk series, and I guess in WOI the fight will be more "even" since the Sparrows are less deadly.
  15. Yes Sir! I have mirrors all over the place except in the - incredible nice - TMF Phantoms! When I open/close the canopy I can see the Canopy's front part is missing alltogether.
  16. For some reason, the mirrors seem to be missing in the cockpit? I do not immediately find how to fix it.
  17. Wel, I exactly had the same idea: BOB2 is truly an underrated sim. When I installed the first version, it was particularly unstable on my system so I did not even play it. Since the latests patches however, I feel the sim is totally transformed. It is simply stunning. It works tremendously good, both on my XP desktop as my widescreen Vista portable, and have very nice weather effects, good visuals and good AI. I still would say IL2 is the more complete game, in my view still the absolute top sim, but I find BOB 2 a true jewel and I'm happy I downloaded and tried the patches. With Lockon, F4:AF, IL2 1946, WOV/WOE and BOB2 I guess the combat sim enthousiast has nothing to complain of these days. I'm having incredible fun, so much is true!
  18. I made this latest video with some Viper action: I used the excellent HTS mod to have an F-16CJ appearance. I think you will like the music.
  19. http://forum.lockon.ru/showpost.php?p=3776...mp;postcount=20 hehe, here's a guy with a vision.
  20. Roll Call

  21. Well, professionally I am very much involved in e-learning and the whole Web 2.0 stuff. I would say we are wittnessing here a new kind of economy, where stake holders can have some honest revenue from their non-professional activities and creative artists finally get a way to get some living. Let's face it: we are not facing the big companies here or the big profits. We have to do with innovative, hard-working individuals who charge a reasonable price for their work. I like to pay them, in part because at least I know them and they are not an impersonal company. I also like to pay somewhat more for coffee that comes from small third-world farmers. I profoundly respect people like Yap, Prowler, Edward who try to make nice things and get an honest revenue from it. I of course also appreciate the free modders very much, but everyone makes his or her choices. Many of us bought multiple copies of TK's products because we think they deserve support.
  22. File Name: DesertStrike Missions File Submitter: tflash File Submitted: 23 Apr 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns DesertStrike Missions --------------------- v.1 10 missions for the standard Desert Terrain They are meant to be flown in hard mode; you can Alt-N to mission objective if you are in a hurry. You need SPG patch 3 or SFP1 patch 3.2 You need DO's CVN 75 carrier. To be able to play them all, you need also some very popular aircraft mods: F-14A Tomcat by Mirage Factory F/A-18A Hornet by Mirage Factory Mig-23MS & Mig-23M Flogger by Bpao A7B Corsair II by Armourdave F-8E Crusader by Team Crusader You are encouraged to modify & repost, as long as you give proper credit! I used Tiana "Kreelin" Adriam's excellent WovQmd. Tflash, April 2006 Click here to download this file
  23. Version


    DesertStrike Missions --------------------- v.1 10 missions for the standard Desert Terrain They are meant to be flown in hard mode; you can Alt-N to mission objective if you are in a hurry. You need SPG patch 3 or SFP1 patch 3.2 You need DO's CVN 75 carrier. To be able to play them all, you need also some very popular aircraft mods: F-14A Tomcat by Mirage Factory F/A-18A Hornet by Mirage Factory Mig-23MS & Mig-23M Flogger by Bpao A7B Corsair II by Armourdave F-8E Crusader by Team Crusader You are encouraged to modify & repost, as long as you give proper credit! I used Tiana "Kreelin" Adriam's excellent WovQmd. Tflash, April 2006

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