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Everything posted by herman01

  1. Should you switch to Blue Ray?

    Check it and decide for yourself. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/612bfc5b88
  2. Why no more Tomcats?

    I did'nt know that column5. Thats sucks. Your a good source of information though.
  3. Should you switch to Blue Ray?

    I think I'll wait till Blue-ray gets cheaper. Plus I dont know if I want to see those parts like in clip from 300.
  4. Not an A/C but still...

    The Vulcan like the M163 or whatever it was mounted on the M113 for Air Defense Artillery in the 80s?
  5. Mr. T. II

    The good ol' days of watching the A Team. A million bullets fired at one another and not a single person hit just the conveniently placed object that would just so happen disable the enemy. B.A. Baracus the Green Beret that was afraid to get on a plane. I think they're going to make a A Team movie. Who should play Mr. T?
  6. Pure class...

    I’ve always wanted to see academia behave that way. What show is that?
  7. I’m liking this thread.
  8. Not an A/C but still...

    Is that APC a rebuild of an older tank chassis. Because we know how cleverly resourceful the Israelis can be. Does the Merkava IV have Chobom armor or whatever its called? Like the M1 and the Challenger 2.
  9. This Gave Me Goose Bumps

    Good stuff. Its not the easiest time to re-enlist.
  10. F/A-18F

    Great stuff. Had my stuff packed up for my move this friday. Had to unpack just for this. Thanks Erwin Hans.
  11. You All See This From Over the Weekend?

    I think the US government is going to have to start juggling some more troops over to Afghanistan. I just hope in Iraq that the 81,000 of the Sunni Awakening Council choose to say on our payroll and so that they arent fighting us and Sadr keeps up his cease fire.
  12. Got iPhone?

    At&t is my provider now since I was carried over from the merger with Cingular and they always provided the best coverage in my area. I currently use the HTC tilt which has everthing I need but I might buy an 3g iphone for my wife. You just cant beat Apples easy and sharp looking interface.
  13. Love in this Club

    Funny stuff.
  14. A Good Sim You Aren't Playing

    I didnt even know about. Ill have to check it out. Thanks Dave.
  15. French army chief of staff resigns!

    Its not a commanding officers responbility to check all the private's weapons. Maybe he set the show up to include the pointing the weapons and firing at the crowd part.
  16. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    It sounds to smooth of an operation to be true. I wonder if money was really involved. It somewhat reminds me of the Iranian hostages release hours into Reagan’s Presidency that later we found out to be nefarious in 1986. I mean nobody got nervous or crazy while this was going down and they just flew in with a helicopter with Che Guevara shirts and picked the hostages up. If its true these FARC guys need start recruiting some smarter guys.
  17. French army chief of staff resigns!

    France had the largest Army I think before World War II. I also dont think France is under any threat in the forseeable future from any of its neighbors and so their spending on Defense might be justified. I dont think that the a General should have lost his job becuase of some privates mistake. If his policy on firearm safety was flawed then maybe. It just doesent make any since though that he didnt have a blank adapter and he pointed his weapon at people.
  18. Supreme Court upholds right to own guns

    I think this was fair interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and it was 5-4 decision. The 4th amendment is the one I’m worried about though.
  19. Where Do You Prefer To Get Your News?

    24 hour cable news networks = 5 minutes worth of news 23 hours 55 minutes of flashing graphics and gas bags. So I don’t even waste my time with them. I tend to jump around the major wires from AP, Reuters, McClatchy, Knight Ridder and so on. Also the established sources of "journalism" from NYtimes to Haaretz and so on. Most of the time the real news in article is buried in few sentences of the article away from its headline. I tend to stay away from blogs because It doesn’t do me any good to filter my news into ideologically friendly perspectives and become detached from reality. I also feel that I don’t need somebody else to redigest the news for me. The internet however has opened the way up for alternative news sources. I also don’t believe in liberal or a conservative press I believe that the press wants to make money. They want to promote the views of their major supporters and advertisers. Some of the major news networks are starting to trend more positive towards the Democrats but that’s because the approval ratings for Republicans and the President are rock bottom. Those same networks were all pro-administration when the Bush's approval ratings were sky rocketing after Sep. 11th. I also believe its important for the press to be critical of everything because an informed public is healthier for our republic than an ignorant and happy politic body. If I wanted to have propaganda forced down my throat I would move to North Korea. I think that the press is to friendly with whoever is in power. I mean just look at the NYtimes scandal with Judith Miller and Gordon and Fox News's Tony Snows transfer to the White House then back.
  20. Great work Wrench. Can't wait to simulate engine flame out and crash into the groud. I love this Era of military aviation and this is a great addition to my SF fleet.
  21. About Damn Time...

    Well Murtha is Keystone to the Defense establishment for the past 20 years so I thought he might of been privy to some inside information. He had a pretty solid Marine career starting out as a drill instructor. Going from green to gold, and then later steping up and volunteering for Vietnam. Your right about him having a big trap but You know how politicians are with cameras in their faces and they are just people. I think hes a crook from all of his earmarking and invlovment with ABSCAM scandal. Still though I dont think it was easy for former Marine like him say something like that without knowing something. We all know how hardcore Marines are, and how dedicated to Corp they remain even after being out for years. I think if anyone gets convicted it looks to be higher enlisted and officers. I think the majority of lower enlisted have been granted immunity. column5- John Glenn too with Keating Savings and Loan scandal.
  22. About Damn Time...

    Im a reservist who has been deployed twice to Iraq for a total of 26 months and I know that when fear is involved people make alot of mistakes. Now I dont know the inner workings of this case and Im pretty sure nobody here does either so I dont have opinion if someones guilty or not. If the tribunal found the defendents are not guilty then thats fine becuase they had their day in court. But what I do know is that when you have an enemy that is indegionous like the majority of insurgents in Iraq. They have the ability to blend in with the local civilain population that threat of incidents like this rise. The world is not black and white its gray. Are guys are capable of horrible stuff to. So when this story first came out I didnt know if the Marines were guilty or of if it was Time just trying sell more magazines. There alot of stuff from my deployments that I will take with me to the grave. Things that Im not proud of. This post is not going to make very popular with alot you and thats fine. But what I do know that if you want to be the "good guys" then you have to take the high road. If military deemed it necessary to hold a court martial hearing than the most have been something there. About the partisan stuff, John Murtha might be a crook but he did spend 38 years in the Marines so saying that he thought that they were guilty couldnt have been easy for him. Im glad that some Marines were not found guilty. However I think the Majority have been given immunity so it seems there might be some convictions on the way. The first thing that I swore to defend when I raised my right hand was the Constitution and thats what binds us to the domestic and the international laws that we have agreed to adhere to. The right thing to do is hardly ever the easy thing to do.
  23. Hillary's Downfall

    This guy is for Obama.

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