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Everything posted by herman01

  1. Desert Talon

  2. World of Tanks

    I'm a little too busy to play too often anymore but I'm a decent player. If anyone of you gentlemen/ women are in a decent platoon I would appreciate an invite. My name is slopedarmor.
  3. Let's have a pissing match

    Finally a reason to go to a minor league game.
  4. Biting the Bullet

    Interesting stuff. I wish you all the luck in your endeavor.
  5. Judge Rules Against Stolen Valor Act

    They should run stings at bars. It always amazes me how many "heros" you run into at bar with stories of their "heroism" ready.
  6. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    Scared people have a problem with thinking and behaving rationally.
  7. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    To add to what eraser_tr said above. It seems to be coming clear what the ulterior motives were in this situation. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article6814939.ece Money trumps all.
  8. Another selfless hero has fallen.

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...prss=rss_nation Just like with Pat Tillman this man gave up much greener grass to serve and has unfortunatley fallen while doing so. I think Sgt. Bill Cahir's example speaks volumes of a persons indelible mark made by the strength of their character to have such gumption and selflessness to serve causes greater than themselves. Our Armed Services men and women make me very proud.
  9. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    I think either way it's a tuff call. Volunteer force sounds nice and you can pull out some good motivated recruits but it usually just means poor and lower middle-class will serve. You can also get some duds who couldn't make it in the civilian world and about 80% usually remain duds. With a draft I'm sure you get some quality and some crap. Also many of the wealthy individuals of society will still find away out becasue of the resources allotted to them. I don't think there should be draft but it wouldn't hurt to change the demographics of the military to mix like that of World War 2. It's an ideal that seems to be unachievable though. We could hire Hessians to do the job.
  10. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    Agreed. I'm also not happy with the relaxed relations with Kadafi also.
  11. Tofu

    My wife the vegetarian eats it all the time. I've never have really liked I when she makes it no matter how it’s cooked but I eat because it's good for my health. Would I rather her cook a steak? Absolutely.
  12. The Super Hornet really CAN do everything

    Why not? I was just hearing from a naval aviator today talking about how great for logistical reason it is to have aircraft used for so many purposes. No need to buy so many different parts or train people on so many different aircraft. Saves a lot of money. Money than can elsewhere to strengthen the military overall. I'm a big fan of the bug and super bug.
  13. Army Strong!

    I've seen these big boys in every branch and component. It's just a matter of the chain of command and situation. The National Guard does a fantastic job so lets not tear them up too much because of a few gluttons. Daddyairplanes probably got it right by saying that fatass is an IRR call up. Sometimes you have to swallow some bitter pills to get the job done and fat usually isn't forever.
  14. Race Card Back Fired

    Really? Whatever your qualms may be with the current state of the NAACP aside, but to compare them with so such groups as the KKK and Neo Nazis is egregious. The NAACP was one of first and strongest proponents for civil rights. Al Sharpton is just like Fred Phelps, he's only as effective as you let him be.
  15. Glued his what, where?

    I love the mug shot of woman on the left.
  16. Hugo Chavez

    I would ask him who he buys his red shirts from. I'm not sure if L.L. Bean or Lands End are proletariat compatible by Venezuelan standards.
  17. That was it. Thanks for the help. It's stunningly simple but I don't think I would have figured it out.
  18. Please feel free to berate me if this problem of mine is blatantly spelled out somewhere here on combat ace. Anyways, my problem is that on all of the Super Hornets and even the Growler the afterburner is always on. The engine thrust amount is in red and the sound denotes afterburner, however actual thrust and visual afterburner effects work normally. I have looked over the data.inis and everything seems to check out. I tried to find out what actually controls the point to which afterburners do kick on for an aircraft but could not find it. (for example most engines are at 70%) Thank you for time in advance.
  19. Discovery Wings

    I'm sure there’s quite of few people in here that are aware of the early (the good stuff) version of Wings on the Discovery Channel. I was just wanting to know if anyone knew where and if you can purchase the complete catalog of all the old episodes. Thanks in advance.
  20. Immaculate timing! I was just trying to fix that problem. Combat Ace costumer service has earned a five star rating! Thanks again for your hard work.

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