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Posts posted by herman01

  1. This is good stuff after in recent years of losses to Bucknell and Bradley in the early rounds.

    North Carolina closed the gigantic lead held early in the first halft but the Jayhawks carried the day. This is good stuff. I have a buddy whos a cop in Lawrence so I bet he excited to be dealing with drunken college kids.

  2. Yeah what I got from the video is that its good to have the right flight control software or system. The F-22 did everthing looking like the pilot couldve been drinking coffee at the same time. Where as the Sukhoi didnt use burners as much it looked like the pilot was geting knocked around in his cockpit. I think the burners were used alot by the F22 pilot because he wanted to use them as much a possible burners it being an airshow and all. Still where as looks the F22 looks like a baby bird crack baby and the Su-30 is one of the sexiest aircraft in the world.

  3. When I was deployed in Iraq 04-05 I was riding in the turret of a 1114. We were heading north on MSR Tampa with our TCN trucks with us. We were probably somewhere around 100 miles north of Safwan and just south of Cedar 2 or Al Nasiriyah in southern Iraq. I had reached down to grab a bottle of water and when I got up I heard this loud deep shrieking sound that seemed like it was coming from right on top of me. I didnt know what the hell it was and it scared me so good I fell down inside the 1114 and knocked my head on the back of the turret on the way in. I talked to people in my unit later about what they saw and from what they said they thought it was English Harrier or maybe a Jaguar or something. Theres no way I will ever know for sure what type of aircraft it was but my buddies told me that saw it was British. I didnt get up in time to get a good look at they guy leaving the scene of the crime. Everybody had a good laugh on me that day even the TCN drivers who saw it.

  4. You should turn into an old man because my Grandpa falls asleep everywhere or run a marathon everyday.

    There also some diseases you could catch that would sap your energy.

    Seriously though I have had sleeping problems forever to and like Ironroad said above I read something that requires alot of concentration. Find a good book. The classics always knock me out after a while. If its anxiety I recomend staying away from anti-depressents. My wife's a physcologist so she could and would talk your head off about why to stay away from that stuff unless you really need it.


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