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Posts posted by herman01

  1. I doubt to anything will change uder Raul. Democracy is not the the natural form of goverment and only comes when the people inside a country decide its time to take control of their own goverment. It can only occur if it is organic which is lesson that we should of learned a long time ago.

  2. Good point Jedi Master. By the way because of your avatar everytime I read your post its in Ewan McGregors voice in my head. I sure hope that people hear Dio when they read mine.


    A terrorist linked leader there bothers me more there then Middle East. - Bounder


    The justice department is protecting a Cuban terroist who blew up an Cuban airliner and tortured people to include

    kicking a woman till she had misscarraige and putting cigerettes out on another womens baby.


    Look up Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch.

  3. All those years of embargo and Castro leaves due to old age. I don't think our policy is working.

    Free elections dont matter to the U.S. goverment either. Their boy Batiste who allowed companys to walk all over the Cuban people laid the footwork for crazies like Castro to take power with just a few hundred soilders. I love my country but I know that U.S. foreign policy could care less about the willof a one countries free choice. i.e. 1953 Iran, Agusto Pinochet in Chile, Greek Colonels, East Timor, South Korea and on and on. Once again I love my country but severly distrust my goverment.


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