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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. The worst movie ever

    Unfortunately MST3K ended its run in 1999. On the plus side, the former cast members have two separate projects going now doing the same thing, albeit without the robots and host segments during the films...just the commentary. Cinematic Titanic has Joel and mostly the Comedy Central-years cast. Rifftrax has Mike and the SciFi years cast. I have tons of DVDs from both groups, although I admit I liked MST3K the most. I just bought Vol 19 of the MST sets, plus I have many of the old eps on homemade DVDs I made from my VHS tapes. It aired for 10 years and they covered well over 150 of the worst films ever, and not just US-made. There are British (Gorgo), Japanese (lots of Gamera and Godzilla), Russo-Finnish, Italian (hercules!), and I believe Australian and South African, too.
  2. Cowboys & Aliens

    C&A didn't come from Hollywood, though, it's a comic book. From what I understand, the trailer has played up the action/SF elements and downplayed the overall plot by a major amount. I saw a film where Sherlock Holmes was Iron Man. Came out last year I think. I think the people are physically pulled up into the ships with some sort of wires they send down as opposed to using a tractor beam or transporter or whatever. Sort of like the tentacles in War of the Worlds but thinner cable-sized. Oh, and the director of C&A is the same guy who did Iron Man 1 and 2.
  3. How Long is Two Weeks?

    "Two weeks" is the shortened form. The long form is "two weeks from whenever you last asked, no matter when that is." Oh, "asking" consists of not only when you typed or verbally spoke it. Even thinking it counts.
  4. old games

    For graphics, yes. For content, no. I remember when every month there was at least 1 new sim of some type on the shelves. The last few years of the decade saw the release of more sims than the entire decade since! Sure some were crap, but there was choice and competition and there was some real greats. Because graphics were so limited, they spent all their time on making sure things worked well and the sim was engaging and enjoyable.
  5. Battle: Los Angeles

    The film you proposed would be a big-budget bore. Spending almost 2 hrs preparing to do something only to have an anticlimactic ass-whooping at the final 15 mins? Reminds of the story in the HHGTTG where the fleet finds out Arthur Dent was the one who said the phrase that led their planet into a devastating war and takes off to attack earth only to find they got the scale wrong and their entire fleet is eaten by a dog.
  6. I didn't remember the dynamic campaign being promised for LOMAC then yanked, but I do remember it was to come out "later". However, that was what, 7-8 yrs ago? Still no dynamic campaigns for LOMAC, FC, or DCS. I had no idea the terrain performance was that bad, though. I suppose they feel it better to put it out later than have it working that horribly.
  7. Battle: Los Angeles

    Remember Independence Day had US, Brit, and Iraqi forces fighting together, mid-90s.
  8. old games

    Depends how old, really. I find most games from the 90s are a disappointment to go back to, although I did recently start replaying the old Dark Forces games. If it's less than 10 yrs old, however, I find games like Deus Ex still hold up very well.
  9. air show china 2010

    The funny thing is how it looks to be a closer relative to the F-5/20 than the F/A-18 is, and that IS an F-5-derived design. Considering how many F-5s are still flying today, though, speaks volumes about the utility of such a design.
  10. F-22 aircraft overdue in reporting

    Ok, it was last night this happened, that explains the time. I hope this wasn't another CFIT, I hoped the F-22 was equipped to prevent that.
  11. Yes, flying an F-105 on a bomber intercept would certainly be challenging for example! Of course, you can only control what plane you fly. Your other friendly flights and enemies are chosen by the game so you never know if you're going up against a group of gunless 21's with their shoddy Atolls or a flight of mad Frescos with your head on their menu!
  12. Living in Europe...

    Maybe there are some combo pubs/banks that are the problem? Or perhaps they'd be the solution?
  13. old games

    The next Aces game was to be Desert Fighters. An alpha was released but it was then cancelled and the team disbanded post-RB3D. Very sad.
  14. F-22 aircraft overdue in reporting

    Am I missing something? It's currently 3 PM EST on 11/17, which means in Alaska it's well before noon on 11/17. How can it be missing since 8 hrs from now?? Did they mean AM?
  15. See, that's something I think should go hand-in-hand with the difficulty settings. That visual thing should only be off if the AI is set to "hard". At normal, and especially at easy, it should be working.
  16. It won't be in the release either? Why not? If it's in the beta it's obviously already mostly done, is there that much work left to do on it? I gave them the Indian giver routine for DX11 because they announced it so late that when it was claimed it would be in A-10C I was just stunned they could do it that fast. The later retraction that it was taking longer than they thought and wouldn't make it in was perfectly reasonable. Nevada was announced for A-10C LONG ago, though. :mega_shok:
  17. old games

    Hey, in 1994 it wasn't bad! I think I preferred the one in Jetfighter over its contemporaries for looks, but JF was probably the worst of the lot. I mean it had mandatory carrier quals before you could play the game! Day and night! That and no external cameras other than your own plane and a runway tower/carrier air boss -> player view was lame. I literally never saw any planes in the game but the ones I could fly. The others were always too far to see! One time I got within half a mile of a MiG-25 during a dogfight trying to get a guns kill which let me see the distinctive tail shape no bigger than the letters in the Combat Ace logo. ONCE. Of course F-14:Fleet Defender was the best sim but had mediocre graphics even by the standards of the day.
  18. Cars 2 coming in 2011

    I own every Pixar film on either DVD or Bluray (I've not repurchased on BD any I already had on DVD, unlike some films), haven't gotten around to seeing TS3 yet. They are also unique in that they seem to be the only ones capable of making an animated film that makes you feel genuine emotion and not just laughs. Did anyone over the age of 21 not feel brought to tears by the opening and closing of Up? It means nothing to kids, but to adults it was just heart-wrenching. Even films with a ridiculous premise like Ratatouille were awesome.
  19. Unstoppable

    I've liked every Washington/Scott collaboration film so far, I figured this wouldn't be any different. The fake trailer they did on SNL was pretty good, actually. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/unstoppable-trailer/1259996/
  20. The worst movie ever

    I've given up on most films getting aircraft correct. Unless they have a military adviser that they pay attention to, you're going to get crap like Die Hard 4's "F-35B firing its gun from a hover like an Apache". Anyway, I saw Skyline described as a SFC Saturday Night movie of the week writ large with the same cast and plot but a bigger budget for effects. The remake they did of War of the Worlds was one of the worst I could have imagined. Actually, no, I couldn't even have imagined it that bad.
  21. Well, I don't know if having difficulty with a particular plane match-up (like F-8 vs MiG-17) is a good barometer of where you'll like the difficulty set best. Since I fly lots of 3rd party planes as well as stock, and I know most of them were done with the normal FM in mind, that's what I use. I think I leave the AI on normal as well. Sometimes you just can't win a dogfight against a particular plane if your plane isn't up to it. You need to rely on wingmen/other flights, friendly ground fire if you're over friendly territory/units, or just bugging out. Maybe you get a mission failure for it, but it's better than getting shot down! One of the reasons kill numbers are far higher in sims than historically is the lack of self-preservation in the AI. They see nothing wrong with chasing you to their deaths unless they run out of fuel or ammo and then head home. Every sim has that problem. The exception is usually where you get a "mission complete" or "failure" and all the AI planes call it a day even if you're right there. In Korea for example there were numerous instances of large (greater than 6 v 6) dogfights occurring with only 1 or even no kills, just maybe some damage. A real pilot will press an advantage that they have, but if they're outmatched they won't keep trying to shoot one plane down while 4 others get on his six. They want to live to fight another day.
  22. The worst movie ever

    Not AvP1, they did AvP2. AvP1 was a decent enough flick, better than Predators 2.
  23. air show china 2010

    That's the first time I've seen pictures of, let alone even heard of, China's J-10 display team. You have to admit a camo refueling probe cover on that bright paint scheme is funny though!
  24. Started Playing Old Sims

    I haven't reinstalled CFS3 since my upgrade to Win7, but I sort of plan on it at some point. Until late last year when I did the upgrade, I still played it every once in awhile. The Firepower addon I bought for it really helped things, as did all the modded planes the 1% team made for it. The stock game was a bit lacking. Anyway, I think it was the best of the CFS games and the only one I'd bothered to buy. I still play older games all the time, in fact I recently went thru and replayed all the HL2 games, Far Cry 1, Doom 3, even Deus Ex and Thief 2. For sims I've still got EECH (with mods) and Il-2 1946, even the original LOMAC still installed along with F4. The limit seems to be about 10 years. Older than that and current systems tend to get errors trying to play games unless they've been fixed/updated for new sales on places like GOG.com and Steam.
  25. The worst movie ever

    I'll rent it on Netflix only because I tend to rent just new films there. The older ones I want to see I already own. The amazing thing to me is that film had a $10m budget. They spent more money making each of the recent CoD games than they did on that flick, so for it to have "average" FX is pretty amazing. Oh, it was directed by the same guys who did AvP: Requiem, so if you saw that you should have some idea of the quality Skyline must have.

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