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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. Simulator Promotion

    Definitely get the EECH mods that the community put together. The flyable Hind is a must-have!
  2. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    What good is voting when no one running is ever worth voting for? Anything above the local level is usually nothing but corruption or slime whether on the state or federal level. The "American voter" does nothing but re-elect these frauds for term after term despite the utter lack of progress they bring and even in the face of scandals. Of course, since "con" is the opposite of "pro", it's obvious Congress is the opposite of progress. We could quite easily have computers randomly elect people from the ballots and things would probably go BETTER. So to me, the voting process in this country only proves one thing--the average American is an idiot. Therefore, do we want to force idiots into combat alongside those who WANT to be there?
  3. On the fiction side, I love the old Clancy novels. Red Storm Rising has some great air combat sequences, along with naval and ground.
  4. Crash during MAKS 2009 preparation

    That's a lot of high profile collisions happening in a short period of time. Of course, unlike maintenance issues there's nothing possibly systemic about it. Just errors and bad luck.
  5. Actually, the WOI expansion is very unusual in that he showed us shots long ago and has yet to release it.
  6. Newest video cards question

    It's not always the card itself so much as the drivers. Newer driver revisions on occasion will strip out older code necessary for games in the past. Now in some cases you can keep using the older drivers, but of course newer video cards have a limit to how old the drivers can be. Generally speaking you can't use a driver more than a month or so older than a chip's release. That doesn't mean anything per se, because it could be 6 months after its release that code that made game XYZ from 2001 work, so whatever card you're using it would stop working with the later drivers and work with the earlier ones. Really the only thing to do is search out one by one each of those older games and find out from the people still playing it (or that just stopped) what card/driver combos are still good and which aren't. F4:AF still works on my GTX260 using drivers that are now a few revs back, however at some point (I don't know where because I play F4AF in phases and it had been months since my last time) using FSAA broke some stuff in game, namely almost anything using 3D effects in the menu like recon, the arming screen, and the online database. So I either have to forego FSAA or skip those features.
  7. I take this is other than more SF2 re-releases of previous SF1-engined ones?
  8. FE Vs OFF

    OFF has a rendering engine frozen in time from CF3's release (2002 I think?) and is only DX7. FE has a far more modern engine (DX9) as does RoF. OFF does a lot with what it has available, but it can never be to the same level.
  9. Next Step for DICE?

    Of course, then you can have bandwidth issues, which means extra work on the network code and likely the necessity of a dedicated server on a backbone vs someone's home. Unless, of course, you go the pay route. Joint Ops actually only supported up to 64 players on an average server IIRC, and you needed to pay for access to the 150 player servers. That was fine by me, as I was content with the 64 player ones as I usually just played coop anyway.
  10. Crytek Going to GDC Europe

    Unlike some people, I liked Crysis and Crysis Warhead and look forward to Crysis 2. I might even buy it at full price on release.
  11. The TIR3 didn't come with the Vector Expansion out of the box like 4 and 5 do. Other than that, yes, it's an FOV thing. That's why I'm not upgrading my 4 to a 5 now, because the 5 doesn't offer me enough improvement over my perfectly functioning 4 to bother.
  12. Project Supercar (USAF)

    I would think they should have CVTs.

    "Battlefield’s traditionally deep vehicle experience" I know they can't mean "realistic." I have vivid memories of guys bailing from planes with no parachute and entering another vehicle below them!
  14. Next Step for DICE?

    The closest thing to that really was Novalogic's Joint Ops. A lot less realistic than OFP/Arma ever was, but up to 150 players and decently large maps. The AI stunk, though, made OFP's look like Terminators. I would enjoy much larger maps and scenarios, but I refuse to pay per month for any game.
  15. Ah, that cockpit pic reminds me of many long hours spent in the 80s and 90s flying F-15 Strike Eagle 1-3 (mostly 3) and then Jane's F-15 (aka F-15SE4 from a different publisher).
  16. Well, I have my Logitech Wingman 3D Extreme still for the few things that I use a simple stick for (Arma 2 for example) and use my Cougar for the real flying.
  17. Funny Passport Application

    Apparently the smiling thing is because of this totally awesome thing they have with scanning software now that can't figure out what a smile is!
  18. Project Supercar (USAF)

    They're probably just automatic.
  19. Les Paul Dies @94

    Well, at least he led the kind of life most can only dream of...long, significant, and to be remembered long after his passing.
  20. Nesher not Made in Israel (?)

    French components, Israeli components...all made in Taiwan!
  21. Sometimes it takes a fresh pair of eyes to notice things!
  22. Unfortunately, you can't patch that. You're as far as you can go. The newer Il-2:1946 was released at 4.06 I think? Anyway, 4.08m is the latest full patch and there's a 4.09m beta that's been out for a year...for Il-2:1946. I'm afraid you'll need to get that to get the latest patches. On the plus side, I believe all those addons will work fine with 1946. It's a pretty good deal, as I think you can get it for $20 or less and it includes FB, AEP, FP, and the not-separately-released-in-the-West addons Pe-2, Sturmoviks over Manchuria, and 1946. Multiple new maps and planes (including a lot of great jets in the 1946 addon) and the full 4.09 is going to have even more. Anyway, you're right and we don't have the patches here either. We need to get those UL'd here. I believe they're at Ubisoft's site, though.
  23. The Super Hornet really CAN do everything

    Where are the depth charges?
  24. RIP F-22

    Any student of history can see that whoever is on top is a target for those who wish to be because jealously is a universal constant. I agree we do far too much outside of our borders, and I for one am sick of paying for it, but I'm sick of paying for other stuff too and I get no say in that either. Before WWII there was no gov't babysitting that we have now and the country was better for it. WWI both strengthened this country by turning it into a world player and ruined it by introducing the income tax. Now we have loser politicians who think people WANT to pay taxes to help out other people who aren't carrying their weight and want to be carried? We have so many homeless now because we don't keep enough of what we make to let people keep their homes! Why? So we can then give money to those same people who wind up not working after losing their home? Why doesn't the gov't look to reduce the cost of healthcare instead of just hand it to those who can't afford it while taking MORE money from those who can until THEY can't afford it either? Oh, that's right, they know that means the lawyers wouldn't be able to sue for 7 figures for every mistake a doctor makes and they're not going to TOUCH that. So malpractice insurance rates soar and costs for everything else soar to enable them to pay the premiums. Personally, I think we should pull back every US troop in the globe and to hell with sticking our noses into other countries. If they want our help, well too bad. If a country attacks us, forget sending troops, just nuke them.
  25. YF 23

    Is this for FSX?

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