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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. New Rules: Florida State Parks

    That's what it looks like driving around the Cape during mating season. Damned things are all over, along with the walking speedbumps aka armadillos. There's a couple of really BIG ones at the Cape, too, but they don't move much.
  2. Excuse me, dumbazz.....

    Will they lose? Yes. What will that loss cost them? My guess is not much. It's obvious the girl was being a ditz, she wasn't seriously hurt, and her family has come off as looking to make a quick buck. If they're smart, they'll take whatever settlement the lawyer can get them and not bother going to trial as they'll likely get less that way.
  3. Anyone can give me details of RoF campaing?

    Maybe in a year or so there will be some kind of comprhensive package that will be attractive to those of us who aren't diehard WWI fans. I'd pay $50 as long as it had at least 9 planes (3 from each major nation), good campaigns, good MP, and good single missions. The always-on net connect I'm not crazy about, but I have Steam already so I can live with it. I didn't go with iRacing either for the same reason...I want a product that is full-featured, not "a couple of features done REALLY well."
  4. Logitech's Flight System G940

    I really can't wait for this to come out and get a good batch of reviews so I can decide what to do. My Cougar isn't holding up well and my RCS pedals are closer to 20 years old than 10!
  5. Well that has to be outdated as they don't call it the F/A-22A anymore. However, with under 200 planes I doubt it will get all these specialized abilities. I can see the ground attack role being increased as it has de facto replaced the F-117, including some limited SEAD/DEAD missions against the toughest targets, but it won't be filling any EF-111 shoes.
  6. First Eagles, Over Flanders Fields

    It doesn't matter if you brought up game B or not. The truth is being condescending with a "don't fool yourself thinking that OFF offers anything close to a flight model that can be called remotely realistic" is classic trolling behavior. It adds nothing to the discussion, merely presents your opinion as if it's an undeniable fact (which an opinion by definition cannot be) and both insults anyone who believes different and dares them to prove otherwise (when the very statement indicates no such proof would be accepted). While rabu has made lengthy explanations of why he believes what he does, your entire argument has boiled down to "the FM is wrong" with a single example. Unless you work for a 24 hr opinion network and see no problem with preaching to the choir with unsupported "facts" without proof and insulting those who feel differently, I would suggest you should take a different tactic in your discussion. Oh, and disagreeing and/or pointing out statements made in the past are a far cry from attacks. I've also seen it stated several times that FMs in OFF Phase 3 differ from those in Phase 1 and 2, so if that's true making statements about OFF pre-phase 3 have little bearing on the final product. You can't judge a 2009 car by the 1995 model.
  7. Hi all I'm a Newbie

    286? HA! In my day, we didn't have these fancy x86 instruction sets! We had Pong with 2 knobs plugged into our TV and we liked it!!!
  8. Far Cry 2

    I played it on release, which I think was only up to 1.02 by the time I finished it, but it never did that to me. It would hit with the sound and blurriness, then the little pills icon would show up in the lower left until I took the pills. When I did, it stopped and went away. Every time. As has been commented elsewhere around the net, the whole malaria thing makes for a good story but totally fails as implemented in the game. All it does is annoy you really. The most it contributes is the few missions you have to do to be given more pills. Sucks if it's broken in 1.03.
  9. Of course AEP predates Vista by a good amount, so I'm wondering if there's some detection routine in AEP's installer that's getting confused. Have you tried running the AEP setup in XP compatiblity mode?
  10. Penguins...

    Madagascar (and 2) aren't Pixar films.
  11. Strange aircraft sightings

    The funny thing is we carry the much larger STS orbiter on the back of a much smaller 747. I think the 225 was overkill for the Buran. A modified 124 should have been able to do it.
  12. Having 4 planes is more than 2x better than just 2. At least it gives some choice.
  13. I never had that problem way back when I got AEP. Did you install FB into the default directory, or did you change it?
  14. Oscar Mayer dead at 95

    My guardian angel has a first name. It's O S C A R. My guardian angel has a 2nd name. It's M A Y E R.
  15. I smell bulls**t

    I forgot who once said "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story"...
  16. The War In Israel

    Quick, someone pull up a thread criticizing Clinton about that Lewinsky thing...
  17. Tor-M2E 58 photo's

    Interesting that it's on wheels. Other than the SA-8, I seem to recall most mobile units are on tracks.
  18. It's a good practice that all TW sim vets have been doing for years now. Especially as TK's patches tend to wipe out certain things breaking installed mods, it's best to patch the "clean" version and then copy the mods back in.
  19. AA3 is out today

    I skipped BF2 for that reason as well as others. However, skipping past the argument about "unlocking" weapons or equipment, the argument for unlocking the ability to play coop can't be made. I do not like playing adversarial. I quit playing that stuff 5 years ago when the online gaming community became a paradise for cheaters and teens with no life that play JUST THAT GAME for 80 hrs a week. I like coop, like L4D or Serious Sam or many others, where you work WITH other people (that you know, no public servers for me ever) against the AI. I'm not going to play hours and hours of adversarial just to be allowed to play coop. That's just stupid.
  20. Startrek Online Screenshots

    I wish everyone would stop playing MMOs so the devs would stop making them and go back to making REAL games.
  21. The War In Israel

    This thread is 3 years old.
  22. Help

    Since he was Belgian, you could've named him Smurf!
  23. RAAF Super Bug!

    I don't know, I kind of doubt that...based on the Rafale's track record so far!
  24. CFS3 for $9.99... is it worth it?

    Not going to argue about that!
  25. CFS3 for $9.99... is it worth it?

    CFS3 is a DX7 title, not 8, and the water reflects that. It's the old style "moving textures to simulate water" type. It's an old engine that was updated for the latest versions of MSFS but the CFS series was cancelled so it never got them. As a result, CFS3 has always lagged behind Il-2, LOMAC, and others in the graphical department. Even the TK sims at release were superior, although the terrain detail is much better in the bigger-budgeted CFS3 as far as cities and things and units moving around on the ground go. It definitely feels dated in many ways when you play it, but if you can see past it there is fun to be had. There are also more WWII planes you can fly there that you can't anywhere else. There are a lot of older WWII birds for the TK sims, but most are out of sync with current patches. Il-2 has a lot of flyable planes, but there are many that are either nonflyable (at least before the modding started) or nonexistent. CFS3 let you DL them from avhistory or other sites and fly and fight in them all day.

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