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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. What does it feel like to be shot?

    My guess is being shot by a .22 and being shot by a .50 would feel very different!
  2. Has anyone vacationed in Branson, Mo?

    I don't know, but if I had to pick 10 places in the US I'd like to take a vacation in, I'm pretty sure no where in MO would be on the list. If you want to do the log cabin thing, try either the Rocky or Smoky Mountains. Done both (Colorado, Georgia, NC) and I enjoyed them all.
  3. Indian AF An-32 crashes

    They stopped An-32 production, didn't they? How old on average is the fleet?
  4. While the carrier may look huge on the outside, having an entire base's worth of personnel onboard means it's very SMALL on the inside.
  5. The Knowledge Base is for Thirdwire sims, not Il-2, so disregard. Anyway, you need to set your terrain in-game to the highest setting it can go...perfect I think? Then you go to the conf.ini file and adjust the water= line to 2, 3, or 4. That's for XP anyway, I'm not sure if Vista is different.
  6. Logitech's Flight System G940

    Have you read about that new Porsche 911 Fantec wheel? It will be PC and Xbox and PS3 compatible. It's also I think $200 for the just the wheel, $350 for a setup including plastic pedals, or $500 to get metal pedals!
  7. Looking at getting a new laptop

    I guess it depends on how much you're willing to spend. It's hard to spend under $1000 and not have an Intel video chip for starters. Even then, something like an nvidia 9200M isn't much better. I spent $1500 on my Dell XPS laptop and it runs games "ok" thanks to a 2.4GHZ C2D and an 8600GT video chip.
  8. The weapons used on Japan in 1945 were very weak compared to what was developed in the following decades. Just because the first rifle was highly inaccurate with low muzzle velocity and likely wouldn't penetrate a heavy leather jacket at 500 yds doesn't mean "all rifles are ineffective weapons."
  9. It's alive...it's alive...IT'S ALIVE!!!
  10. RIP, David Carradine

    Very surprising.
  11. Hey Typhoid

    They're not the base owner, though, the 920th is just a tennant. The base is AFPSC, 45th SW.
  12. Anti-aliasing broken at high resolution

    It was probably a screw up in the video driver. I've had similar (but not exactly) things happen in the past.
  13. The answer

    All of the above
  14. MP3 players?

    I have tons of them from various locations over the years. You'd be surprised how many GB I found "lying around" on PCs on the base!
  15. Hey Typhoid

    A tailhook on a 747? Wouldn't that result in something like this??
  16. [sagan] We have members with literally BILLIONS and BILLIONS of bytes for their TW sims... [/sagan]
  17. MP3 players?

    Well I have a Creative Zen that will play WMAs without conversion so
  18. Delta Force

    LOL, you've just described OFP and ArmA to a T. Team tactics are all there are. Nothing like having a squad backed up by a couple of Humvees and Strykers running into a T-72 and BRDM with a bunch of patrols coming at you...
  19. Hey Typhoid

    When I started here 7 years ago it wasn't either. It only stopped off here maybe half a dozen times max 2+ yrs back before the runway debacle meant no plane needing a runway longer than 2500 ft or so (our crosswind runway which is still ok) could land here.
  20. Every plane is different, really. If you search the net for pics of the old TM FCS/FCS Pro sticks, that's what the F-4's stick looked like. The TM FLCS/Cougar look like the F-16's. I believe the main hat was usually trim, with the thumb control on the throttle to move the cursor on the various MFDs. The big pinky paddle on the stick is usually NWS engage/disengage IIRC. I have it programmed differently for every sim as well, so I don't stick to "real" very often myself!
  21. Anyone here a physics buff?

    Yeah, that's why I had a minor in math, just to keep up with the physics major. Some of the other kids decided to go for broke and take the 4 extra math classes to get a double major, but I just never liked the "pure" math classes much. Vectors and matrices, egads! Multiple derivatives!
  22. Hey Typhoid

    Patrick. Home of marina, golf course, BX, clinic, and beaches. Oh, there's a couple C-130s and HH-60s here, too, but they're not that important.
  23. Logitech's Flight System G940

    So for the same price as a CH or Cougar setup, you get rudder pedals included, albeit with fewer buttons/hats. Interesting.
  24. Yes, at that point it became the Nude Atoll.
  25. Falcon 4 Allied Force Anti-Aliasing bug!

    I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you talking about a way of temp disabling FSAA while in the menus and then having it reactivate when you get in the cockpit? I could easily run the game with no FSAA at all, but stuff looks ugly without it!

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