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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. Post-war Me 262 development

    There had to have been a reason the Germans were heading to the P.1101 design, and that the others all followed post-war. I don't know what it was, but considering the 262 and others like the Ar235 were proven in combat, it must have been compelling to make everyone copy the 1101 for planes on both sides of the curtain in US, France, Russia (multiple bureaus)...
  2. City of Mosul falls to al Qaeda, 2 more cities fall

    If only we'd had the good sense to stay out of Iraq like we have in so many other areas around the world like Sudan, Syria, etc. There was literally no more reason to go there than there would be to go to any of a dozen other places, but no one beat the drum for them like they did Iraq. Afghanistan made sense at least, but that was doomed to fail. Afghanistan will only ever be ruled from within, and as long as those within support theocratic anarchy it will forever be a cesspool.
  3. New video posted at Jet Thunder

    It's obvious the project wasn't restarted, I guess they just stopped working on it for a long time?
  4. BMS redflag V5.0

    After 15 years of continuous development with source code access, it's not too surprising.
  5. That's a 3rd party. It's not ED. It was done because the originator (who since broke off from the group he started!) already had done a flyable MiG-21 mod for FC2 before. It was supposed to be a low-risk migration of that to DCS World, instead it seems everything was redone from scratch over the last 2 years. The entire idea of DCS World was ED opening it up to other groups to make planes they wanted to build, no "vision" required. You can question the P-51, because ED did that one, but that's it.
  6. T-50 catches fire

    I guess no one remembers the loss of the YF-22 prototype on landing?
  7. Nope, I'm not surprised at all. So much for Oleg's involvement, must've been no more than occasional emails.
  8. EDGE news develop

    Hmmm. So $16 for the full BS2? I want to get it to eliminate the hassle of having the upgrade version, but I was hoping for a little less. I guess I'll wait for now, if I don't have to reinstall it's a non-issue.
  9. Very good news my friends

    I honestly never doubted you would beat it. It never had a chance.
  10. DCS F-86

    It's a modern combat aircraft. Things have progressed so that the pilot can dedicate time to the combat and not the flying. Because when you're dodging AAA, SAMs, and enemy aircraft, manifold pressure is the furthest thing from your mind. Now it's usually the enemy who kills the pilot, not the plane because the pilot didn't notice that gauge X went beyond value Y.
  11. Message received by Il from Su: "thanks for making our Grach look lovely in comparison!"
  12. The Edge Of Tommorrow

    "Join Duty!"
  13. EDGE news develop

    There are other maps in development by others who are waiting for EDGE's release to come out, or at least to progress to a point where their release will be practical. ED itself is only doing Nevada right now (that they've announced), but Normandy at a minimum is in the works.
  14. That's not the point. The point is that once you hang it on a regular-sized pylon you lose most of the stealth advantage of just having stores on pylons under the wing in the first place. So it becomes pointless. The only place you can practically do a stealthy external stores pod on a fighter-sized aircraft is on the fuselage, either underneath as this example or on the sides like the Silent Eagle proposal. Under the wings you either mess up your aero or the stealth.
  15. Cobra AH 1 ?

    There is no place for egos in our modding community. So those who had them have hidden behind walls of their own design.
  16. The Edge Of Tommorrow

    I'll be renting it later this year.
  17. That's so small it's effectively not a pylon. Transpose that to underneath the wing and look at how much clearance it would have. That pylon is shorter than his forearm!
  18. Too late. http://www.cnn.com/2014/06/01/showbiz/justin-bieber-racist-joke/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  19. Inconvenience is a bit of an understatement, but I know they've experienced even more inconvenience, so I'm not too put out. As long as I can get into my backer page, that is. I've not logged into Indiegogo in a long time.
  20. The pod is mounted conformally underneath the fuselage, but you can't do that on a wing. It would have to be pylon mounted, and that could create extra drag at a minimum and also non-stealthy interfaces.
  21. You should say "I don't want to be on Putin's guard detail" next and see what happens...
  22. Free Battlefield 3

    Finally a price I was willing to pay for BF3.
  23. New Aircraft simulator

    Wasn't this the game I just saw rated as one of the most awful games ever?
  24. François Pignon

    That actor also played the head of the FSB in Sum of All Fears, so he gets around.
  25. DCS: F-86F Saber

    That may take a lot longer.

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